The Ming Dynasty's Spokesperson

Chapter 23 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

As the leader of the three leaders, Xu Dasheng is also a supporter. Immediately, two other leaders jumped up and shouted at Lin Tailai: "Boy Lin, how dare you disrespect your elders!"

Lin Tailai sneered and said, "Could it be that you want to take advantage of the large number of people?"

Then he stood up and shouted toward the door: "Whip him!"

Then they saw one of the Zhang brothers holding a bamboo-jointed iron whip appearing outside the threshold and peering into the room.

Facing the attention of the club leaders, the Zhang brothers were a little uneasy. They wanted to show their faces, but they didn't want to show their faces like this.

After he handed the iron whip to Lin Zuoguan, did the two of them run away first as a sign of respect? This way, it will not be a drag on sitting in the hall, and it will help the sitting hall to focus on exerting its combat effectiveness.

When everyone in the hall saw the two legendary iron whips, their expressions changed somewhat. These were weapons that could torture more than a dozen people at once.

Logically speaking, young people should be taught a lesson for being so disrespectful. Besides, the atmosphere has reached this point, and it is unjustifiable not to fight.

But the reality is, can the combined number of their leaders be enough to fight?

When everyone was a little bit stuck, the hall leader Lu Yibin said: "If you still think of me as the hall master, please sit down for me!"

When the leaders who were dissatisfied with Lin Tailai heard the hall master's words, they all sat down to show their respect for the hall master.

Then Hall Master Lu said to the other leaders: "No need to say more, let Mr. Lin open a branch hall. Everything else remains unchanged! This is my decision!"

The branch hall is semi-independent from the outside. If something serious happens, it will be cut off directly.

Song Quan, the second leader, tried to smooth things over by saying, "When you open a branch hall, you must have a name. Why not let nephew Lin Xian worship the master of the hall as his adoptive father."

"No!" Hall Master Lu and Lin Tailai said in unison.

Everyone knew that Lin Tailai was unwilling. After all, he had already refused twice.

But no one expected that Hall Master Lu would be unwilling today.

So everyone speculated whether it was Xiao Fengxian's name that made Hall Master Lu feel resentful deep in his heart?

"This concludes tonight's discussion!" Hall Master Lu waved his hand impatiently and announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Dr. Lin, who was closest to the door, was the first to stand up and walk out. He was not sloppy at all, and he had the demeanor of a new generation of young people in the workplace.

The other leaders looked at Lin Tailai's back with deep emotion in their hearts.

It’s not that they don’t understand, it’s that the world is changing so fast that today’s young people are incomprehensible!

It has only been half a month since I went to negotiate with He Yi Tang, and a young man dared to stand here and challenge the seniors in the hall.

Most of the people were veterans of the martial arts world, and they could all tell that there was no sense of belonging to the church in Lin.

When I hear about books, there is always a saying that "the back of the head is naturally rebellious", which probably refers to such people.

If Dr. Lin knew what everyone was thinking, he would feel very innocent. As a time traveler, how could he have a sense of belonging?

Coming out of the hall, the Zhang brothers yawned and prepared to go back to sleep.

But Lin Zuoguan waved his hand: "Now the fish market group is discussing, you go and call Old Man Tang!"

Zhang brothers: "."

Before dinner, you said that you hated the sudden announcement of a meeting at night.

It was said to be a discussion, but in fact it was Lin Zuoguan's unilateral announcement that the Anletang Fish Market Group was going to expand into a branch in Yidu!

Next we have to cross the Grand Canal and go to Yau Tsim Mong to plant a flag!

The Yidu area of ​​Wu County is across the river from Hengtang Town. Crossing the Grand Canal to the east is the Yidu area.

If the Yidu area is compared to a square, the four sides are a mountain pond at the top and a Xujiang River at the bottom.

There is the Grand Canal on the left, the Suzhou City Moat (Nanhao Street) on the right, and Yidu in the middle.

Lin Zuoguan issued a steady stream of instructions: "From now on, all fish market fees will stop being handed over, whether they should be handed over to the hall or to the county government, all will be withheld.

It will be used to fully fund the initial start-up of the branch church. I expect to get more than 20 taels a month, but I don’t know if it will be enough. "

There are two tasks to be done in the early stage. One is to recruit people, which Old Man Tang did part-time at the fish market.

The second is to choose the address of the branch hall. Of course, to save money, you can make do with it at the fish market.

But after seeing the prosperity of Suzhou City twice, Dr. Lin's heart became wild.

So he told the three people: "The construction and development of the branch church cannot be separated from the strong support of the county government, so in principle it must be close to the county government.

Besides, the branch church must be located in a good place so that it can better absorb fresh power.

I think Nanhao is pretty good. You can reach the county government office just past Xumen, and geographically speaking, Nanhao can also be regarded as an area of ​​Yidu. "

Old Man Tang said worriedly: "Nanhao is a place where dignitaries and businessmen gather, and the rent is very expensive."

Old man Tang was mainly worried. He was sitting in a hot-headed mood, dreaming of going to Nanhao to conquer territory, and started talking nonsense again.

A top business district like Nanhao can be called a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Various forces are intertwined and it is difficult for outsiders to intervene.

Many clubs in big industries or big business gangs have the support of unexpectedly powerful people behind them.

As for societies like their Anletang, they are mainly focused on rural money and food. They are two different concepts from the club power in the business district, and they are not professionally compatible.

After hearing what Old Man Tang said, Dr. Lin was moved and asked: "Does Qin Lou Chu Guan also have an industry office? Is there someone behind the office?"

Old Man Tang: "."

Talking in vain for a long time, sitting in the restaurant thinking about Qinlou, Chuguan, Huajie, Liuxiang? What a foolish lord!

Suppressing his pessimism about the future of the association, Mr. Tang continued to popularize science and said: "Of course there are public offices in this industry, called school book offices! There are also powerful people behind the public offices!"

"How powerful is it?" Dr. Lin felt that he was about to learn new knowledge and quickly continued to ask.

Old Man Tang asked back: "Have you ever heard of the Xu family in Huqiu?"

Lin Tailai replied: "I have only heard that the Wang family of Dongshan, the Wen family of Shihu, the Fan family of Tianpingshan, and the Shen family are the four major families in Wu County."

"Huqiu belongs to Changzhou County among the two counties in Suzhou City!" Old Man Tang said: "The Xu family was originally very rich, but the previous generation and this one both had Jinshi, so they became more and more famous and became a famous family in Suzhou!

The leading figure of the Xu family's generation is named Xu Taishi. He was a Jinshi in the eighth year of Wanli. It was Mr. Shen Ge, the first assistant, who personally helped him pass the exam together with the Jinshi!

Not to mention anything else, the Humble Administrator's Garden and the East Garden, also called the Lingering Garden, are all his property! "

Dr. Lin: "."

Everyone knows that Suzhou has many gardens, but hundreds of years later, only the Humble Administrator's Garden and the Lingering Garden have become 5A-level scenic spots.

Now this man named Xu Taishi owns both the Liuyuan Garden and the Humble Administrator's Garden. It is not too much to call him the king of gardens.

It’s indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Old Man Tang finally said: "This Mr. Xu of Xu Taishi likes sex, and is rich and powerful, but now he is an official in the capital.

The general manager of the Suzhou Teaching Office is the Xu family, but everyone knows that this general manager is actually the agent of Mr. Xu in Xu Taishi. "

After Lin Tailai finished learning the knowledge, he didn't think much and said: "Tomorrow I will take Awen and Awu to Nanhao for on-the-spot investigation to see if we can find a suitable house.

If you can't find it yourself, call someone through the county government office to help you find the place. "

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