He Boqiang broke off the leaves of a canna, and drank the clear water in the core of the leaves.

He Boqiang exhaled a long breath of stasis in his heart, and looked back at the not-so-high mountain behind him. He was concerned that on a boulder protruding from the top of the mountain, the violent earth bear was sticking out half of its body and looking down. The body is the radius, and the small forest beasts within one kilometer around the mountain scatter and run away in fear, but it stands on the boulder like an overlord who dominates the world.

That's right, it is the king here, and this is its territory.

Even if he returned to the camp by himself, no one would believe what happened to him in the past two days. A big bear actually led him through several mountains.

He has been leading the way in front and sent himself to the ridge next to the valley before he stopped.

Standing on the ridge beside the river valley, He Boqiang couldn't help but shook his hand vigorously to the violent earth bear on the opposite mountain, took two steps forward, then turned around and waved goodbye to the violent earth bear. It is a psychic monster, it can understand some simple body movements of its own.

He Boqiang walked towards the camp with four heavy ghost heads hanging on his waist, thinking:

Whether or not to tell these bizarre things to Suldak and the soldiers of the second team.

Who would believe that it was the bear who saved him and brought him out of the jungle?

Well, and how to say it?

Are you going to speak the native language to them?

Undoubtedly, if they opened their mouths to speak the native language that was not fluent, these soldiers would probably die laughing in front of the camp gate, or they might think that they were a native of Handanal County.

What an annoyance this would be!

No, definitely don't tell them the details of the return journey, and don't speak to them, they don't know they've learned the native language anyway.

Recently, he has seized the time to practice the imperial language. Yes, just like Molly taught the aboriginal language, earnestly study their pronunciation word by word, this matter should not seem so difficult.

As for what to do with the four evil spirit heads and five black magic crystals, at least tell Suldak clearly about their origins.

Maybe I can tell the truth, just say that I saw the bear fighting the evil spirits again in the mountains, and I picked up a big deal again.

Although these are true, I am afraid not many people are willing to believe them.

In short, if I am a listener, I am afraid I will not believe it. How can there be so many coincidences in the world...

Although the tree vines tied around his waist were deeply drawn into his belly, He Boqiang just moved the tree vines to one position, and never thought of untiing the head of the evil spirit that was running on the tree vines and throwing it away.

Just kidding, an evil ghost head can be exchanged for at least one magic spar, which is ten gold coins.

In the Green Empire, an apprentice in a normal leather shop or a tailor apprentice in a tailor shop earns about 30 silver coins a month, which is the salary of a standard apprentice, which means that an apprentice needs three months plus It takes ten days' salary to earn one gold coin, and there is no need for any expenses for these three months.

If you are a junior tanner or tailor, then your monthly salary is about 50 silver coins. In big cities such as Imperial Capital, Qiyan City, Haiyinsi, Sloit City, and San Carlos City, I am afraid that craftsmen Their salaries have to go up to ten silver coins.

That is to say, junior craftsmen need to work hard for a whole year, and the money they earn can only be exchanged for a magic spar.

And this... is the value of the four ghost heads on He Boqiang's waist.

He Boqiang has walked the road on this ridge three times.

Passing by here again, I have some impressions of the plants and trees here. At least I don’t have to think about where to camp. The most suitable places for camping are clearly marked by the soldiers of the second team. There is no need to search for even the stones for the stove.

But to be precise, the only thing He Boqiang can use to boil water is a lead-tin alloy military kettle. He Boqiang has been thinking that if he has money, he must replace this kettle with copper. It seems that this wish It will be realized soon.

He Boqiang lay on the stone slab next to the bonfire, looking at the stars in the night sky, it was difficult to fall asleep, and he clearly felt that the big bear had returned to the forest.

In the first two nights, I couldn't sleep late at night because I was always worried that the bear might sneak over and treat me as a supper.

But this night, He Boqiang suffered from insomnia because he lacked that sense of security around him.

The sense of security that a violent earth bear gave him...

The night wind is bleak, and the forest under the night is not quiet.

The entire mountain forest is making rustling sounds, like the wind blowing the leaves, or like countless caterpillars nibbling on the plump cherry leaves, or some little hedgehogs rolling on the ground with some sour fruits on their bodies. In fact, they are more They like to eat some insects, and some leopard cats also like to go to the trees to dig bird nests at night, and the birds return home at night, which is like a piece of delicious fried chicken on a plate for leopard cats.

There was only a little dark red ashes left on the campfire next to it, and half a charred Rex rabbit was left on the simple barbecue grill.

Rex rabbits are probably the bottom of the food chain in this mountain forest, but they have super reproductive ability and are numerous in the mountains, making them one of the easiest small animals to hunt. However, the soldiers in the second team didn't seem to like eating this kind of earthy rabbit meat. They would rather eat guinea pigs than rex rabbits.

The next morning, the heads of the four evil spirits began to smell.

In order to prevent them from deteriorating and stink, He Boqiang had no choice but to smear the heads of these evil spirits with plant ash. Unfortunately, he didn't have the right tools at hand. Otherwise, he could make a simple wooden box. If they were buried in the plant ash, they would be fine.

However, it is only about a day's journey away from Camp 57. If He Boqiang walked faster, he would be able to arrive at the camp in the evening, so He Boqiang didn't need to deal with it too carefully.

He Boqiang continued to walk back along the mountains. At noon, he happened to meet a small team that came out from the 57th Battalion in the morning to patrol.

Some of the soldiers in that team seemed to know He Boqiang. They saw He Boqiang coming up from the opposite side from a distance, and after seeing his face clearly, they ran over to greet He Boqiang warmly.

The soldier probably knew that He Boqiang could not speak, so he expressed his condolences cordially, and after getting acquainted with him, he said to He Boqiang:

"Hi, Little Dak, it's great to meet you. When we set off from the camp, Suldak even found our captain on purpose. Please be careful on the way. He is a little worried about what you encountered on the way. Unexpectedly, the patrol area assigned by the Fourth Battalion is not this area, otherwise he will probably come to you in person, seeing you come back safely, I am really happy for Captain Suldak!"

Afterwards, under the suggestion of his companion, the soldier finally saw the four evil ghost heads hanging on He Boqiang's rear buttocks, and then his face changed slightly, and he said with a bit of restraint on his face:

"...Uh! You are a demon hunter? This Suldak didn't tell us, okay! Good job, we still have tasks, see you at the camp..."

After the soldier finished speaking, he waved to He Boqiang and ran back to his team.

The awe on his face outweighed the envy.

He Boqiang knew that Suldak would be worried about him. It turned out that the second team had recently received tasks in the Moyunling area.

It seems that the plans that Swordsman Bacarel said before he left are being carried out step by step.

Thinking of this, He Boqiang couldn't help frowning, looking in the direction of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, hoping that the Grand Duke Newman could send more Constructed Knights this time...

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