Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 1 First time

Lu Jiangxian had a long, long dream, dreaming about planting rice in the fields, dreaming about the light of swords, dreaming about the Immortal Sect, women, and the big lake.

"Hand over the "Taiyin Breathing and Qi Training Technique" and "Yuehua Minutes and Secrets", and we can only abolish your cultivation."

A sweet and cold female voice sounded in his ears, and Lu Jiangxian vaguely saw a hazy face, but could not see anything clearly.


The violent shaking suddenly woke Lu Jiangxian up.

Weird colors appeared in his mind. Lu Jiangxian wanted to open his eyes and get up, but his body was like a ghost pressing down on the bed, ignoring his instructions.

At this time, a brilliant white light cut through the dense darkness in front of him. Although the darkness kept coming like a tide, the pillar of light always stood, like the sun, eternal.

Dense golden mantras burst out from it, stretching out in the darkness and filling the sky like stars.

"So beautiful." Lu Jiangxian thought blankly

As the number of spells increased, it seemed that he had reached a certain limit, and he heard a clicking sound like glass breaking.

The world is bright.

Lu Jiangxian saw a sky as bright as the sea, a dense and boundless virgin forest, and not far away a crescent-shaped small lake. In that direction, a white stream fell into the sparkling small lake.

Below is a small hut with a roof made of straw and a patch of rice fields.

From the violently rolling perspective, he was like a light bird flying over the small brown villages and fireworks, and passing over the clear river.

With a startling glance, Lu Jiangxian saw his own reflection in the river.

"It seems to be a round, sparkling thing." Lu Jiangxian thought in confusion, and a vague omen emerged in his mind:

"I'm no longer a human being?"

"Crash!" Violent shaking struck again, and Lu Jiangxian quickly sank into the water. The river was too shallow to absorb all the impact, so he gently knocked on the bluestone at the bottom of the river.

Such a blow made Lu Jiangxian feel as if someone had punched him in the chest, and he felt a little tight and short of breath. However, with the help of the turbulent river water and the recoil of the impact, his body turned over steadily and turned right side up. Facing the sun rippling on the river.

"Didn't I stay up late in the rental house to change the plan?"

Lu Jiangxian silently looked at the sun on the river. The water waves were flowing rapidly, causing the light patterns on the bottom of the water to twist continuously.

Silently recalling the past in his memory, Lu Jiangxian suffered from a headache. He only remembered that he collapsed on the bed exhausted, with the smoke and neon lights in the rental house passing by his side.

I opened a bottle of beer and sat in front of the dimly lit computer desk. As the dizziness rose, my heart beat rapidly and my breathing became increasingly difficult.

"I seem... to have died?"

"It's good this way. You don't have to worry about the future or your life."

Perhaps he had suppressed it for too long, but such thoughts suddenly appeared in Lu Jiangxian's mind, and he even felt a little excited.

After observing the surroundings, I saw the dark green treetops with hanging aerial roots above my head, the nimble fish swimming quickly across the surface from time to time, and the faint sound of splashing water.

Lu Jiangxian sighed:

"It's just that if this continues, I'll get bored to the point of going crazy."

So he stared blankly at the sun slowly sliding down from above his head. The brilliant sunset filled the sky and the water under the treetops dimmed little by little.

During this period, two fish patrolled around him curiously, and a crab even tried to turn him over.

Until the moon moved over the treetops, and the clear moonlight floated softly on the river, Lu Jiangxian was pleasantly surprised to feel a cool breath seeping into the bottom of the river, bringing a vague sense of comfort.

Seeing the moonlight gathering above his body little by little, forming a pale white moon halo as if it came alive, Lu Jiangxian was shocked and his mood changed completely:

"What is this, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon? Are there really immortals, miraculous powers, monsters, ghosts and gods in this world?" He thought in shock, "What have I become, a weapon spirit?"

A sense of curiosity and joy arose deep in Lu Jiangxian's heart, and the halo of the moon seemed to have accumulated enough power to fall on him.

He felt a chill all over his body and fell into a kind of meditation that seemed to be sleep but not sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the air flow became thinner and thinner. Lu Jiangxian suddenly woke up. The crescent moon had faded from the sky, the sun jumped out of the treetops, and the warm morning light spread on the river.

"So fast."

Lu Jiangxian couldn't help but feel happy. After feeling it carefully, he found that there was indeed a faint air current lingering in his body, moving in a circular motion around the round edge of his body.

Even when Lu Jiangxian was so focused, he could still vaguely see a gray-blue mirror lying quietly at the bottom of the river, covered with stones of various colors, and a few swimming fish looking for food at the bottom of the river.

The river crab was digging in the soil. The range that can be seen is about one meter from the whole body, which is not very clear, like the thick-headed TV that I watched when I was a child.

"This is who I am now." Lu Jiangxian smiled bitterly, and then he deliberately controlled the airflow to stop in the center of the mirror, and the gray-green mirror emits a trace of light.

"Other than glowing, I haven't found any use."

"First swallow the moonlight carefully, maybe there will be a qualitative change." He secretly planned: "I don't know the material of the mirror, and I don't know how the outside world views intelligent artifacts, but don't be discovered by any immortal cultivator who has casually wiped out his intelligence. .”

The white bird observes neutrality and paints a boat traveling in the sky

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