Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 2 Li Family

Li Mutian woke up suddenly, staring at the dilapidated roof of his house with his eyes open, a little glow showing through the darkness.

There was a small hole in the roof a few days ago, and Li Mutian didn't have time to repair it. He didn't sleep well for three days. Looking at the woman sleeping soundly next to him, Li Mutian sighed deeply.

"Woman, I don't know what is good or bad. A few days ago, those high-flying immortals were flying around in Dali Mountain like crazy, eager to scratch the ground. Everyone was trembling in shock, and they knelt down every time a stream of light flew past. kowtow……"

Li Mutian frowned, and his heart was full of worries. The small villages living at the foot of the Dali Mountains had always been carefree, but these days they were on tenterhooks and everyone was in danger.

"The road in the deep mountains is narrow, and the court can't control it, so we don't care about it. But when this immortal fights, a magic spell can kill not even a single dog in Lijing Village."

Li Mutian turned over and couldn't sleep anymore. He stood up and looked out the window at the thick night.

"The melon seeds are getting bigger day by day, and I can eat more after each meal. I'll go to the Meichi River tomorrow to get some river fish and crabs."

"It's fate to be beaten to death by immortal magic one day. The Li family has been farming for more than two hundred years. Mom can't move and dad can't move." Li Mutian lowered his eyebrows and shook his head, turned his hands behind his back and went out.

The big yellow dog outside the door was still eating and sleeping, and Li Mutian walked slowly in the early morning mist, looking at Lijing Village waking up from sleep, with roosters crowing, dogs barking, and cooking smoke curling up.

"Hey Xiang Ping -" Li Mutian called at the top of his voice to the house. There was a clang in the room. As soon as the door opened, a half-year-old child rushed out with a chirp.

"Dad!" Li Xiangping had pretty features and cunning eyes, looking up at Li Mutian.

"What are you doing today?"

"Go to the Meichi River to get some river fish and crabs."

Li Mutian waved his hand:

"I don't have much work to do today. Go and prepare something delicious for your mother."


Li Xiangping nodded excitedly, picked up the rope basket and the long fork and ran away in one breath.

Li Mutian laughed loudly and went to the fields.


The Meichi River is shallow and wide, with large tidal flats and reeds on its banks. There is no need to feed the geese and ducks raised by dozens and hundreds in the village. They are released early in the morning and all go to the river.

Later in the evening, a man walked to the river and called out. The geese and ducks were all well-raised, and they were accustomed to hearing the sound, and they all followed him home.

When Li Xiangping arrived, the geese and ducks had not been released. The Meichi River was empty. Two small rafts were swinging on the shore. He rolled up his trouser legs and sleeves, knelt down in the mud, groped blindly in front of him with his hands, and looked intently into the river. Look, I saw a green tail.

"Good fish."

Li Xiangping pressed down hard and stabbed hard while holding his breath. With a tightening of his right hand, Qingwei had already grasped Qingwei's cheek and lifted it up.


Li Xiangping laughed a few times and threw the fish into the basket. The fish in the Meichi River were definitely not that stupid. The green tail was most likely a wild fish that came down from the upper reaches, so he let the child pick it up. Big bargain.

Looking at the soles of his feet, Li Xiangping seemed to have doubts in his expression. There seemed to be a spot on the bottom of the water that was too smooth, with a faint silvery light.

Just when he was about to hold his breath and take another plunge to find out, a loud cry sounded from the shore:

"Brother Xiang Ping!"

Li Xiangping subconsciously hid the basket behind him, looked towards the shore, and saw a child of about ten years old emerging from the reeds.

"Brother Ye, come and let the ducks go..."


Cousin Li Yesheng nodded obediently and said with a smile:

"I heard a strange thing early in the morning. A huge stag was bitten by a snake and died at the entrance of the village. The horn was as big as a desk case. It was so scary."

Li Xiangping listened to his gossip, he just breathed a sigh of relief and handed the basket forward.

"Look at this Qingwei, he caught it with his bare hands."

"What a fish!" Li Yesheng looked down at the basket and smiled enviously.

Li Yesheng's father has been bedridden for many years, and his eldest brother is idle and often has no choice but to go to his uncle Li Mutian's house to beg for food. His cousin Li Xiangping always visits him as his younger brother.

After chatting for a while, Li Yesheng shook his head and said: "Okay, brother, I'm going back to look at the ducks. If there are two missing, my brother will kill me."

"Go! Go! Go."

Li Xiangping was also anxious to see what was at the bottom of the river and hurriedly drove people away.


As soon as he walked away, Li Xiangping held his breath and dived to the bottom of the river. He went back and forth and felt for him, and he actually felt a round object for him.


Li Xiangping wiped his face and looked at the things in his hand.

This thing is about the size of a palm, with a small blue-gray round plate in the center and a small circle of dark iron-like edges around it. There is nothing unusual about it.

The front was broken into seven or eight pieces, but it didn't fall apart against the edge of the hoop. However, there was a rather weird symbol painted on the back. Li Xiangping looked at it for a long time and couldn't figure out what it looked like.

"It's a bit like my aunt's jianzi." Li Xiangping's aunt's family has the largest field, and she is the only one who can afford to use the jianzi. Normally, village girls can take pictures with water. When my aunt got the jianzi, my mother took Li Xiangping to see it. It was indeed more convenient than water.

But the sword in his hand was too blurry, and he couldn't see anything in the fog. Li Xiangping shook his head regretfully, threw the thing into the basket, and turned around to continue catching fish.


Lu Jiangxian had been in the water for less than half a month. Starting from the third day, the moonlight aura had stagnated and stopped increasing. He worked hard for another week, but the result was that there was no progress at all. He could do nothing but let himself shine. No.

In the early morning, he was staring at the big herring next to him in a daze. One big hand directly pushed the fish into the mud. The surroundings were shaken. One hand grabbed the gills and lifted the herring away.

Lu Jiangxian was still in the complicated emotions of meeting a stranger for the first time, when he saw a big hand picking up the main body.

Seeing a rather handsome face, Lu Jiangxian was a little nervous for a moment, then saw the other person chirping a few words, then threw him into the basket with his backhand, and stared at Qingwei with big eyes.

In an instant, Lu Jiangxian also realized a serious problem. He could hear it, but he might not be able to understand it.

The pronunciation of Fang Shuitu is a bit like the dialect of the Fujian and Zhejiang areas in his previous life. He really can't understand it at all. This means that if he can pronounce it, the other party will not understand him at all, which will greatly hinder his integration into this world.

Seeing the small fish being thrown into the basket, Lu Jiangxian concentrated his energy and calmed his nerves to detect the surrounding situation.

Seeing the boy carefully raising the wooden fork, Lu Jiangxian let out a sigh. From this perspective, he could vaguely detect the boy's psychological activities, and his attention was probably focused on which fish at the bottom of the river.

With the help of the detection perspective, the boy would mutter to himself every time he caught a fish. It didn't take long for Lu Jiangxian to master the specific pronunciations of the numbers 3 to 6 and different types of fish.

"Let's take a step and see."

Seeing the boy get up and leave, Lu Jiangxian sighed. This child looked like a farmer's child, so he should give this bronze-like object to his parents first.

Get in touch with more people, see if you can slowly learn the dialect of this land and water, and find a way to increase the power of Yuehua while protecting yourself.

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