The tauren in this era are not yet the masters of Highmountain, and the majestic Thunder Totem has not yet been established. The biggest force in Highmountain is the black dragon who lives here.

According to the information provided by Malfurion, Andrea followed the main river all the way up to the north, and finally found one of the settlements of the tauren at the foot of the mountain west of High Ridge——Hemane Village. In a gloomy mist.

The tauren injured by the shadow flame dragon's breath lay wailing near a tent with a banner outside the door. Not far from them were many corpses wrapped in white cloth.

Having just suffered a crazy attack from Neltharion, the tauren's anti-air security still maintains the highest level.

Andrea had just arrived near Hemane Village, and the tauren guards outside the village immediately raised their bows and arrows to aim, as if they were ready to attack at any time.

"please wait!"

A rather familiar voice came from behind the group of tauren, Koda Steelclaw said to the tauren guard, "Don't attack, that should be my Druid companion."

Koda had seen Andrea's transformation into a golden eagle before, and recognized him from a distance.

After landing safely, Andrea changed back to her original form under the vigilant sight of the tauren, which made the surrounding guards relax their vigilance.

Regardless of pleasantries, Andrea asked vigorously, "Keda, how is the situation now?"

Koda smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's not good, the tauren tribe suffered a lot of losses in the past few days due to the anger of the corrupted Black Dragon King. , the situation is likely to be even worse.”

Under Koda's succinct explanation, Andrea roughly understood the difficulty of getting the tauren to agree to send reinforcements to the front.

This group of tauren still maintains a relatively primitive tribal system. When there are important matters to be decided, the chiefs of each tribe of the tauren will gather together to decide whether to implement the proposal by voting.

Neltharion's attack caused a lot of damage to the tauren tribes that lacked air-to-air capabilities. Although it was not to the point of breaking bones, the primary concern of the tribes is not the situation of Zin-Azhali, but how to make the tribes Shake off the shadow brought upon them by the black dragon.

"There are many tauren clans living in Highmountain, but they are the most influential. Only the five clans have the right to vote."

"Gaoling, Blood Totem, River Mane, Tianjiao, Forest Hoof."

"The chieftain of the Gaoling clan, Hun Gaoling, has a good view of the overall situation. He was the first to agree to allow the tauren to participate in the decisive battle."

Koda took Andrea back to the tent that the tauren had prepared for him, and explained to Andrea in detail the attitudes of the various clans of the tauren.

"The blood totem is also very persuasive. This brave and warlike clan has always liked to use their fists to decide right from wrong. They were convinced by Chief Hun's strong personal strength very early on, and firmly stood on the side of the main war faction."

"The problem is with the remaining three clans."

Koda sighed softly, "First of all, the most staunch anti-war faction, He Mane."

"The whole clan of this clan believes in shamanism, and there are a large number of spellcasters. Most of the shamans who are treating the wounded now come from the Hemane clan. Hemane has a high prestige among this group of tauren."

"The Hemane clan firmly opposes sending troops for reinforcements. Their chief Saren Hemane believes that healing the physical and mental wounds suffered by the clansmen should be the top priority now."

"The second is Tianjiao. The warriors of this clan are equally strong and brave. They advocated taking advantage of the opportunity of the black dragon king Neltharion to go out and launch a surprise attack to expel the black dragon from Highmountain."

Andrea raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Expel the black dragon? It's too inflated, just relying on this group of tauren who don't even have an air force?"

Koda smiled wryly and rubbed his temples, "That's the problem. Recently, the Skyhorn clan has obtained the tacit approval of On'hara, and they are now actively contacting the giant eagle that soars in the sky of High Mountain. They want to tame this huge bird of prey. , so as to make up for the lack of tauren air power."

"A drop in the bucket."

Andrea shook his head and said, "With the strength of an adult dragon, even if there are only dozens of black dragons staying in the lair, it is not something the tauren can easily shake."

Koda nodded in agreement, "I think so too, but the chief of the Tianjiao clan, Gwen Tianjiao, is a stubborn person who admits death. He took the elite of the clan out five days ago and vowed to tame the giant eagle." Use it for yourself."

"Reckless and reckless."

Andrea said helplessly, "Where is the last forest hoof?"

"The Linti clan's position is relatively neutral, and they are also the clan I am working hard to win."

Koda went on to explain, "The Woodshoe clan lived in the forests of Highmountain all year round. They were the first tauren clan to reconnect with Cenarius."

"Kuran, the chieftain of Woodshoe, is indecisive. On the one hand, he wants to follow in the footsteps of Cenarius and take back our world from the demons."

"But on the other hand, the current situation of the tauren attack has made him hesitant. He can't decide which side to choose. His swing vote is related to which side can occupy the majority of the votes of the five races."

Ke Da spread his hands and said weakly, "I have tried my best to persuade Chief Kuran, but he still can't make a final decision."

"Guide Stormrage said that after you lost your memory, your style of dealing with things has become a lot smoother, and you have become more eloquent. This time you can safely rescue the Priest of Whispering Wind from Queen Azshara's hands is a proof."

"On the recommendation of the Whisperwind Priest, the archdruid sent you here to replace me and Ronin and Brooks who just left, and take over the important task of negotiating with the tauren."

Andrea looked at Koda with a confused expression, "Huh? The Priest of Whisper Wind recommended me? You're not mistaken."

Ke Da was taken aback, and asked a little puzzled, "Is there any problem? You rescued her by yourself, so what's so strange about recognizing your ability?"

"Uh, well, let's put this question aside for now."

Andrea shook her head to dismiss Tyrande's strange attitude.

Putting his chin on his hand and meditating for a while, Andrea said thoughtfully, "To put it simply, the votes of the five major tauren clans are now 2 to 2, and the Linti clan is temporarily vacillating."

"I have a question, Koda, have you investigated the number of black dragons left in Highmountain in detail?"

Koda nodded and said, "Yes, even though Neltharion went berserk and even the dragon queen Sinestra couldn't bear his madness and fled, there are still 15 adult dragons and more than 100 young dragons staying in the area. Near his lair, there are countless dragon hatchlings and dragon eggs."

The combat power of baby dragons is negligible, as long as they are not stupidly hit by their immature breath, any ordinary soldier can easily defeat these baby dragons.

Young dragons are more difficult to deal with. According to the assessment standards of night elves, young dragons with high intelligence have at least the same level of air power as the two-headed Chimera, and maybe even stronger.

The adult giant dragons are the backbone of the dragon clan. Although there are only 15 left behind in High Mountain, if they cannot find a proper way to deal with them, once a war starts, these 15 giant dragons can completely destroy the entire tauren tribe.

Koda saw the thoughtful look in Andrea's black pupils, and suddenly shivered.

"Why are you asking this? You don't really plan to drive the black dragon out of Highmountain, do you?"

After regaining consciousness, Andrea looked up strangely and asked, "What else? Continue to fight hard with the Linti clan? There is no time for that right now."

"The front line is still under tremendous pressure. If the decisive battle is not launched as soon as possible, more and more reinforcements from the Burning Legion will gather. It is better to formulate a plan to solve the worries of the tauren once and for all."

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