All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 447 Entering the base

447、Enter the Base

Row after row of synths descended from the helicopter, all of them first-generation synths.

They use lightweight alloys to build the basic bone structure, the power engine and nuclear battery are installed in the chest cavity, the optical sensors made in the shape of human eyeballs are installed in the eye sockets, and the processor unit is protected by a thickened alloy skull.

At the same time, in order to protect the internal structure of the body, these synthetics have some synthetic-specific armor welded on the outside, and these armors also make the synthetics look not like poorly made metal skeletons, but as if they are wearing a body structure. Metal skull in simple armor.

The spacious cabin of the Mi-26 transport helicopter was crowded with synthetic people, and each helicopter actually accommodated as many as 100 of them! A total of 400 synthetic humans got off the plane and stood there without saying a word. They all held college laser rifles in their hands, which looked more sci-fi.

In fact, all the Georgian soldiers present, including Glashvili and Arabize, felt as if they were watching a science fiction movie.

400 robots, just standing in front of them! What an experience! In addition, these robots originally wanted to imitate human bones, but had to succumb to the shape of the mechanical structure after imitating half of them. The hideous appearance of this half skeleton and half mechanical parts is even more chilling.

Lieutenant Colonel Arabize's throat squirmed, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with great difficulty. He felt even more frightened now than he had seen the countless undead army before. Because those undead spirits are still mortal bodies no matter what, and there will be a hole in them with a single shot. Even if he knew how to use modern weapons, they were still very stiff, far from ordinary soldiers. He believed that if he was given some heavy weapons just now, it would be easy to destroy this army of undead.

But the synthetic human army in front of him meant two completely different meanings!

In other words, no matter why Linhuo and their ruined world group were not well-known in the world before, the 400 robots they showed off just show that they are definitely not the ones that a small country like Georgia can provoke!

Not because they can't deal with these 400 robots, but what these robots represent. This means ultra-high electronic technology and computer technology, as well as material technology and precision processing technology, and the 400 identical robots in front of us show a mature industrial system!

No matter what these things are, Georgia is hard to come by.

"These... robots...they..." Arabize said cautiously, but didn't know what to say for a while.

"Strictly speaking, these should be called synthetic humans. They are indeed one of the products of our Ruin World Group, but they are still in the experimental stage and do not plan to be exported." Lin Huo said.

"I understand...I understand..." Arabize nodded and bowed.

"Let these synthetics do the cleaning of the battlefield. Let your soldiers take the time to rest, we must recover Kazbek as soon as possible. Also, send the victory report to your Ministry of Defense, and ask Nanao Xti by the way What's the situation over there?" Lin Huo said.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away." Arabize quickly responded.

I saw that the 400 synths started to move immediately, they kept the array and started to move forward. The movements of all the synths are uniform, even if there are as many as 400 synths, their steps are exactly the same, as if only one person is stomping hard!

The synchronous movements brought about a sense of mechanical oppression. Seeing this, the Georgian soldiers backed away one after another. Under such terrible oppression, they had already forgotten to go up to watch the excitement. Instead, there was only fear!

After finishing the arrangement, Lin Huo turned around, only to see Luper and Bertha standing there dumbfounded, looking at the synthetics in a daze. It was only then that he remembered that after Chun Yuyan returned from the world of "Fallout 4", he hadn't shown the technology he got there to the wolf pack team.

"Boss Yan, when did he come up with this thing again?" Luper asked.

"He got a lot of things this time, at least he has the ability to let us dominate." Lin Huo replied.

"Are you planning to dominate the "Command and Conquer" world?" Ruper asked again.

"That's right... If there are no accidents, that world is about to fight." Lin Huo looked into the distance and said slowly.


Chunyuyan and his party came down from the mountain road. They had already put on thick down jackets to resist the wind and snow. Beltway also got into the T-60 power armor, opening the way majestically like a King Kong in armor.

This place has been cleaned up. There is a hill in front of it, and the road leading to the Caucasus base is below. If you continue to enter the base, this is the only passage.

In the front is a huge valley with a large flat land in the center, and a huge factory is located in the middle of the valley. The factory looked completely dark from a distance, and was shrouded in black mist everywhere. Steel pipes, chimneys, and rows of factory buildings were connected together in the black mist, forming a terrifying steel fortress.

And in front of the factory, countless undead can be seen wandering aimlessly. Zombies, skeletons, ghosts, all kinds of undead creatures can be seen here, and you can even see many zombies wearing Russian military uniforms, and some wearing military uniforms of staff.

Seeing this large army, Chunyuyan couldn't help but feel hairy, the development of the undead is really too fast!

Even if he has the help of the infinite base, he still needs to collect resources, scan technology, and build factories before he can produce on a large scale. Before he got the technology of synthetic humans, if he wanted soldiers, he needed to control enough population to have enough soldiers. This was the most troublesome thing for him before.

And for that necromancer, these are not problems! He can summon his own army directly from the grave, and based on this, kill more people and create more undead. Almost in less than a month, under the continuous snowballing, there is such an army with a number of several thousand!

And at the same time, Chunyuyan's power was still just getting started!

Seeing this terrifying army, Chris, Claire, and Rebecca didn't dare to vent their anger. Even Jill, who had been noisy before, was completely quiet now.

