Rise of Rurik

Chapter 62 Rurik Needs a Servant

In any case, the whole sneak attack has achieved good results.

Otto made a rough count of the deer in the fences. During the entire attack, the deer enclosure was not damaged in any way, and all the deer were intact.

These deer were all awakened, and they quietly watched the killing of humans, as if they had nothing to do with them.

Deer are deer after all, but a group of captive animals, and now their fate is only to leave the hands of the Sami and become the treasure of the Rus.

But against a herd of 300 deer, can the Rus take good care of them?

Of course not.

According to the rules set by the leader before the action, all personalities should attack first, and those deer must be the final spoils, and only when the battle is over, the leader will distribute them in person.

No one will worry that they will not get any benefits. As usual, the leader acts as the "distributor" and will distribute the treasure fairly according to the ancient tribal rules.

The horrific attack had just ended, and everyone was immediately ready for all the loot.

Especially those deer farmers whose homes were destroyed, those women and children who were temporarily alive, they had no idea how this group of savages would treat themselves.

I'm afraid it will be very tragic!

Otto doesn't intend to be bad to a group of girls because it's not traditional. A true warrior will not attack women and children on the battlefield. If there is such a bad behavior, once the Valkyrie finds out, the soul after death will not be able to go to Valhalla.

But these women and children will traditionally become slaves to the tribe, specifically, to Otto himself.

Otto first ordered a few of his most trusted subordinates, especially the Harozusen: "You send people to drive out all the deer, you must carefully count how many deer there are, and use me to distribute them."

"Boss, maybe you should manage this matter yourself. You put this responsibility on my shoulders. I'm very worried."

"What are you worried about? My brother?! Don't worry, I can trust you. As for me... there are still some things to work out."

Therefore, Otto was only willing to spend the rest of his life guarding his old wife at an age.

There is no concept similar to "concubine" in the traditional upper clan, but a leader can legally have multiple maids.

It is widely known among the clans that the wealthy allied clans of the South, many of which are powerful men, have not only beautiful wives, but many servants. Those servants must unconditionally bear more children to the male master as long as the male master wishes.

In everyone's opinion, this is the best way to make your family "thriving". It is a pity that the Ross tribe is too far north, and there are not many women in its own tribe, not to mention the possibility of maids.

The marriage with Novgorod has just begun, at least this move has begun to ease the marital conflicts within the tribe.

So of course there are many people targeting these female deer breeders, even if they are not young, those middle-aged widows don't mind that much.

Otto guessed that someone had this idea, and this time he was going to be selfish.

Because he is the leader of the tribe!

Otto walked into the huddled captives, and crouched down to observe who they were.

The results are obvious, there are middle-aged women and a group of children.

He asked these people in Norse language, but the other party not only couldn't understand them at all, but also muttered a lot of incomprehensible language.

Otto wanted more information, since the old woman was seriously wounded, and these people were of little value until they learned the Norse language.

Otto could only shake his head helplessly.

At least they are all living people, and it would be more appropriate to be their own servants.

Otto can't think of a lot of things!

"I am also a leader,

I ended up living in a shabby wooden house. I have no real servants, only some women from my clan occasionally come to my house to help out. Compared with the leaders of the allies in the South, am I still shabby at the end of my life? ! Do not! I can't do this! If fate is for my life to be like this, I can only accept it, but my son, he is the next leader, Rurik will be the greatest leader like the prophecy, he can't even have a servant! "

He lost two sons unexpectedly when he was young, and only had his last son when he was over fifty years old.

Otto was very savage to his enemies, and he loved his son deeply.

After a long hunting trip, he felt that his body was getting old and frail. If it wasn't for the strong physique he trained in his youth, he would not have persisted until now. After all, I am old, and my life will come to an end.

Whether his destiny is to go to the temple of Valhalla or enter the underworld, his property must be inherited by his son until then.

These possessions included his own sword "Destroyer", which was cut like iron, and all the silver coins and a small amount of gold coins buried in wooden boxes in the shallow soil, as well as a collection of animal hides and pots and pans. I want to give my son more property, such as some servants.

Do not! Maybe servants should be cultivated from now on.

Otto has already planned to take all the captives as his own. He intends to order the deer breeders to continue raising deer. Of course, all the results of deer raising will also belong to his family. Including all deer breeders, their fate is also under their own control.

Otto had stood up, thinking of this he crouched down again.

He muttered: "Let's choose a suitable servant for Rurik, someone who will take care of him. Well...it must be a woman."

Otto began to scrutinize the captives, especially the children. His rough hands ripped open the child's fur hat, focusing on the girl inside.

To his surprise, all seven of the captive children were girls.

"I thought there would be boys, what's going on?!"

There are hundreds of children in Roseburg, and there are not many girls among them. The reason for this is still the tradition of the Vikings!

After all, nearly half of the people in Roseburg are simply foreigners living here. Although they have settled here, they are essentially allies of Roseburg. The daughters of these people are often engaged to boys from other families when they are twelve years old. In this kind of marriage, whoever has the most chips, the girl will marry.

The families of the Ross clan are generally poorer, so fewer allied clan girls marry in.

Intermarriage within the clan is also difficult to be accepted by everyone. As a result, more girls from the clan marry outside, so that the parents of the girls can get more remuneration.

As the chief of the tribe, Otto was called a rare wise man by the old priest Vilia, who was wise in having a long-term view on many things.

He knew how important it was for boys to practice fighting, because that was the fundamental force that maintained the power of the Ross tribe. He also pays attention to the marital status of tribal men, and even the status of tribal women.

Only more girls can have more mothers, and the new generation of boys in the tribe can have more and more boys, which eventually makes the fighting power of the tribe higher and higher.

The deer breeder girls captured this time are all foreigners, and it would be perfect for them to grow up to be the wives of some tribal boys.

Maybe some people look down on these foreigners, or some people are willing to accept such people as wives.

However, Otto never intended that his son Rurik would marry a deer-herder girl ten years later, and they would be at most a servant.

He pulled the girl's face and chose the most pleasing girl, just because the girl's braids were very interesting.

His deep eyes stared at a pair of sharp eyes, so scared that the girl was overwhelmed, and the whole person was just stunned and trembling.

"It's you." Otto muttered with satisfaction, "regardless of whether you understand me or not. You will be my son's servant in the future. You have to take good care of him, or I will throw you into the sea."

After hearing this, the girl burst into tears on the spot. Of course, she couldn't understand the meaning of the stubborn savage in front of her. In short, the savage had a wolf-like face, and she could easily estimate her own destiny. The deer died tragically on the snowfield!

Look at these savages, who are already robbing their own deer herds, each and everyone shouting incomprehensibly with joy.

By this time, the girl was still worried about how badly her tragic fate would end.

She didn't know yet that she would soon return to the place where her ancestors settled a hundred years ago, and after that, her destiny would depend on another little boy who was much younger than her.

That little boy, he wasn't, didn't plan to be the new savage.

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