All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 446 Reinforcements

446. Reinforcements

"20 minutes! After 20 minutes, we won't even have any bones left!!" Lin Huo roared angrily.

"Then what do you want me to do! Go to the airport to urge them?" Glashvili also got angry, yelling at the forest fire during the communication.

"We can't wait 20 minutes." Ruper also said back.

Lin Huo bit his thumb and tried his best to think, " have to wait here! This is the only chance! If the Wailing Banshee keeps strengthening the undead army, it will be useless even if we escape! Ala Bize's troops can't defend this line of defense at all! If they continue to escape, after the undead army ravages the entire Georgia, it will bring catastrophic consequences!!"

"But we can't wait 20 minutes." Ruper emphasized again.

"Whatever you want to do, make a decision now!!!" Glashvili roared.

"What if I compress the time to 5 minutes?" Lin Huo suddenly raised his head.

"5 minutes is enough!! These monsters can't hurt the tank in a short time!! But we will be very dangerous, it is best to squeeze into the tank." Luper said.

"No, no need!" Lin Huo said to the communicator: "Let the rest of the tanks move closer to the Wailing Banshee! Don't let that bullock cart move! I may be able to stop those undead from attacking within 15 minutes. us!"

"Is it possible? How sure are you?" Gerashvili roared.

", 40%...if Boss Yan has attracted the attention of the necromancer, then there is at least 70% certainty!" Lin Huo said through gritted teeth, and he began to wave his arms in the air. Draw a series of mysterious magic runes.

After these magic runes were drawn in the air, they actually stayed in mid-air, and black air continued to emerge from the runes, making people feel uncomfortable.

"This thing is similar to those undead, and you can also do this kind of magic?" Luper asked, she seemed to have fully accepted the setting of magic.

"In my system, undead magic is just a way of using magic, and there is no need to embrace death so extreme." Lin Huo quickly explained, and began to concentrate on preparing for magic.

Grashvili also ordered the remaining 5 tanks to quickly gather into a group, blocking the bullock cart carrying the Wailing Banshee in the middle. Luper even took a bottle of holy water and sprinkled it on the undead cow pulling the cart, turning it into streaks of black mist and melting it away.

The five tanks are now in a plum blossom formation, blocking the Wailing Banshee in the middle, and the bullock cart cannot move at all. The surrounding undead kept rushing towards the tank, and the bullets kept hitting the tank armor, like the sound of rain. There were even a few rockets launched, but the rockets fired by the undead were not accurate at all, they just exploded around the tank, and one shot flew away directly.

If it is a normal howling banshee, there is no need to be so troublesome, because they can pass through walls easily. And different from those low-level ghosts, the Wailing Banshee has all kinds of killing methods. They can easily enter the tank and kill the driver directly.

But now the howling banshee is bound to its own corpse, and can only rely on the bullock cart to move.

Lin Huo could only secretly think that he was lucky, because he found that his spells could not restrain the Wailing Banshee at all. If the Wailing Banshee hadn't been restrained, maybe he rushed here to deliver food, maybe except for him Other than myself, no one else can live! No, to be precise, although he would not die under the hands of the Wailing Banshee, the other countless undead could completely tear him apart, including the belt and bone.

Looking at the Howling Banshee who was struggling on top of his corpse and howling constantly, Lin Huo gritted his teeth and opened his hands, "Shroud of Undeath (Shroud of Undeath)!!"

The black magic rune in front of him spread out immediately, and then divided into more than a dozen black rays that shot directly into several tanks, and penetrated into everyone's body.

Then Lin Huo quickly said in the communication: "Don't talk, breathe gently, it's better to wear a gas mask!"

The tanks will be equipped with gas masks. Everyone including Glashvili quickly put them on and try to breathe lightly. Lin Huo also took out a set of gas masks to put on himself, while Ruper has been wearing them all the time.

At this time, a magical scene appeared! All the undead around stopped! They looked around, as if they were looking for where their target was, but they found that the target had disappeared? Even those undead spirits who climbed onto the tank rolled down from the tank with a thud, looking around stupidly.

