After hearing this, many people from the Long Kingdom suddenly had a deeper understanding of the Jinyiwei system.

"It turns out that espionage work and special forces work originated from the Jinyiwei. I have to say that Emperor Hongwu was able to come up with such a sharp organization. He had to accept it.……"

Sun Hang:

"The immediate effect brought by the Jinyiwei system is that throughout the Hongwu period, there were banquets at Haiqinghe River and official administration during the Qingming Festival.……"

"Jinyiwei is the most powerful weapon against corruption……"

"Someone once calculated that in the Hongwu period, good officials were not called honest officials because there were too many honest officials.……"

"As long as a corrupt person shows up, he will be beheaded directly by Zhu Yuanzhang……"

"During the Zhu Yuanzhang period, those who were commended were those who resolutely implemented Zhu Yuanzhang's policies.……"

"According to incomplete statistics, Zhu Yuanzhang killed more than 150,000 corrupt officials in the Ming Dynasty during his 30 years in power.……"

After hearing what Sun Hang said, everyone immediately took a deep breath.

"This Emperor Hongwu was too ruthless. He killed 150,000 corrupt officials of the Ming Dynasty after working for 30 years.……

"I just calculated it verbally and found that Zhu Yuanzhang killed nearly 13.5 corrupt officials of the Ming Dynasty a day on average!"

"This is probably a hard target. I feel like Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't sleep if he didn't kill corrupt officials of the Ming Dynasty every day. He would count in his dreams. How many are missing today? Do you want to make up for them tomorrow?……"

"It's so scary. If we travel to the Ming Dynasty, especially in the Zhu Yuanzhang era, I guess few of the male protagonists who still want to be officials can escape Zhu Yuanzhang's sword.……"

"So if you travel back to the Ming Dynasty, you don’t want to be an official or a landlord, just be a farmer."

"Severe punishments and severe laws only served Zhu Yuanzhang……"

Sun Hang:

"Throughout the Ming Dynasty, corrupt officials in the Ming Dynasty had almost become a rare species because of the Jinyiwei system.……"

"Especially the Minister of Household Affairs, the Minister of Personnel and the Minister of Industry are simply high-risk professions among dangerous professions.……"

"According to rumors, the coffins are basically prepared in advance in the families of these ministers. Every time they go to court, it is like going to the execution ground. They need to say goodbye to the whole family first, and then they turn around and go to court generously.……"

After hearing what Sun Hang said, Hu Qing and He Juzuo immediately twitched their mouths.

The Demon King was even more surprised and covered his mouth, his eyes filled with disbelief.

The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry were basically the ceiling of the entire Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang turned them into a high-risk profession.

The severity of this punishment is simply unimaginable

"Thinking of the frightened expressions on the faces of these ministers, it really overturned my understanding."

"When you become an official at this level, there is no one left.……"

Sun Hang:

"Zhu Yuanzhang was very strict with officials, but on the contrary, he really cared about farmers.……"

"At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang sent out his millions of troops, conducted a census and registration, and deported all the village bandits, gangsters, and bandits who were not good citizens into the army at once.……"

"The peasants who had suffered from the war were given a very precious opportunity to cultivate their vitality, and they were very ruthless.……"

"Then Zhu Yuanzhang also issued a teaching list to guide farmers on how to make a fortune, and even a teaching list, instructing farmers on how many acres of grain to plant, how many acres of persimmon trees, and how many acres of mulberry trees, and how to maximize economic benefits.……"

"It was Zhu Yuanzhang who launched the first targeted poverty alleviation in the feudal dynasty, and the household responsibility system was……"

"Zhu Yuanzhang’s rural construction is still used by us now……"

After hearing what Sun Hang said, there was a sudden boom, and the entire Dragon Kingdom was boiling.

"I didn’t expect that targeted poverty alleviation actually came from Emperor Hongwu. It was really an eye-opener today.……"

"Emperor Hongwu, how do you feel that he is omnipotent, especially in education and agriculture? Even now, he is an expert.……"

Many people in the Dragon Kingdom, especially some farmers, were extremely grateful to Zhu Yuanzhang.

At this time, Fang Chuanzi said:

"It seems that Zhu Yuanzhang can be called the emperor of the ages, but why does Zhu Yuanzhang have so many black spots in reality?"

Sun Hang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he shook his head slightly and said:

"Zhu Yuanzhang's innovations were very successful in education, rural construction, governance concepts, and intelligence agencies, and he created innovations that spanned the ages.……"

However, Zhu Yuanzhang's reforms in almost all economic fields ended in failure and had a great negative impact on later generations.……"

"The strict household registration system is not conducive to the development of the commodity economy and wastes too much human resources.……"

"The widely criticized maritime ban policy caused the Ming Dynasty to lose the huge profits from maritime trade. The entire Ming Dynasty became impoverished at the hands of Zhu Yuanzhang.……"

"He was too harsh on officials and even killed meritorious officials, making officials' salaries extremely low and obliterating their subjective initiative.……"

"This led to the inactivity of many officials in the Ming Dynasty.……"

Hu Qinghe also nodded in agreement when he heard this.

"Sun Hang's evaluation of Zhu Yuanzhang is still very pertinent."

"In terms of governance achievements, education and rural construction are all amazing.……

"On the contrary, in the economic field, it was probably because Zhu Yuanzhang was born as a farmer, which limited his vision and career, leading to the failure of all policy reforms in the economic field.……"

"We can only say that no one is perfect, but as an emperor of his generation, Zhu Yuanzhang is indeed worthy of respect from each of us.……"

Everyone in Long Kingdom nodded in agreement when they heard this.

Especially Zhu Yuanzhang's anti-corruption and care for farmers, no emperor in the feudal era could do this.

Zhu Yuanzhang carried out his love of the people as a son to the extreme and was worried that officials would abuse his own people.

That's why the very strict Jinyiwei system was used to control those officials.

Of course there are very few all-around players in this world.

Zhu Yuanzhang is no exception. He does have big shortcomings in the economic field.

This also led to many emperors of the Ming Dynasty inheriting Zhu Yuanzhang's shortcomings.

The entire Ming Dynasty became very poor.

At this time, the director looked in Sun Hang's direction and said:

"Then let’s give Emperor Hongwu and Zhu Yuanzhang a fair evaluation.……"

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