Sun Hang directly opened the new video screen in front of him:

"Zhu Yuanzhang developed a career from a cowherd boy.

Even if he is on the throne, he still cares about the peasants……"

"I think Zhu Yuanzhang deserves to be the Eternal Saint King……"

At this time, the entire Long Kingdom people also gave their own feedback:

"Agreed, if it weren't for Zhu Yuanzhang's economic shortcomings, he would have been able to become an emperor for eternity. What a pity.……"

"Think about the education system we use now, the credit system we use, all come from the system created for us by Emperor Hongwu hundreds of years ago.……"

"Although many of Zhu Yuanzhang's systems were overthrown during the Qing Dynasty, his pioneering work is like a seed that has spread to the entire Chinese nation and the psychology of every citizen."

"So this kind of seed took root and sprouted, nurturing the rapid development of many systems in our Dragon Kingdom today.……"

"Eternal Saint King, well-deserved……"

Hu Qinghe also compiled the information about everyone in the Dragon Kingdom and nodded in the direction of Sun Hang.

The next moment, Sun Hang raised his arm very solemnly and wrote on the new video screen:

"The Hongwu Emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang, the eternal sage, is forever respected by China……"

When Sun Hang wrote these words, a golden beam of light suddenly appeared in front of Sun Hang the next moment.

The golden light pillar instantly condensed into a gate of time and space that twisted the golden brilliance.

The next moment, Sun Hang took a deep breath.

In fact, he was very excited.

Emperor Hongwu was an emperor whom he admired very much.

Thinking that he would soon meet his idol, Sun Hangnan was extremely excited.

But the next moment, he resolutely took a step forward and pushed open the door of time and space leading to Hongwu.……


When everyone in the studio saw Sun Hang opening the door, the next moment they felt a slight burst of light flowing in front of their eyes.

The next moment the image became gradually clearer.

What appeared in front of him was a dim and dilapidated scene.

There were several dirty figures inside a thatched house.

It is exactly what the young Zhu Yuanzhang lived in when he was a child.

Because he was from the lower class and was not qualified to have a name, Zhu Yuanzhang was called Zhu Chongba at this time.

Next, everyone saw Zhu Chongba's brother gradually fainting from hunger in the corner because he had no food to eat.

Zhu Yuanzhang's mother wanted to shake her son to wake him up.

However, she could only look at her son, as if he was asleep and his breathing gradually stopped at the end.

Zhu Yuanzhang's mother wanted to cry, but she didn't even have the strength to cry.

Next, Zhu Chongba's mother's voice became lower and lower due to hunger.

At the last moment, Zhu Chongba's mother wiped the remaining half of the rotten rice directly into Zhu Chongba's mouth.

Zhu Chongba, who was only a few years old, watched his mother fall in the corner and finally lost her breath.……


The next moment time passed, he appeared on a hillside.

Zhu Chongba became a cowherd boy of a local wealthy family.

When the cattle are put away and sent back to the wealthy family's home.

Zhu Chongba, who was riding on the back of an ox, saw from a distance that a banquet was being held in the local noble's house.

Several men who looked like officials from the Yuan Dynasty were drinking and drinking with noble landowners.

There was wine and meat on their dining table, and a beautiful maid served them tea and wine.

At this time, Zhu Chongba felt for the first time what it meant that the wine and meat in the Zhumen stinked, and the road was frozen to death.

Just on the way he was grazing cattle, he saw many Han people who had died of starvation and fell directly into the ditch without breathing.

Although Zhu Chongba buried the bodies of those people everywhere.

Only those Confucian sects from aristocratic families and officials of the Yuan Dynasty could eat with their mouths full of oil.

However, the officials of the Yuan Dynasty and the Confucian sects of the aristocratic families were freezing to death on the road outside. They did not pay any attention to it and indulged in wine and meat in the forest.

At this moment, Zhu Chongba, who was only a few years old, clenched his little fists.

A look of tenacity appeared in his eyes.

At the same time, a belief slowly took root in his heart.……


Time passed again and soon Zhu Yuanzhang joined Guo Zixing's team.

Next, Zhu Chongba resisted the Yuan Dynasty and made great military exploits.

Subsequently, Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng and other forces were eliminated one after another.

Later, Zhu Yuanzhang used the call of"driving out the barbarians and restoring China" and sent Xu Da and Chang Yuchun to lead the Northern Expedition and overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty.

In the first month of the first year of Hongwu, the emperor was located in Yingtian Mansion, Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, and the country was named Daming.

The era name is Hongwu.

The next moment time passed, and all the scenes appeared next to a very simple palace in Yingtian Mansion.


As soon as Sun Hang looked up, he immediately saw Zhu Yuanzhang, wearing a golden dragon robe, bending over his desk to review memorials.

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to realize something and looked in the direction of Sun Hang.

Then a stream of information directly hit Zhu Yuanzhang's mind, letting him know that Sun Hang came from hundreds of years in the future.

He was slightly stunned.

But soon, Zhu Yuanzhang returned to his natural state...

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