Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 109 Banquet

The waiter vividly described Sirona's reaction at that time, Du Ming couldn't help but smile, as expected. At the end, Du Ming's expression changed slightly, and he smiled wryly.

"Direct threat, Sirona is really..."

He was a little helpless, since Sirona had said so much, he could only go to the appointment tomorrow. He couldn't imagine the consequences of releasing Sirona's pigeons. After all, Sirona can hang and beat him, a newcomer, casually.

Telling the waiter to go out, Du Ming casually checked his phone. Liu Wenxu, Serena, Zhen Xinchi, and Su Hao all sent him text messages, and Du Ming kept replying.

Liu Wenxu was very dissatisfied with the result of the last battle. It is said that after giving the elves special training, he rushed to challenge. It's a pity that Du Ming's people went to Lou Kong, so they could only give up and use text messages to shout.

Serena mentioned in the text message that she was going back to Neon Tokyo. The connection between Du Ming and Serena has basically never been broken. Originally, Du Ming was thinking of meeting Serena for a cup of coffee after arriving in Shanghai.

It's not working now, and the time can't catch up.

Zhen Xinchi and Su Hao were worried about Du Ming's disappearance. When Du Ming read the text message, they called each other. Du Ming could only tell them that he was on the Yawei account, but they didn't believe it.

After finishing these things, Du Ming sent messages to Mr. Liu and the old man respectively, describing his current situation.

Then, there is training.

The facilities on the Yawei are extremely complete, and all kinds of training equipment are no worse than those in Liu's old home. There's even a gravity chamber, but it's rarely used.

Thinking about it, at Ling Yawei's level, even if her elves use the gravity chamber, they probably won't be able to grow much.

Passengers with gray tickets can only use the gravity chamber and some precious equipment. Other common equipment does not have this requirement.

There are actually very few elves and trainers who really come to train. As a passenger on a giant luxury cruise ship like the Yawei, of course, you must enjoy it as much as possible to make the trip worthwhile.

The evening party is under preparation. Wait until the night, and there are even pool parties, masquerade parties, and more.

It's beyond Du Ming's imagination, the happiness of rich people.

The party hasn't started yet, Du Ming is not worried about missing dinner time. He thought, at least take advantage of the current free time to train as much as possible.

At the end of the training, Snorkel's experience bar increased a lot, and the upgrade time of Emperor Nabo and Pokkiss collided, and each increased by 1 level.

The Candle Spirit is also not idle. After training as much as possible, through the learning device, to experience the training memory of the main battle elf, the level has officially reached level 38, and it is only 3 levels away from evolving into a light ghost.

The later the level, the harder it is to upgrade.

Fortunately, Du Ming has mastered the detailed data of all his elves, and based on these data, he re-established the training plan.

Du Ming clearly knew the limit of the elves he possessed. This kind of limit is not the limit of physical ability, but the limit of attack, special attack, special defense, defense, speed and other aspects. The previous training was just to squeeze a certain aspect of the elf to the bottom line, so as to promote its improvement.

Appears shallow, one-sided and rough.

After all, Du Ming has a system. Compared with other rookies, his training plan is already quite good. Compared with Zhen Xinchi and Su Hao, his training plan is slightly inferior. If it is placed at the level of Mr. Liu, it will make people laugh out loud, full of loopholes.

The newly formulated plan is completely different, reaching the perfection of Du Ming's understanding limit. The training effect exceeded Du Ming's expectations. With the help of these equipment, it is estimated that the effect in two days can be compared to the previous nearly one week's effect.

Du Ming has a feeling that he may be about to usher in a period of rapid rise in strength.


Dinner, begin.

Men wore well-fitting suits and kept shuttling through the banquet with glasses of red wine. The women, on the other hand, wore elegant and sexy evening gowns, accepted the men's accusations, and chatted happily with them, and from time to time their wine glasses collided, just taking a sip of the wine in the glass.

These high-class people are enjoying the banquet to their heart's content.

The food here, even the most ordinary bread, is like a delicate work of art, which makes people appetite. Needless to say, other red wine and pastries.

Du Ming couldn't adapt to this atmosphere, he could clearly sense the sense of disobedience. The surface is kind, empty and submissive. The keen perception endowed by the power of heart made Du Ming faintly aware of the coldness and darkness hidden under the surface of some people.

He has a little understanding that although this world looks more peaceful, it is not without the slightest crime, it is just hidden deeper.

Du Ming left the banquet dully, and suddenly bumped into a man with a gloomy face.

Shi Junyi looked at the absent-minded Du Ming with great interest, and let Du Ming bump into him without dodging at all. He has confidence and cannot be shaken. The value of falling can be Du Ming. So Shi Junyi sipped the red wine freely, waiting for Du Ming to lose face.


The glass shattered and the wine spilled all over the floor.

"Sorry, I was a little absent-minded."

When Du Ming came back to his senses, he suddenly saw Shi Junyi who had fallen to the ground, and immediately lifted him up.

Shi Junyi was a little unbelievable. He had experienced hundreds of battles. Although he couldn't fight the elves head-on with his body alone, he was able to fight a few special forces.

But was accidentally knocked down by this seemingly thin young man in front of him? He is always accumulating strength!

"it's okay no problem."

Shi Junyi waved his hands, pretending to be nonchalant and said: "Little brother, you are very strong, how do you usually exercise?"

"I didn't train much, I just followed the elves and ran wild everywhere." Du Ming said casually, bypassing Shi Junyi and preparing to leave.

When Shi Junyi fell, his girlfriend had already rushed over, and he didn't want to be fed dog food for nothing.

Lu Jing checked Shi Junyi in a "panic" to see if he was injured, and said in a low voice, "What happened just now?"

"His strength seems to be stronger than mine."

Shi Junyi looked at Du Ming's back, with a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth. He was knocked down for no reason, and he couldn't stay silent.

"Our mission this time is to protect the divine beast egg. Manafei can no longer sense the location of the divine beast egg. As long as the Yawei's trip is over, we can send the divine beast egg directly to Shanghai. We will have endless money and endless fun. So, try not to cause trouble."

As Lu Jing said, she embraced Shi Junyi like a beautiful snake, and offered her flaming red lips. On the surface, if you just care about it, you will be chaotic and full of affection.

Shi Junyi quickly brought Lu Jing back to the room, and those who watched this scene just smiled knowingly. Their script tonight should be similar to that of Shi Junyi and Lu Jing.

Except for Ling Yawei and Sirona, they thought that all the women at the banquet had a good chance of getting their hands on one. It's a pity that both Ling Yawei and Sirona left the stage early, looking very mysterious.

They didn't like this kind of atmosphere, so they asked the chef to cook for dinner, and didn't get too involved in the party.

If it wasn't for creating momentum for Sirona's contest, Ling Yawei wouldn't have opened the Yawei account to let these people come up. As for Sirona, she just had a difficult choice, so she simply asked the smarter Ling Yawei to help make the decision.

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