"This magic can imbue us with the aura of undead, and make them treat us as undead. Originally, I used it to save my I can only do this." Lin Huo explained in the communication very quietly: "Anyway, everyone, don't move. This magic can last for 10 more minutes per level, but I only know level 1. I need to do my best to extend the time to 15 minutes..."

"You just said it was magic?" Grashvili asked in a low voice.

"You can choose not to believe it."

"No, I believe it. Amen!" Grashvili crossed his chest, and then put the fingers of the cross on his lips and kissed.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and besides the roar of the tank engine, there were only meaningless roars and groans from the undead.

There are also some undead trying to squeeze the tanks out of the way to let the Wailing Banshee's bullock cart pass, but how can they shake the tens of tons of tanks? Doomed to be futile. And in their perception, the tanks are also undead creatures, so naturally there is no reason to attack these tanks, so they can only squeeze around.

Those undead spirits regarded Lin Huo as their own, so they didn't care so much, and they often leaned over accidentally when they acted. The people in the tank were fine, but Lin Huo and Luper were suffering. They could only stay close together and try to stay as far away from the undead as possible.

Skeleton soldiers without a trace of skin and flesh walked around in front of them, as well as those mummy crawling out of the grave, and zombies with turned skin and flesh, covered in rotten flesh and pustules, these terrible undead were right in front of them. This terrifying scene made Lin Huo feel fear, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

At this time, a warm and strong hand wrapped around his waist, it was Luper! Lin Huo looked back, but could only see Luper's side face covered by the gas mask. Although she couldn't see clearly, she could still tell that although she was more than 30, she still had charm. She was a beautiful woman when she was young. The woman who is now is just a milf.

For some reason, Lin Huo's heart suddenly felt calm. He squeezed Luper's rough hands with many calluses, and concentrated his energy to maintain the spell.

Gunshots like popping beans came again in the distance. It should be that the undead who lost their targets began to attack Lieutenant Colonel Arabize's defense line again. The gunshots became more and more chaotic, and the pressure they were under was also enormous.

"Ah~~~~~!!!" At this time, the Wailing Banshee who was close at hand suddenly let out a terrifying scream again!

The screeching sound made everyone around them dizzy, and the forest fire was the first to bear the brunt. A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth! Fortunately, the blood was blocked by the gas mask, otherwise the smell of blood would attract the attention of those undead. And just when his mind was unsteady, the spell that had been maintained all the time began to loosen, and all the undead around him immediately turned and stared at this side!

"Be careful!" Ruper whispered, she raised her gun and aimed at the undead around, ready to fire at any time.

"I can do it..." Lin Huo tried his best to stimulate his magic power, and finally stabilized the spell again.

Those undead spirits turned around again, but they were extremely anxious, and the vague aura of life made them more and more irritable and difficult to control.

10 minutes, 11 minutes, 12 minutes, 13 minutes, 14 minutes... The surrounding undead began to gradually move towards this side, and the aura of life they had been chasing for a long time became more and more obvious around here, and the temptation of flesh and blood attracted them. With their bloodthirsty instincts.

Luper grabbed the fire and whispered, "Let's go into the tank."

She restrained her movements as much as possible, then gently opened the hatch of the tank, and stuffed the forest fire into it. However, the internal space of the T-72 tank is small, and if Lin Huo is added, it will be completely full by one person, and the second person cannot be inserted at all.

However, before Lin Huo could speak, Ruper directly closed the hatch! At the same time as the hatch was closed, all the undead spirits around suddenly let out a terrible howl, their empty eye sockets fixedly staring at Luper, and 2 seconds later, countless undead spirits rushed over!

"Launch the tank!!!" Lin Huo had given up on continuing to maintain his magic, and roared loudly.

The five tanks started immediately, and rammed directly towards the crowd of undead. While knocking some undead into the air, they also opened a path for Ruper.

However, Luper didn't run towards the tank, but she just ran to the Wailing Banshee, took out her radio communicator and slammed it into the Wailing Banshee's body!

