Elf Cultivation System

Chapter 108 That Mr.

The sun was shining brightly directly above, releasing a lot of light and heat. Du Ming hid in the room, concentrating on making energy cubes. Both Zhenxinchi and Su Hao sent text messages, telling Du Ming that they had already boarded the Yawei, and asking Du Ming about their next plans.

Before they boarded the Yawei, they had already looked for Du Ming at the Elf Center, but last night they woke up very late drunk, and Du Ming had already checked out of the room, not knowing where to go.

Du Ming didn't reply, instead he ordered the waiter to help him receive the courier. He just placed an order at the Scholars' House a while ago, specifying that it would be delivered today. However, the volume of goods is large, and workers need to move them to the warehouse for storage. If he only had a white ticket, he couldn't carry so many things on board, so he had to cut some.

Gray tickets are quite different.

The waiter who was ordered was efficient and carried out immediately. Soon, all of Du Ming's goods were transported to the cargo hold and stored in a fixed location. The waiter marked the location on the map for Du Ming to pick it up. Of course, as long as Du Ming asks, they will help to fetch it.

"[Divine Power] energy cube, successfully made!"

After possessing the power of heart, Du Ming's efficiency in making energy cubes has improved. The failure probability of the Aurora Energy Cube is already negligible.

It may be that [Divine Power] requires relatively high-end skills. Du Ming's use of mental power can't improve the success rate much, and it is still easy to fail.

There was a sudden vibration under the feet, and there were noises in the ears.

Luxury cruise ships start to leave Quang Nam Port. From this angle, you can see the dense crowd of onlookers on the shore of the port. It is obvious that the cruise ship is not far away from Guangnan Port, but the people in the port seem very small.

Those gorgeously dressed passengers leaned on the railing of the deck, overlooking the sea or the workers in the port.

As the cruise ship sails into the sea, all that is left in the field of vision is the boundless blue sea and sky.


Yavi, sunbathing area.

Sirona looked at the blue sea and blue sky, and the sun shone on her delicate face, making her look even more radiant. In her star-like eyes, there was a look of regret.

"If I had known Du Ming didn't have time to prepare enough energy cubes for me, I wouldn't have taken the Yawei."

she thought to herself.

Sirona is actually very entangled, making a choice is already very difficult for her.

Ling Yawei undoubtedly hopes that Sirona can be together, which makes it impossible for Sirona to say no. So, here comes the problem. If Sirona really takes the cruise ship to go to Shanghai, it will definitely make the biting land shark unable to eat the supernatural energy cube for a short time.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.


On the contrary, it seemed aggrieved to bite Lu Shark fiercely, because Sirona had already made it clear to him that there were no [Divine Power] energy cubes on the Yawei.

Biting Lu Shark was a little anxious, thinking of the crunchy and fragrant taste of [Divine Power], and the sense of strength that surged all over his body after eating [Divine Power], his mouth was dry and he couldn't help salivating.

In fact, energy cubes cannot improve the abilities of elves endlessly. [Divine Power] After one year of consumption, the effect will reach its limit.

In this year, unless he encounters a better energy cube, Lie Bite Lu Shark will become dependent on [Divine Power], and only [Divine Power] is the most delicious thing.

This sense of dependence will continue until the [divine power] can no longer take effect on the biting land shark.

Because of this, many civilian trainers would not let the elves touch the energy cubes, but let the elves eat with the trainers. Although very kind, the strength of the elves will not improve so fast. And because of the low input resources, the power of the elves is not too strong.

Sirona touched the forehead of Liebite Lusha, and reminded: "Next, you can only eat ordinary energy cubes, or the food provided on the cruise ship, remember? If you eat indiscriminately, the residual effect of [Divine Power] in your body is likely to be destroyed. "

Biting Lu Shark, who was touched by Sirona's jade hand, showed an expression of enjoyment. Hearing this, his expression changed, and his pupils were filled with disbelief: Aren't we partners?

Lie Bite Lu Sha looked at the sea outside the railing, his mind flashed, and he swam back directly to find Du Ming's thoughts.

But he quickly gave up, biting land sharks hate the water environment, and even more hate sea water.

At this moment, a waiter holding a square box came to Sirona, handed over the square box respectfully, and said, "This is a gentleman in the VIP area, please let me give it to you. He also said that you will definitely like it."

Sirona glanced casually. She didn't care who gave the box or what was in it.

"Sorry, please send this box back, I will not accept gifts from others for nothing."

The waiter stammered: "The gentleman also said that this box is not a gift, but a payment..."

After finishing speaking, even though the waiter had received professional training, he couldn't help showing embarrassment on his face at this moment, and couldn't help but slander: This lady is so beautiful, you just send a broken box, and you still have to charge money?

It's a shame!

"You just send it back directly."

Sirona found it interesting, so she said, "By the way, ask that gentleman, why does he think I will buy his box?"

The waiter wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and returned directly after saluting, but suddenly bumped into Lu Sha's body as firm as a rock.

With a light hand, the box has been snatched away by the biting land shark. Liebite Lusha swallowed his saliva, his pupils gleamed, he stared at the square box, opened it directly, and started to gobble it up.

The waiter looked at Sirona with a wry smile, biting the land shark was undoubtedly Sirona's elf.

All the energy cubes in the box were eaten by the biting land shark, and he was a little at a loss.

"Tell me where the gentleman lives, and I'll go straight to him."

The waiter was very surprised.

Miss Sirona actually directly became interested in "that gentleman", and even directly asked "that gentleman" where he lived.

I really don't know what expression Miss Ling will have when she finds out.

"The gentleman said he couldn't tell you his exact address. He also said that if you still want the things in this box, you can wait here every morning. Then, I will help you get them."

The waiter recalled what Du Ming said. At that time, he still felt that Du Ming was thinking too much. With Miss Sirona's aloofness, the so-called "gift that needs to be paid for" would definitely be returned directly, and the follow-up words were completely superfluous.

However, I didn't expect that the development of the matter was really similar to what he described, and all the words he explained could come in handy!

What is the relationship between Du Ming and Sirona?

"Could it be that that gentleman actually has an extraordinary level of picking up girls? Even Sirona can't help being curious about him?" The waiter's thinking became more and more divergent, and when he thought of this, he suddenly became excited.

He didn't know that Du Ming and Sirona had known each other for a long time.


Thinking carefully about the words conveyed by the waiter, Sirona chuckled suddenly, and said to the waiter who had been stunned for a long time: "Then you just tell 'that gentleman' that I will wait here tomorrow morning and ask him to come directly to see me. If you don't come..."

Sirona thought for a while, her beautiful smile almost made the sea view lose its color: "If you don't come, I will make him look good!"

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