Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 67: Starting Again, The Returner

When Anna, the female shopkeeper, heard Andrea's unexpected request, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

"Although there were very few people ordering it before, we can still make it, but...customer, are you sure you need a staff with a shadow attribute? Such a precious material cannot be changed once it is made."

Andrea breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as you can do it, then please ask the store manager Anna, I want the shadow attribute."

Anna smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, that's it. In addition, regarding the shape of the staff, do you have any special requirements?"

"No, let you design it, as long as it is easy to use."


After paying the deposit, Andrea walked out of the shop and stretched comfortably.

"As expected of the Dark Night Empire with a well-developed arcane civilization, we will be able to get the finished product tomorrow evening, and finally settle one matter."

At this moment, the commotion from the crowd not far from the store attracted Andrea's attention.

"Hey, are you kidding me?"

"It's true, that crazy dragon is flying over here."

"Then let's run away quickly. With the current defensive strength of Black Rook Castle, there is no chance of winning the battle with the Black Dragon King!"

"Don't worry, let's see what the temporary city lord says, maybe he's just passing by."

Andrea's eyes flashed suddenly when he heard the worried discussion of this group of people.

'It seems that Rhonin has already started to act, and now the battlefield on the front line of Xin Azhali will become more lively. '

Sure enough, when Andrea returned to the new home of the Moonsong family, Leticia was anxiously circling the hall with a letter.

"Ah! You are finally back."

Seeing Andrea walking slowly into the gate, Leticia said with some complaints, "The Temporary City Master Aurora asked me to deliver this letter to you. It was sent from the front."

Aurora Ravencrest is the widow of the late Lord Ravencrest, the mother of Elisanna, and she is currently the castellan of Black Rook Castle.

Andrea opened the letter without saying a word, and browsed the contents of the letter at a glance.

"Hmph~ I really fell for it."

This letter was sent by Malfurion, mainly about the actions of Rhonin and Brox, following the advice given by Andrea, they successfully lured Neltharion to Zin-Azhari.

If it was Neltharion in a normal state, he would definitely not be fooled by such a baseless trick, but at this time the Black Dragon King is suffering from the great pain caused by his body being torn apart, it is difficult to calm down and carefully distinguish the information authenticity.

Under the brainwashing and temptation of the ancient god N'Zoth, the Black Dragon King's mind was in chaos, leaving only the obsession to regain the dragon's soul and sweep the world.

Knowing that the soul of the dragon was transported to Zin-Azhali by the thieves, Neltharion immediately changed direction with a howl, and flew straight to the capital of the Dark Night Empire.

At midnight, almost everyone in Black Rook Castle witnessed a huge black dragon flying over the city.

The sharp-eyed Andrea also saw the huge nails and metal armor that had been poorly fixed on Nelthario's body. These crude fixing devices ensured that his body would not continue to least not for the time being.

Crushing the letter paper in his hand into a ball, using the power of shadow to annihilate it into fly ash, Andrea looked at Leticia and said, "Letty, I will go directly to the Highmountain."

"What's your plan, stay in Black Rook Castle or return to the front barracks? My personal suggestion..."

"Needless to say."

Leticia said stubbornly, "I want to return to the front line!"

Andrea was silent for a moment, then tapped the girl's forehead helplessly, "Forget it, it's up to you, I hope you won't regret it in the future."


The Anna staff shop, which claims to have a history of more than 2,000 years, is very efficient. When Andrea went to collect the finished products the next evening, the owner Anna immediately handed over the finished staff to him.

Finely sculpted garnier shoots completely change form.

The entire staff is about 1.8 meters long, and it just fits behind Andrea, who is just over two meters in the back.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the head of the wooden staff is designed as a crow with its head up and its mouth open, and a dark purple spar is suspended above the bird's beak and rotates autonomously.

Andrea was quite satisfied with the design of the staff, so she paid the final payment readily, and left the shop with the warm welcome of the owner Anna.

Leticia is still at home at this time, and then she will go to the Mage Tower to teleport back to the frontline camp.

Andrea had nothing to worry about in Black Rook Castle for the time being. After fixing the staff, he transformed into a golden eagle form in a burst of dark purple smoke, flapping his wings and flying high into the sky.



When Leticia returned to the teleportation area of ​​the barracks, several "bears" walking upright arrived from a distance almost at the same time through teleportation.


As soon as one of the black and white "bearmen" left the teleportation array, he immediately jumped out of the tent with a flexible movement that didn't suit his fat body, bent over and vomited on the grass.


Leticia looked at the high-level elf mage who was in charge of the teleportation array, "May I ask, where did these bears come from?"

"Ahem... Miss, we are not bear people, but panda people."

The previous vomiter with the goatee finally recovered, he rubbed his stinging head and said with a wry smile, "Sorry, I showed you the unseemly side, the teleportation technique is really convenient, but I don't understand the process of teleportation." That disgusting feeling in the movie is always... vomit~"

Recalling the previous experience, the pandaren retched again, and Leticia turned pale with fright from his actions, and hurriedly took a step back.

"Old Lei, you scared the kid."

A helpless female voice came from behind the vomiter who claimed to be a pandaren. It was a beautiful night elf woman with blue hair tied into a single ponytail.

The opponent was wearing a leather armor that had obviously been repaired many times. It seemed that he had experienced a series of fierce battles not long ago, and his whole body exuded a feminine heroism that Leticia had never seen on her high-level elf companion.

This heroic and charming woman smiled and knelt down in front of Leticia and comforted her, "Don't worry, the pandaren are here to help us defeat the reinforcements of the Burning Legion. Don't look at them as bears, in fact, the pandaren's temper Very mild."

"Ah, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself."

The blue-haired woman got up and stretched out her bandaged right hand to Leticia, "I am Shandris, Shandris Feathermoon, a trainee priest of the Sisters of Elune, little sister, why did you appear in the military camp alone? Are you separated from your family?"

While holding Shandris' hand, Leticia softly said her name twice thoughtfully, "Sandris... Shandris!"

The girl covered her mouth in surprise and exclaimed, "You are the Shandris that Andrea often talks about? How could you..."

After looking at the embarrassed appearance of Shandris and her comrades-in-arms, Leticia politely didn't say the second half of the sentence.

Shandris lowered his head to observe his attire, with a wry smile on his face, "It's a long story, do you know Andrea? So, he also completed his mission and returned smoothly?"

"oh oh!"

A bluffing female voice came from behind Shandris, and then a tall woman also wearing leather armor hung on Shandris's body in a shapeless manner, poking her head out of her shoulders and asking gossipingly, "Legend Is the childhood sweetheart in the movie about to appear? Where is it?"

Shandris slapped Reinera's well-built belly with an elbow, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

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