Yang Haiyang didn't even know what I paid for.

I scooped up a spoonful of porridge, put it to my mouth, and then handed it to Shang Muxiao.

Open your mouth. "If he refuses again, I'm going to put the spoon in his mouth.

Shang Muxiao looked at the porridge, then looked at me again, maybe he could hear something from my tone, no longer willful, and obediently swallowed the porridge with a spoon.

In this way, I took a spoonful of him and sipped it, the whole process was zero flow, and I also ate most of the bowl of porridge.

Really can't eat it. "He turned away and refused to eat any more. Eat it, your noodles will be cold."

I saw that he really had no appetite, and since he had already eaten a lot, he stopped reluctantly, put the porridge bowl aside, and picked up his noodles.

Noodles are delicious when they are just out of the oven. After a long time, they are easy to be lumpy, and they stick to each other and affect the taste. My noodles had been left for a while, and they were about to form into a ball, but the conditions were limited and I couldn’t ask for too much.

When it was almost nine o'clock, Shang Muxiao's two bottles of drip were not completely hung up.

I asked the nurse to take his temperature again, 389. Although it has not completely returned to normal, it is slowly decreasing.

On the way back, I waited for the gap between the red lights and hesitated again and again, I still asked the exit: Do you want to take you home? "

Yesterday, he was in a special situation, and it was reasonable to take him in for one night, but if he stayed at home all the time, it would always feel a little weird.

Even Shen Luoyu could see that he and I were not on the right track. We are two completely different types of people, and we can be said to be completely different in terms of our behavior and personality.

Taking care of him who is sick and taking him to see a doctor is already the best we can do in our current relationship. It's one thing to laugh at yourself as a babysitter, it's another to actually be a babysitter.

Shang Muxiao didn't reply immediately, I couldn't help but look at him and found that he was also looking at me.

In the dark carriage, his eyes were also very dark: Do you think I'm annoying? "

My index finger tapped the steering wheel, I pressed down the irritability in my heart and said: Where do you live? "

He lowered his eyes slightly and said: I live at home, but I can't go back now. I had a fight with my dad, he found out about the day of the exhibition, kicked me out, and stopped all my cards. "

It turned out that this was the truth that he came to my house in the rain in the middle of the night.

Did you contact your sister? "

He lay back in his chair and didn't look at me: I turned off my phone. "


What an uneasy dead kid. I can imagine how anxious Shang Yunrou was when she couldn't get in touch with him at the moment, maybe she would cry and call the police.

Turn on the phone immediately to report your sister's safety. "In exchange for this, I compromised, if you really have nowhere to go, you can stay at my house until you get better."

He is young and strong, and recovers quickly, in two days at the most.

Be a mom for two more days. I tell myself.

The red light jumped green, and the traffic moved forward again.

In the quiet carriage, after a long silence, Shang Muxiao suddenly opened his mouth.

thanks. "

When I got home, Shen Luoyu had already left, and there was a note on the table, saying that there are dishes she made in the refrigerator, let me heat it up when I'm hungry, and don't always order takeout.

I sent a message to thank her, let Shang Muxiao take care of herself, and then got into my bedroom.

Across the door, I heard a series of text messages bombarding outside, guessing that Shang Muxiao was finally turned on.

Afraid that I wouldn't be able to sleep, it would affect the next day's class, so I took a sleeping pill before going to bed, and the result was even worse. It was clearly my own home, a familiar environment, but I was still having nightmares.

One moment, the dormitory was still discussing life plans after graduation, and the next moment, three bloody corpses appeared in front of me.

Arabidopsis, I hurt so much, save me! help me! ! "Lu Feiheng crawled towards me, the flames on his body burned his skin little by little.

I tried desperately to put out those fires, but to no avail, I could only watch him turn into a black coke in front of me.

Fear filled my heart, I was pulling my hair, screaming all choked in my throat, and I couldn't make a sound at all. My feet tightened, and I looked down, Jing Shen caught me. He asked me why I didn't save them, why I was the only one alive, and before he finished speaking, he turned into ashes and disappeared in front of me.

I shook my head and kept backing away.

No, no..."

I suddenly stepped on something, I stiffened and looked back, it was Xu Wei's distorted corpse.

The strings in my head that kept my sanity snap snapped, and I started screaming, wailing heartbreakingly.

I didn't mean to live, sorry, sorry...

I was wrong, I shouldn't have survived, forgive me... forgive me...



I kept struggling, my consciousness was blurry, I only felt my body being shaken gently, and the call to me came intermittently in my ears.


, wake up...you're having a nightmare, it's alright, nothing happened..." The hot palm stroked my cheek, I struggled to open my eyes, and some liquid slipped from the corners of my eyes, which blocked my vision for a while.

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