"So we're going to sneak into this base? The large group of zombies and ghosts, if they find us, we don't even know how we died!" Rebecca was terrified, she hid behind the rock Quietly inspecting the countless undead spirits, he whispered.

"That's true. Do we have any plans? For example, the other party... well, is the necromancer in the base, and how can we rush in without being discovered?" Chris asked.

"The necromancer on the other side is indeed in the base, the only thing I can be sure of. Because after hearing the whisper in the dream, I have something similar to intuition. This intuition tells me that I You should come here, accept the leadership of the master here, and become his servant." Ghost said in a low voice.

Chunyuyan looked at the center of the factory, where there was a building out of place with the surroundings - a chimney made of black bricks. This chimney looked very abrupt among the surrounding metal factory buildings, and a thick black mist emerged from the chimney. This burst of black mist gathered and did not disperse, forming a black sky covering the mountain in the air.

He said: "Everything shows that this is the lair of the Necromancer. Even if he is no longer here, as long as we can destroy this place, especially the chimney, it can cause him very serious losses. And ours The goal, at least, is to interrupt his plans in Georgia and Russia, so it’s best to kill him, if he can’t be killed, then just do what we should do.”

Chris nodded, "This is the only way to go now, so how do we get in? There are so many undead, we have no chance at all. And..." He glanced at Claire with some concern.

Chunyuyan understood what he meant. Although each of their protagonist groups were protagonists, there was a huge gap in individual strength. Rebecca was at the bottom of the ranks, and Claire was not a professional fighter. Letting them infiltrate this base would mean death.

"Since there is no opportunity, let's create an opportunity." Chunyuyan said, "Yiyi and I sneaked into the base in two ways, and started to sabotage, attracting the ideas of necromancers and those undead. Then you waited for the opportunity to sneak into the depths of the base , Ghost, Rebecca, and Claire stayed on the periphery to respond."

"The 'you' you just said mean..."

"You and Jill, according to my judgment, only you have undergone systematic military training. So Claire and Rebecca are covering the outside, Ghost is in charge of sniping, Beltway also entered the base after the battle started, and on some buildings Plant a bomb to expand the chaos," Chunyuyan said.

"But we don't know how to deal with necromancers?" Chris frowned.

"You are collecting information inside, and after confirming the location of the other party, I will kill him. And if my estimation is correct, the last remnant of the Umbrella Company, Oswell-E-Spencer must also be there Here!" Chun Yuyan said, he deliberately added Spencer to the list of targets.

Sure enough, when Chris, who was still a little hesitant before, heard the news about Spencer, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Understood, leave it to me to find Spencer and the necromancer. Jill, you..."

"I'll go." Jill said very firmly, "I'm the only one here who can keep up with your rhythm."

Chun Yuyan took out all the holy water in his hands and distributed it to everyone, "These are blessed holy water, which has a good effect on undead. Especially when being haunted by ghosts, using holy water can clear away the undead attached to their attacks." Power."

Claire was a little curious, and took a sip, "If you didn't say it, I really don't know the difference between this water and ordinary water. But this kind of water can restrain those undead? Is this the power of magic? ..."

"In the future, maybe we will often deal with magic. My intuition tells me that there is definitely a huge force behind this necromancer!" Chunyuyan said.

His idea is not unreasonable, because it has been confirmed that Wollmann-Schindler was only an experimenter in the bronze group in the previous stage of the survival mission. It is obviously absolutely impossible for an experimenter in the bronze group to possess high-level undead such as the black warrior and the howling banshee, magic props such as the black chimney, and special functions such as the whisper in the dream.

So, if Wollmann-Schindler doesn't have a series of adventures that are as good as the protagonist's, it is that there is another team behind him, and these things are given to him by this team. Of these two possibilities, the latter is obviously more likely.

Therefore, the worst situation is that after he kills Wollman, the forces behind the opponent will come to trouble him.

"Ghost, while you are in charge of sniping, you should also pay attention to contact Hank and Victor. I need to know their current status." Chunyuyan arranged again.

Ghost silently nodded in agreement.

After that, Chunyuyan and Yiyi looked at each other and smiled slightly. As for the matter of the two of them using their super personal strength to directly rush into the local stronghold to sabotage, he and Yiyi can be said to be very familiar with each other, and they have an incomparable understanding.

Then the two began to touch the base from left to right.

Chris and the others waited here, the atmosphere was very tense, Chunyuyan's back was no longer visible here, but no matter what, they had already taken the initiative to enter the most dangerous place to create opportunities for them, this favor, Chris silently remembered in the heart.

Because in his opinion, it was his duty to eliminate the Umbrella Company and arrest Spencer. Regardless of his status, Chun Yuyan was just an ordinary person involved. So now that Chunyuyan helped him, he had to accept this love.

A few minutes later, suddenly boom! boom! Two huge explosions were set off from the direction of the Caucasus base plant, and the sound of the explosion almost resounded through the sky!

Almost at the same time, the undead wandering around the base turned around one after another. They uttered terrifying howls and rushed towards the direction of the explosion.

Chris stared, and said to Jill: "It's our turn! Let's go!!"

The two of them quietly ran over from the other direction of the base.

At this time, Specter silently set up his beloved SV-98 sniper rifle, lay down on the snow to find a suitable position and began to aim.

Thanks to Star Sea Rangers for the 1000 starting coins.

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