The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 24 Even this boss can’t do it

On the next day, Lin Tailai, the leader of the fish market group of Anletang in Wu County, Suzhou Prefecture of the Ming Dynasty and the organizer of the Yidu branch, embarked on a new journey with the two civil and military officials holding whips to protect the Dharma.

Still taking the old route, we took a boat along the Xu River and got off the boat outside Xumen.

Standing on the shore, Lin Tailai's eyes were immediately attracted to the courtyard not far away.

This compound is backed by a moat and covers a large area. Because the long courtyard wall blocks the view, it is difficult to see what is inside.

But people outside can see that there is a three-story high building in the courtyard, rising from the ground, overlooking Nanhao Street and the scenery of the Xujiang River.

Dr. Lin exclaimed spontaneously: "It controls Xumen and controls Xujiang River. It controls Nanhao and reaches Shangtang. This place is so good! If it can be used as the address of the hall, it will be perfect!"

The attendants, the Zhang brothers, looked up and were speechless. "Sit down and wake up! That's Gusu Station!"

This may be the most magnificent official post house in Jiangnan, and it was newly built in recent years.

Ordinary low-level officials passing by to do business are not qualified to live here. In terms of status, it is similar to the high-end guest house of local officials hundreds of years later.

The first location that Dr. Lin chose was very unrealistic. He could only take his two younger brothers and continue to wander around Nanhao Street, looking for a suitable location for the entrance.

Dr. Lin stood out from the crowd, his features were so obvious that passers-by immediately recognized him as the man who had beaten three famous prostitutes from Xumen to Changmen yesterday.

Then he remembered that the school secretary's office had issued a reward yesterday.

Two hours later, Lin Tailai and his two younger brothers were sitting at the tea stall, drinking tea to quench their thirst.

A dozen more professional gangsters appeared on the street, holding sticks and standing outside the tea stall.

A leader holding an eyebrow-high stick said: "That man! You dared to show up after hurting someone yesterday! Come with us to the school office!"

Dr. Lin glanced contemptuously and shouted: "Get out!"

The dozen or so stickmen immediately surrounded them, and they were obviously ready to take someone.

Lin Tailai skillfully stretched out his hands, and the Zhang brothers quickly opened the cloth bag in their arms, took out the iron whips, and handed them to Lin Tailai's hands, one on the left and the other on the right.

Most people will be surprised when they see two bamboo whips. In most people's minds, this is a weapon only used in novels.

So the passers-by, who were not too concerned about the excitement, became excited. There was another good show to watch today. That's the great thing about the Metropolis. There are a lot of tidbits!

With a casual smile on his face, Dr. Lin strode out of the tea stall with an iron whip in hand, while the stickman on the opposite side also came closer step by step.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, gradually approaching the weapon attack range, and the atmosphere has become tense to the extreme!

Even the passers-by who were watching from a distance held their breath.

The leader of the sticks planned to take advantage of the longer weapon to strike first, so he slowly raised the eyebrow-level stick and started to accumulate power!

As long as this giant man enters the attack range, he will poke out like a violent storm!

Dr. Lin raised his iron whip and shouted with unparalleled strength and astonishing momentum: "I am Lin Tailai, the clerk of the county government's grain department, who dares to touch me!"

The stickmen holding sticks: "."

Although the book writer is a temporary worker, who knows who is behind the temporary worker?

Besides, the food department of the county government is the most important department and has great power. It is definitely not easy to be a clerk in the food department.

Dr. Lin walked up to the gang leader aggressively and launched an attack by spitting on his face.

"I'm here on an errand today, and you dare to gather a crowd in the street to stop the official errands from doing their errands. Are you just too brave, or are you tired of hanging yourself?"

The leader of the gang was still holding the eyebrow-raising stick, and the enemy had also entered the attack range, but the eyebrow-raising stick could not fall down.

Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu. Lin, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, looks like a strong man, but when he gets into a fight, he comes out as an official. It's a bit too ungrateful!

Lin Tailai was caught off guard, and suddenly swung his whip with great force, hitting the leader of the gang directly on the shoulder blade.

The leader screamed, and the eyebrow-level stick fell from his hand. Before he could react, he was kicked to the ground by Dr. Lin's 1.2-meter-long legs.

Seeing the leader being beaten, the gangsters glared at Lin Tailai and were about to move in anger.

Lin Tailai, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, stepped on the leader's face, raised his iron whip and pointed it at the gangsters, shouting arrogantly: "What are you looking at! Have you ever seen an official beating someone? If you are brave enough to come up and gather a crowd to beat an official, you are jailed." Enough food!”

