Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 505 Yin Yang Grinding Disc

The gradually increasing temperature of the soup pot and the cloudy water color represent that the impurities in the silky chicken are brought out by the continuously increasing water temperature to those parts that are difficult to remove by hand.

After Zhao Youqian put the black-feather silky chicken into the soup pot, he kept guarding the pot of soup, carefully observing the changes in the soup.

The ingredients that have been raised carefully should naturally pay attention to this when cooking.

Zhao Youqian didn't start his other actions until the impurities mixed in the soup gradually floated on the water surface, and some golden chicken fat began to appear sporadically.

Obviously satisfied with this pot of soup.

After all, he didn't know the level of the person who handled the black-feathered silky chicken. When he rubbed it with his hands and felt the inside of the chicken slowly, he could only feel that the meat quality and freshness were basically good.

Looking at the impurities in the water now, I know that the person who handled this chicken is a veteran. The depilation and viscera were done neatly without causing unnecessary scars on the body, and most of the blood was released when the chicken blood was removed. residual blood.

"Is it okay to stand there?"

"Then take an oil strainer and get rid of all the impurities on the soup surface!"

Zhao Youqian's voice suddenly sounded, causing Tugong Kagura to tremble.


There is no idea of ​​resistance, such a simple job, Tugong Kagura can still handle it, and Zhao Youqian can also take care of other ingredients in his spare time.

When he came to the soup pot, he held a strainer in his hand and carefully removed the impurities on the soup surface. Seeing that the soup became clearer, Tugong Kagura saw that Zhao Youqian didn't seem to be fully immersed in cooking.

Can't help but speak in a low voice.

"Brother Yougan, my sister."

It was rare to stop what he was doing, Zhao Youqian turned his head to look at the little white rabbit who seemed to be injured now, the girl exuded timidity all over her body.

"Don't worry, with me here, even if you die, you will be rescued with Meng Po soup!"

However, Zhao Youqian, who does not know how to comfort others, simply gave his promise.

Then I stopped watching Tsuchimiya Kagura, the feeling of being watched was actually quite uncomfortable.


I don't know if it's because of Zhao Youqian's resoluteness or something, but Tugong Kagura seemed to have found the backbone anyway. He lowered his head and began to scoop out all the impurities on the soup surface according to Zhao Youqian's instructions, so that Zhao Youqian scooped out all the other impurities. After processing the ingredients for the stew, the soup pot I saw was extraordinarily clear.

"Good job!"

Can't help but pat Tugong Kagura's little head, Zhao Youqian wiped his hands again, and then put some remaining ingredients into the chicken soup.

"Brother Yugan, don't the ingredients of general high soup need to be blanched? I think you seem to be cooking the soup directly?"

With the bottom line in his mind, Tsumiya Kagura began to ask other topics.

Zhao Youqian didn't mind explaining this to the little girl.

"Your sister's situation is different, and the way of stewing the soup is also different. If there are many and mixed ingredients, it is easy to mix the tastes of several ingredients without blanching, resulting in a strong fishy smell."

"However, if there are only one or two main ingredients, if the ingredients are fresh enough and the processing is clean enough, you can just simply discard the excess impurities."

"In this way, the most nutrients in the ingredients can be preserved without any loss."

These words made Kagura Tumiya nod, and also let her know her sister's current situation. Even making soup needs the energy of complete ingredients, which is not a very good state.

After looking at the soup pot slightly, Zhao Youqian put all the ingredients in his hands into it.

Generally speaking, some people will wrap the soup in a gauze bag because they are worried that other ingredients will spoil the taste of the soup, but Zhao Youqian doesn't need it this time.

Angelica, red dates, white peppercorns, astragalus, codonopsis, and ingredients rarely used in chicken soup, lotus root, barley.

All of them were thrown into the soup pot by him. The weight of each item is not too much, but it is really a lot when added up.

"After these things are boiled, the nutrition in the chicken soup will be sublimated, which happens to be half of the soup base of my Tai Chi Yin Yang Soup!"

Apparently Tumiya Kagura didn't expect Zhao Youqian's actions to be half-baked.

Zhao Youqian took out another soup pot and put the pig's bone in it.

This kind of ingredient is not so special. Zhao Youqian also used the traditional method this time, first blanch the onion and ginger, then take it out and wash it, and then stew it again. He didn't stew it directly like black-feathered silky chicken.

The only difference is that the ingredients stewed with the bone are different this time.

Corn, Chinese yam, white radish, celery.

It is rare that no medicinal materials or other auxiliary materials are used. It is simply stewed with several vegetable ingredients and rib bones.

And after boiling the pot, it immediately turned to a low fire, and only occasionally could see the inadvertently boiling water bubbles up from the bottom of the soup pot.

It also represents Zhao Youqian's request for this soup.

Refreshing clear soup!

Two different ingredients, different soups, blended into one dish.

Tugong Shenle still doesn't know what kind of technique Zhao Youqian will use.

"It's impossible for your sister's body to withstand a lot of nourishment, but it won't work without supplementation. To digest the spiritual power in her body and the evil spirit left on the killing stone, even weak ingredients can't do this."

"So I used the concept of yin and yang balance to build this dish."

"The long-term nourishment, you eliminate one section, and make up for the next section, continue to eliminate, continue to make up, the seemingly gentle power is constantly rotating, like a big mill, to wear away all the harmful evil spirits."

Zhao Youqian saw that the two broths were starting to simmer, and he didn't intend to deal with other ingredients. After all, this dish is really very simple if it is said to be simple, and it is also very difficult to say that it is difficult.

"Yin Yang Great Grinding Disc?"

Tugong Kagura chewed on the meaning of Zhao Youqian's words, and unexpectedly realized something.

"So use a gentler, more peaceful energy with continuous stamina to eliminate the abnormal force in my sister's body?"

Nodding his head, Zhao Youqian looked at the broth that kept producing two balls of white smoke.

"It's almost such an idea, but whether it can be successful or not depends on Huang Quan's own willpower!"

I have a very clear understanding of my own cuisine, and this kind of cuisine with Huainan Tofu, which is a dream ingredient grade, can naturally enter Lin-level cuisine.

But whether she can successfully awaken Isayama Huangquan depends on herself.

The killing stone was embedded in the spirit body, and the impact of the evil spirit, even if Zhao Yougan later found a remedy to stabilize her spirit body, the first impact would not disappear.

Whether or not she can completely stabilize her consciousness depends on whether Isayama and Huangquan have enough concerns to allow her to split the Asura Way.

But it's too early to say that.

Zhao Youqian set his sights on the two pots of stewed broth, and then began to process two kinds of mushrooms, which is also the root that determines the success of his soup.

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