Lord Highlander

66. Chapter 65. Return to Camp

At dusk, the meadows at the foot of the Candar Earl Forest Farm are bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The last ray of sunlight rendered everything here golden. The clouds in the sky, the forest on the other side of the forest farm, the vast grassland, the military camp at the foot of the mountain, the Thunder Rhinoceros grazing by the river, and the wrinkled old face of the veteran squatting on the rock and chewing tobacco, all of them were dyed with a tinge of color. gold.

It has been almost half a month since I left the camp of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, and the camp in front of me is more than double the size when I left.

In addition to building 40 to 50 meter high archery towers at the four corners of the camp, the wooden fence walls of the camp have also become double-layered, and the loess has been compacted in the middle, and the wooden fence has become a simple city wall. Soldiers carried spears on their shoulders and patrolled back and forth on the wooden wall.

The camp of the Fifty-seventh Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment has almost taken on a completely new look, transformed into a military stronghold for war.

There are two gates lined with wooden fences at the entrance of the camp. From time to time, a group of cavalry pass by the door. Looking at the grassland in the afterglow of the setting sun, groups of cavalry are galloping towards the camp. Gu Bo The knights who came on the horse were wearing heavy armor, and a five-meter long knight's spear was hung on one side of the saddle. The leading knight carried a flag on his shoulder, and the flag flew in the wind as the horse ran.

The temporary market on the hillside is full of various supplies. At this time, there is still a cart of supplies that has just arrived, and the entire market is very lively. Some merchants who have just arrived are unloading their goods from their carriages. Going to the river to wash, some guys started to set up tents on the grassy slopes.

Some merchants chose the location of the temporary residence and began to contact other merchants to understand the transaction situation in the market here.

The open-air tavern that was originally located at the end of the market has now been surrounded by caravans one after another, and now it has become the core area of ​​the temporary market. Not only does it sell barley wine, but the tavern owner has also expanded its business items. Provides various meals to nearby caravans.

The Battle of Moyunling has not yet started, but the forest farm camp has already shown the tense atmosphere before the war. In order to compete for the market share of the spoils after the victory, dozens of caravans flocked here, unlike the original caravan of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment. Crowded on this hillside at the same time.

He Boqiang climbed up a mound in the distance, wading on the clover grass that was not bigger than his thighs. With the afterglow of the setting sun, he could have a panoramic view of the lively scene of the camp.

There were still four demon heads hanging on his waist, and the tree vine had already worn a emerald green mark on his leather armor. The leather armor on his body was soaked in sweat and then dried in the hot sun. , the whole leather armor is covered with salt flowers.

At this time, he was in a state of distress like a tramp fleeing from famine. If it wasn't for the heavy Roman sword hanging on his waist, the soldiers passing by along the way might drive him away.

The heads of those evil spirits were covered with a layer of plant ash, and it was hard to see what they were supposed to look like.

On the way from the hill to the temporary market, there were at least three inspections by patrolling soldiers. Fortunately, the patrolling tasks in this area were carried out by the soldiers of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment. Even if these soldiers did not know He Boqiang, There were also many people who knew Suldak, which allowed He Boqiang to pass the three interrogations smoothly.

He Boqiang didn't go directly to the barracks to find Suldak. The camp of the Fifty-seventh Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment might not be easy to enter, so He Boqiang dragged his tired body directly back to the merchant Lakin.

The temporary market at dusk was still very lively, and the open-air tavern was even more crowded with people. The smell of barbecue and ale wafted far away, causing He Boqiang's shriveled stomach to convulse. He Boqiang licked his chapped lips, Go back to Larkin's tent.

In front of the tent, the curly-haired boy Gabi had already put away the stalls, and was squatting in front of the tent to count the supplies. It seemed that another batch of goods had been sent from his hometown. The businessman Lakin must have been very busy recently.

As if sensing someone standing aside, the businessman Larkin subconsciously raised his head and took a look. Seeing He Boqiang who was as embarrassed as a savage, he also widened his eyes, and asked He Boqiang exaggeratedly: "Oh my God, little Dake, What have you been through..."

Little Duck...

Long-lost voice, He Boqiang squinted his eyes and smirked at Larkin.

At this time, Larkin stood up quickly, and without thinking about counting the supplies, he quickly said to the curly-haired boy Gabi:

"Take him to the river and give him a good wash... Oh, no! Ulysses, you lazy bastard, don't sleep anymore, get up and get some water, Gabby, you build a fire to boil water, now little What Duck needs is a hot bath that can relieve his exhaustion."

Larkin shouted into the tent.

The brawny Ulysses ran out of the tent with his bare, muscular upper body. He looked like he had just woken up. ran to the river.

This big man's daily task is to be on duty at night, so he basically sleeps in a tent during the day, and being able to sleep until this time in the noisy street market is considered his ability to sleep.

But it's not to blame Larkin for scolding him, he obviously got up late today.

In contrast, Gabi, who is a little thin, is much smarter. He is almost the assistant of the businessman Larkin. Although he is so young, he can help Larkin in a lot of ways.

At this time, Gabi ran to light the fire to boil the water without saying a word.

La Jin walked to He Boqiang's side. Although the wounds on He Boqiang's body had been properly treated, the pierced holes in the leather armor, as well as the blood stains on the shoulders, arms, and linen bandages on the chest were all there. It explained the injury on He Boqiang's body.

"My God, you're hurt...!" La Jin's voice was full of concern, and while helping He Boqiang unload the things on his body, he said, "Suldak has been thinking about you for the past few days. I'm looking for you, but the situation of the 57th Regiment has changed a bit recently, and he has been unable to get away during this period of time."

Seeing that the Roman sword that had been cut into a curled edge, the edge of the epee like a mallet could be made like this, which made Larkin's mouth open into an 'O' shape.

Then he said: "I heard from him that you went to the mountains, you are really a daring guy."

He Boqiang untied the vines around his waist, and let the heads of the four evil spirits roll down to the grass.

It felt like a few coconuts falling from the coconut tree, Larkin glanced at it casually.

Then his eyes were deeply attracted by the dirty rotten coconuts on the ground, and for a moment, he was a little too excited to speak.

Lakin's tongue curled, and he said stammeringly: "This is... I... Statue of Liberty, you... you... I'll go get some boxes, these things need to be packed properly, you actually Hanging on your ass like that brought them back?"

That expression was like looking at a fool, he lowered his voice and said to He Boqiang:

"You are so lucky, if you dare to do this in the wild, 'death' is your only end."

La Jin whispered to He Boqiang with a serious face:

"Whether it's the slave catchers...adventure group...or those patrolling squads, no matter who sees you daring to walk through Ganda Er Mountain alone with these valuables on you, it's impossible for anyone to hold back against you... ..."


He Boqiang looked at Larkin speechlessly.

Larkin stared at He Boqiang, and said seriously: "You don't believe it? Hey...the world is far less beautiful than you think."

In fact, apart from this endless plane war, He Boqiang has always believed that this world is still extremely beautiful.

Whether it is Suldak, or the other warm-hearted fighters of the second team, as well as the merchant Lakin, the curly-haired boy Gabi, and Ulysses, everyone is very kind, which makes He Boqiang think that this may be the Grimm Empire good quality of people.

Unexpectedly, Larkin was much more pessimistic about this than He Boqiang.

After talking so much, La Jin remembered that what He Boqiang was carrying was the head of an evil spirit.

Since Little Duck was able to defeat the evil spirits, Lakin had a hint of awe in his eyes, and asked He Boqiang:

"By the way... how did you get these things? You can't be a hidden witcher, are you?"

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