After a confrontation for a while, Dr. Lin handed the iron whip to the two younger brothers, and then walked away with the leader of the stick. For a while, no one dared to stop him.

The whole process was beyond the expectations of all passers-by.

What also confuses passers-by is whether this strong man is a calligrapher or a government official responsible for physics work?

On the boat back to Hengtang Town, the Zhang brothers could only express their admiration and said: "Sitting in the palace is so powerful! It's like taking the head of a general among thousands of troops!"

While splashing the gang leader's face with river water, Dr. Lin earnestly educated his younger brother: "I despise those rough guys who fight and kill the most. You must be like me and know how to eat brains. Only in this way can you last forever! You all should learn from this." Stay tuned!”

Brothers Zhang Jiawen and Wu looked at the iron whip in their hands and didn't know where to start.

On Nanhao Street, the gangsters who were moved by the calligrapher named Lin immediately went to the school calligraphy office in Shangtang to report.

Although they lost the leader, although they did not capture the target person, although they could not teach the target person a lesson, they at least knew the origin of the other person's name, and they were worthy of the wages paid by the big water pipe.

The general manager of the school book office is named Xu, and his surname is Yuanjing. He is indeed from the Xu family in Huqiu.

The ancestors of the Xu family have always been engaged in business. Although they are rich, they cannot be called expensive.

These two generations have truly developed. The family has produced two Jinshi, and they have been upgraded to the eunuch clan.

"The other party is the clerk of the county government's grain department?" Manager Xu asked, "So you don't dare to arrest someone without permission?"

All the stickmen nodded together, "The other party has a background in the county government. We are afraid that it will be difficult for you, Mr. Xu, so we are cautious to stay put for the time being and report back first."

"Bah! What's so difficult for the county government to do!" Mr. Xu cursed. Suddenly he remembered something and asked, "Which county government does he belong to?"

All the stickmen: "."

Suzhou City is divided into two counties, so there are two county governments, Wu County and Changzhou County.

The man surnamed Lin did not say which county he was from. They were converted at the time and did not dare to ask any more questions.

"A bunch of idiots who are freeloaders!" Mr. Xu couldn't get out of his anger, and then he judged: "Since they are operating in Nanhao, they are probably from Wu County!"

So Manager Xu got up and went into the city, heading to the Wuxian County Government Office.

After arriving at the county government office, he went to the ceremonial office in charge of the entertainment industry and asked Secretary Han from that ceremonial office for an explanation.

At this time, Zhang Tingyan from the grain department was looking through the money and grain atlas, wondering where to get more.

The biggest task in the first half of this year is to collect last year’s tax arrears. The bosses in the county were so anxious about performance appraisals that they had issued a death order, and the grain department was under great pressure.

Don't underestimate the albums in the hands of grain books. These are the private treasures of grain officials. Adding one stroke or subtracting one stroke may cause a family to go to heaven or to earth.

Suddenly, I saw Secretary Han from the ceremonial room come in and said angrily: "You have gone too far in the food department!"

Zhang Liangshu is very puzzled. You are a marginal department official and an official who can't even fart. Who gave you the courage to make such a fuss in the important place of the grain department?

Because of the dignity of his colleagues, Zhang Liangshu patiently asked, "Brother Han, why is this happening?"

Secretary Han said angrily: "Does your food department have a book writer named Lin Tailai? He is unscrupulous and lawless! The head of the school book office came to me to complain!"

"What a bastard!" Zhang Liangshu was furious.

The mission for you, Lin Tailai, is to immediately go to Yidu to plant a flag and act as cannon fodder to contain the Shen family!

And you, Lin Tailai, have been fighting and killing in Nanhao for the past two days, entangled with the ladies in the entertainment field. Have you forgotten your duty?

Young people who don’t know the heights of heaven and earth should be taught a lesson!

That night, while Dr. Lin was eating fish, a yamen servant, who was also unemployed, suddenly came to send a message, saying that Zhang Liangshu asked him to go to the school secretary office tomorrow to apologize.

Lin Tailai asked in surprise: "Will Mr. Zhang go?"

The unofficial yamen officer replied: "Mr. Zhang said you should go alone."

Whether the boss goes or not, there are two attitudes.

Dr. Lin lamented over and over again about this, the world is really in decline, people's hearts are not as old as they used to be, and he is another boss who can't take care of his younger brother.

Don’t these bosses now know how to write the word loyalty?

But Lin Tailai is not afraid. As long as he is still valuable, Zhang Liangshu will not really give up on him.

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