Rise of Rurik

Chapter 61 Hot Potatoes

Otto couldn't help but feel a little scared, and Lenovo's entire operation first mobilized what everyone called "a large-scale battle and victory with the deer breeders under the witness of the Valkyrie", and the result turned into a unilateral sneak attack. Among the attackers were a large group of women and children.

This victory is indeed not worthy of praise, but the leader of the deer breeder also issued a curse.

The more he thought about it, the colder Otto felt on his back.

Because the Valkyrie must have seen everything that happened, maybe because of her inability to win, she encountered Odin's resentment, which eventually led to the destruction of Rosberg? !

right! There is such a possibility!

Otherwise how could this dead deer breeder speak our language? !

I'm afraid the Valkyrie is using her mouth to warn me!

As the leader, Otto suddenly became afraid to act rashly.

For example, according to the previous management, when dealing with foreigners, the Rus people of course searched for the spoils, including the leather clothes worn by the deceased, which were also very important treasures.

Forget it this time, all the dead will be buried, and the living will be spared one death.

Although the captives must be used as slaves, in Otto's view, it is reasonable. Considering that the Valkyrie had also given some sort of warning, the life of the captive needed to be guaranteed.

Otto was afraid, worried that one day his Ross tribe would also be destroyed, and he was afraid that his descendants would also die tragically like these expelled deer breeders.

He ordered a large group of his subordinates who were in high spirits ready to split the deer, as well as those who were ready to plot against the captured female deer breeders, ordered them to temporarily abandon all delusions and focus on himself.

Otto had no choice, he had to tell them what he knew.

Because of the beliefs of the tribe and allies, everyone is most worried that they will never be recognized by Valhalla, and everyone's hearts are greatly shocked.

No one would doubt the leader's words, because the leader's series of actions made him completely different.

Does it make sense to bury the dead of these deer breeders, and to guarantee the life of each captive?

Now they both become significant, as Otto interprets them as "commands of the Valkyries".

So the obvious coward was also regarded as a brave man who dared to resist, and was carried into a snow nest and buried in snow.

When everyone was struggling to dig the snow, another group of people brought by Harozov, they were long overdue.

When they saw the scene in front of them, they were both excited and puzzled.

Harozov's men came in a hurry, and even his son Kanuf, whom he insisted on bringing.

"Boss, is it all over?"

"It's over." Otto said flatly.

The atmosphere is so embarrassing!

Harozov asked tentatively: "We have won, no one should have been injured? What about the enemy's situation?"

"What a terrible result."

"Are we... someone died?! What are you doing? It seems to be digging a grave? But the dead should be pulled back."

"It's the corpse of a deer breeder, that's really bad."

"Ah! Some idiot disobeyed your orders?"

"No, it's really hard to say." Taking this opportunity, Otto briefly told Harozov what happened, and he had learned many amazing things.

Even what happened decades ago, Harozov thought it was incredible: "Did we rob Rosberg from the deer breeders a long time ago? I thought we were migrating there freely."

"My brother, what did our ancestors do, the priest's wooden board wrote the story, maybe you should study the script to understand the past there."

"Ah! You spare me, how much meaning does that mean?"

"Meaningful, learning makes people smarter. And also lets me know the details of these deer keepers. It sucks,

Maybe we shouldn't have been here in the first place. "

Harozov already knew the dying curse of an old deer breeder, and he didn't think it made any sense, and what "the Valkyrie's word of warning."

"Leader, don't take it to heart if a dying man is venting his anger, we have already won, and we will take the deer back for the rest."

"Okay! Let's hurry up and divide the spoils. My brother, I must give an account to the Valkyrie as the leader. The distribution of those deer, according to tradition, I have the right to take more than half of them, and now I only need one third, I don't want to be a greedy person. As for the distribution of all the captives, this must be handled by me."

"You... I..." Harozov felt for a moment that his leader was still a greedy person, after all, he saw that there were many women in the captives.

Does the leader not want to take it for himself?

Because in all Viking traditions, a man has a wife with a lot of family power, and a man can also have many maids.

When a man dies, the maid is buried for him. However, the man's main wife dies, and a certain maid is likely to be upgraded to the main wife.

And even if it is a servant, the child she gives birth will be recognized by the head of the family and the clan, but it cannot inherit even a single copper coin from the head of the family like the descendants of the wife.

Now Otto suddenly has a strong sense of mission, the so-called destroying the homes of these deer breeders with his own people, there are really only three relatively young women alive, and seven boys and girls of different ages, these people must be protected safety, to keep them alive in Roseburg.

All because the Valkyrie longed to see a hearty battle to pick the right talent to ascend to Valhalla after her death.

The result was just a group of reckless men attacking a group of old people and children.

The northern lights in the sky suddenly became a little violent, and Otto immediately announced to the assembled people that this was the displeasure of the Valkyrie.

He also issued an order that no matter how these prisoners are distributed in the future, there must be a principle - to ensure their safety.

So do you support it?

Of course support! And the situation has become very delicate. Originally, everyone was very enthusiastic about having a servant in their own family. As a result, these captives became hot potatoes.

As if the captives were potential pets, if they were not well cared for, they might lead to the Valkyrie's revenge afterwards. Who can bear this? !

So someone stood up on the spot and announced that they were unwilling to accept the distribution of captives, but only willing to accept the distribution of deer.

As a result, more and more people came forward and made the same statement. This result was also unexpected by Otto.

"You... Since you think so, you are still afraid! It seems that we have to let these people join us, because Roseburg is also the home of their ancestors. Brothers, maybe you have not realized that you have been infected by the Valkyrie. Then we, as Odin's faithful servants, have to accept the advice of the Valkyrie. The arrangement of the prisoners is my job, you don't have to worry, if my arrangement makes the Valkyrie angry, then all the consequences will be borne by me alone! "

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