Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 867 The Smell of Dreams

"Try it, although it's just an ordinary braised sauce, this is the first time I've used this ingredient."

Because he has been in contact with many ingredients, Zhao Youqian understands more and more that the things taken from this monster are not easy to deal with.

The most critical thing is to resolve the bloody smell and the steps to return the vitality.

Of course, Zhao Youqian has also thought of a simple method, just like imitating the super-speed mantra, just make a super-speed talisman that can be used easily.

This matter will have to fall on Yan Chixia's head in the end, but with his personality, I'm afraid he will enjoy it quite a bit.

Hearing Zhao Yougan's words, how did Yan Chixia know that he would need to work hard in the future?

He just picked up the chopsticks and was about to put a piece of turtle meat into his mouth, but he still had sense after all, knowing that Taoist Laoshan was by his side.

Still made a gesture first.

"Come on, fellow daoists, come together, I, brother Zhao's food, ordinary people don't have this opportunity to taste it."

After all, Yan Chixia seemed to have done her best as a landlord, so she couldn't wait to pick up a piece of turtle meat that had been stewed until it was tender and tender, and it looked like it would melt in one bite. It looked like it was stuffed directly into the mouth.

Visible to the naked eye, under Yan Chixia's beard, a burst of hot air emerged directly, her body swayed as if drunk, and she even closed her eyes.

As if indulging in such a bite of turtle meat.

The Laoshan Taoist couldn't help swallowing subconsciously, and glanced at Zhao Youqian who was still smiling lightly. After all, he was still a lot more reserved and cupped his hands.

"Brother Dao, you will not be polite!"

Without putting on any airs, Zhao Youqian waved his hand.

"Fellow Daoists don't dislike low-level cooking skills. Try it quickly. The hotter the dish, the more delicious it is!"

As the saying goes: One hot top, three fresh, this saying is not completely correct, but it is especially correct at certain times.

At this time, the braised turtle just came out of the pot and was extremely hot. Zhao Youqian specially used the heated casserole pot to store it, and even now it was still bubbling and steaming.

But at this time, the braised soft-shelled turtle meat is also the most delicious time, if you miss it, you will lose some special flavor.

This is also a unique flavor of turtle meat, a special aquatic product.

That's why Zhao Youqian told the Laoshan Taoist not to be reserved, and the priority is to taste this hot delicious food.

It seemed that he had sensed what Zhao Youqian meant. After Laoshan Taoist opened his mouth, seeing that Zhao Youqian still didn't intend to move his chopsticks, he directly picked up a piece of turtle meat that he didn't know whether it was the hem of the skirt or the belly with his chopsticks.

The translucent jelly, together with the entangled turtle meat like a chicken, trembled on his chopsticks, it really looked like tender tofu.

I don't know if it is far away from the pot of rich soup, even though it is still full of purplish red color, when the chopsticks are brought to the mouth, the strong aroma seems to be weakened a lot.

At least for Laoshan Taoist, although such an overly strong temptation ignited his appetite, it actually made him a little uneasy.

For any diner, enjoying delicious food with anxiety is a situation that will reduce the taste of the food. Fortunately, Zhao Youqian seems to be aware of this.

The onions, green peppers, and celery added later brought a fresh spring-like fragrance to this extremely rich dish.

Even if it was turtle meat, it was unavoidable that the fragrant breeze soothed the Laoshan Taoist's sense of smell and relaxed his resistance to this dish.

It can be said that Taoist Laoshan has been subverting his common sense of cooking since the beginning.

He never thought that such soft and tender ingredients could be picked up with chopsticks without breaking.

But the soft touch, he can directly feel it with the help of chopsticks, it's not a visual deception.

Unable to resist swallowing his saliva again, Laoshan finally put the piece of turtle meat into his mouth.

In an instant, those translucent jelly-like things completely melted in his mouth, leaving behind something like soup and fat, which gradually released a rich and delicious taste.

The spicy taste stimulated his taste buds, making his complexion extremely red, but the jelly in his mouth melted and suppressed the spicy taste again, releasing a burst of aquatic deliciousness in his lips. Under such circumstances, it took him into a river that kept moving forward without end.

The river that stretches for thousands of miles has also brought countless years of rushing, the barbarism seen in ancient times, the opening up of humanity in the middle ages, and the circulation of major dynasties since ancient times.

It actually surfaced in Laoshan Taoist's heart with just a mouthful of delicious food, and the countless passing time also washed away the injuries he suffered in his body.

The teeth began to chew subconsciously, the gelatin was completely melted, and the soft and rotten turtle meat emerged from the stew.

It's like the smoothest part of the chicken leg, but it has a touch like fish meat, with a little inadvertent elasticity.

That special texture just completely absorbs the flavor of the sauce, and the spiciness begins to strike again.

The strong spicy taste of the sauce, the spicy peppery taste with some lactic acid, the two are intertwined, and the earthy smell in the soft-shelled turtle meat is pushed to a certain special flavor.

Impressive without letting the flavor overwhelm the taste buds too much.

It was even more as if waves of heat had entered the limbs and bones of his body, making up for his wounded vitality, sweeping back and forth over and over again, just like the endlessly flowing river.

It actually made the Laoshan Taoist's body inadvertently improved by a small step.

"Well, the taste is exactly as I expected."

Zhao Youqian also took a piece of turtle meat afterwards, but he directly chose the skirt part. The elastic and soft skirt is all made of gelatin, but it is not the same as the belly part. Melt away.

There are also quite a few that have become soft and tender that can be chewed in the mouth, similar to the texture of crispy bones that have been boiled for a long time, which also makes him very satisfied.

More importantly, the rich soup and soft-shelled turtle meat have a refreshing feeling of vegetables at the end.

In particular, the flavors of celery and green pepper are extremely prominent, which reduces the deliciousness that may cause serious pressure on the taste buds, making this dish a top-grade dish that can be tasted repeatedly without feeling greasy and rich.

The spices added before are not prominent in this braised turtle, but only serve as an icing on the cake.

The sweetness of the sugar color is perfect to make the spicy aftertaste longer.

Of course, apart from the taste, Zhao Youqian is more satisfied with the effect of the turtle meat.

Just look at what happened to Laoshan Taoist. This is definitely a food that most people can eat directly, and it has great benefits for the body!

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