Then she ran wildly, her movements were extremely agile, and she turned on the bulletproof mode of the battle suit. The cold guns around her were all affected by the electromagnetic field generated by the battle suit, and their speed was reduced or deviated from the track, unable to cause her damage. Luper ran quickly, then jumped onto a T-72M tank, kicked the two zombies off the tank, and opened the hatch to get in.

At the same time, the voice of the pilot finally came from the communication, "This is the bald eagle, please confirm the attack target, I will launch an attack in one minute."

Before Grashvili could speak, Luper said loudly in the communication: "Please determine the attack target according to the direction of the wireless frequency 3.7038Hz!"

"Understood, the radio frequency is 3.7038Hz, and the bombing will start after 40 seconds." The pilot repeated.

"Speed ​​up! Get out of the bombing zone!!" Ruper said to Glashvili.

"Run! Run!!" She didn't need to say anything, the drivers of the remaining five tanks had already stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and started to rush forward with maximum horsepower.

There was an obvious whistling sound in the sky, and two Su-25 attack planes passed by at low altitude. The moment they flew over the Wailing Banshee, four bombs with stabilized fins fell off the wings and landed accurately. Nearby.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! A terrible explosion was set off immediately, and the terrifying flame instantly rose into the air, reaching more than 20 meters in the air, and the huge sea of ​​flames instantly swept across an explosion area of ​​thousands of square meters, engulfing everything in the flames! Even the mist that spread with the undead spirits was blown away by the explosion, and could never gather again.

The explosion quickly pulled away the surrounding oxygen, and alarms started to go off inside the five tanks. Fortunately, they were all wearing gas masks just now so they didn't suffocate to death.

"FU*K!! They actually have napalm bombs!!" Luper cursed seeing that this was definitely not the kind of power that ordinary incendiary bombs could create.

"Ah, although it's a bit wasteful, there's no chance of that Wailing Banshee surviving," Lin Huo said.

"We actually won!" Glashvili said excitedly, but then became worried again, "But what if there is another monster like this?"

"Don't worry, our reinforcements will arrive soon." Lin Huo suppressed the excitement of the rest of his life, pretending to be calm.

When they returned to the position, they saw countless undead spirits still attacking Arabize's defense line, but under the bombing of napalm just now, a large number of undead spirits were wiped out, and the Wailing Banshee was also killed. Without the strengthening of the Wailing Banshee, the number of undead spirits whose numbers have also dropped sharply is getting weaker and weaker, and they are no longer a big threat.

"We won!! We won!! Hahahahahaha!!!" Arabize laughed loudly, he ran over and hugged Linhuo, "Hahahaha! This time the credit is enough for me to be promoted to colonel! Hahahaha Thank you, Advisor, Your Excellency!!"

"Don't be happy, let the soldiers rest quickly, we must regain Kazbek, and the most important thing is to cut off the supply of weapons at the train station!" Lin Huo said.

"I think it will be very difficult to launch a counterattack within a period of time..." Arabize looked at the direction of the defense line, only to see Georgian soldiers rushing up to search for silver bullets on the corpses of those undead. They dug out the bullets with daggers, and put them in their pockets regardless of the blood stains. There were even several fights in order to fight for the bullets.

Lin Huo frowned and said: "Let everyone hand over all the bullets! Wait for our reinforcements to come and then dig out the bullets. Everyone will share equally! Everyone has a share!"

"Did you hear that? Stop it for me! Someone will help us dig!!" Arabize hurriedly shouted, ordering the trusted soldiers to catch all the soldiers who snatched the bullets.

"That...Your Excellency the Advisor, who are the reinforcements you are talking about? Why are they willing to dig bullets for us? Are they trustworthy?" Arabize asked in a low voice, his meaning was obvious, he was worried that those reinforcements would come to share a cup of soup.

"You don't have to worry, they work hard and don't take any money." Lin Huo looked at his watch and said calmly.

A few minutes later, there was a roar of engines in the sky. Looking up, I only saw 4 huge Mi-26 transport helicopters lowering their altitude.

"Look, reinforcements are here." Lin Huo laughed, and with the arrival of reinforcements, he finally felt relieved.

The hatch of the helicopter opened, and hundreds of people came out of the cabin neatly. No, these are not humans, they are clearly... synthetic humans! !

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