Zongman: Beginning with the Killer Queen

Chapter 165 The Twisted Demonic Eye

For Asagami Fujino, Roland's soft words had a much greater impact than when he killed those bad boys before. She stood there blankly, her face turned pale, and her original indifferent expression began to change.

"You mean...my painlessness..."

"Of course, haven't I already proven it?"

Roland smiled and answered that the disease Painless Disease is a very rare genetic mutation.

The so-called pain sensation is essentially a response to abnormalities in life activities, and it is also a warning to the brain.

Losing the sense of pain means that you are unable to respond to the body's warnings and avoid danger, and you can easily go to the extreme of self-destruction.

But Asakami Fujino's condition is a bit more special.

"Moreover, what you suffer from is not painless disease, but a disease called neuromyelitis optica. It is the cause of your current condition. After all, besides pain, your other senses are also very weak."

"Neuromyelitis optica?"

Fujino chewed on this unfamiliar word.

"This type of disease itself can also cause vision loss, even blindness, and weak senses. Therefore, your family seems to think this is a good opportunity to use drugs to deprive you of your senses."

Asakami Fujino's painlessness was acquired, and the reason is that she came from her original family, the Asakami family.

Although it is somewhat declining now, in the other world, the four demon exorcism families were still quite famous. Before the rise of demons, those abnormal people passed on their power through blood, erasing the problems caused by the distortion of nature. Demonic nature thus survives and expands.

But with the progress and standardization of the times, these disasters have become less and less, and the exorcist families have gradually lost their place. Unlucky and abnormal ones like Qiye have been directly exterminated, while some have survived through timely transformation. Survived, just like the Liangyi family.

Asami was one of the more unlucky families. They failed in the transformation process and were eventually completely replaced by the branch family.

Asakami Fujino naturally became a victim of this transformation of concepts.

Although she was born in the same family and has excellent talents, her father has a deep hatred for the power flowing in his blood. He rejects family members with abnormal powers and treats them as monsters.

This attitude made even Asakami Fujino, his daughter, who had awakened a terrifying superior power, not immune to this.

In the final analysis, the so-called four demon exorcism families, because of their bloodline, can only be said to be only half as good as magicians in terms of outlook on life. Even if they are gradually diluted due to decline, the hidden demonic nature can still make them cold. Do some outrageous things to their relatives and descendants.

After becoming aware of Fujino's illness, he deliberately managed to seal his daughter's power by depriving her of her senses.

It directly led to her developing a missing personality and her subsequent tragic and unfortunate life.

After the decline of the Asakami family, Asakami, as a branch of the family, was naturally happy to see this decision come to fruition, and he also maintained this behavior.

"You mean...father?"

Asagami Fujino's expression was a little shaken. Even for her as an abnormality, hearing such news would be unbelievable.

"Well, that should be it. Anyway, your stepfather and father have maintained this behavior. After all, your eyes are very good."

Roland saw Asakami Fujino's confusion.

"That is the power called the Magic Eye of Distortion. It can distort things without touching them, whether they are organic or inorganic objects. If your knowledge is better, the base of invisible things like the Nexus can also be used. Distortion can be called a nemesis, and judging by its level, it should be at gem level."

The rainbow-level magic eye is no longer something that humans can possess. It should belong to the level of gods. Even if it is gem level, it is a rare treasure in modern times.

In the five battles, even Rider's heroic spirit will be petrified. At the very least, the demonic eye of petrification is delayed, and it is only gem level.

What is ridiculous is that the declining Asagami family worked hard to seal this magic eye, but if it was used in a better way, or even simply sold, it would not only satisfy Fujino's father's desire to seal the abnormality The requirement of strength, and just taking a small part of the sales amount, can easily relieve the crisis of bankruptcy.

And as if she had also thought of this, despite her indifferent appearance, the girl with a very keen mind immediately noticed this.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better if you just took my eyes away?"

"What a waste. You're worth more than that."

Asakami Fujino's magic eye is essentially a kind of superpower. The magic eye is only the most external manifestation. As he grows in the future, he can even awaken the icing on the cake such as clairvoyance, which can be used from ultra-long distances. To complete the attack, it can be called a strategic weapon.

Roland continued, "What's more, everything about you belongs to me, so why should I bother you."

Without these eyes or this personality, Roland was not what he needed, so he told the truth calmly.

"So, I want to start treatment?"

Roland said with a smile; "Because you still have appendicitis, not treating it in time will only make it worse, leading to perforation and peritonitis. In order to ensure that the effects of those drugs are completely removed, the next method will be a bit rough. Remember to be patient.”


Under Asagami Fujino's confused gaze, Roland raised his hand, turned his palm into a knife, and suddenly pierced her abdomen.

"it hurts……"

Organs were crushed, flesh and blood were cut off, and the immense pain she had never felt before flooded into Asagami Fujino's mind along with the superior pleasure, making her delicate, doll-like face reveal an expression of intoxication and obsession.

Even without a mirror, Asagami Fujino could imagine that his face must be a burning crimson.

She likes this kind of pain. For Fujino, who couldn't experience the feeling of survival in the past, nothing can make her realize the joy of living better than pain.

Because the pain and pleasure of dying hit together, Asagami Fujino's pupils became moist and charming, and her towering chest heaved up and down due to the intense breathing.

The urging from death made her want to close her eyes sleepily, but she still stubbornly resisted it, staring at the man opposite who brought her happiness and pain, and the twisted and true self in his clear pupils. .

"it's over."

Roland withdrew his hand without taking any extra measures.

But what is incredible is that the hole in Asagami Fujino's abdomen, from which he could see the scenery of hell, quickly began to grow on its own.

Broken organs began to reassemble, broken nerves spontaneously connected, flesh and skin intertwined, weaving life.

In less than a second, Asakami Fujino's lower abdomen became as smooth as new, but what was even more outrageous was that her damaged coat began to heal and became intact.

"This is your most perfect state. Your pain sensation has completely recovered. Although there is no guarantee that you will not be disturbed by pain again in the future, you can have more confidence in me in terms of complete cure."

Looking at the proud Roland, Asagami Fujino did not pay attention to his own problems, but stared into Roland's eyes.

"So, from now on, I don't have to pretend anymore?"

The girl raised her head and asked in an expectant tone.

"Of course not. If you feel pain, you should speak out. If you can feel happiness, you should pursue it..."

Roland knew what Asakami Fujino meant. After being suppressed for a long time, this demonic nature would eventually rebound and become a thousand times worse than normal, just like Kotomine Kirei.

But so what?

Rather, Roland is happy to see the results.

"If you have a pair of special eyes, you will be called a monster and cannot achieve happiness, then both this happiness and the title of monster are too cheap."

Roland asserted: "Fujino, you are an outstanding person, you can be more confident."

You can be convinced.

——Roland is different from everyone he has come into contact with in the past.

The girl who has closed her heart has never been able to open her heart to those with normal perception.

These people cannot understand their own feelings. If they know it, whether it is kind or malicious, they will look at something abnormal.

Asakami Fujino worked so hard to imitate the actions of ordinary people, just to chase this kind of ordinary happiness, but just now, when she felt the pain, the emotions that emerged in her heart were actually joy and joy.

Even if he regains his sense of pain, he can't go back to the past.

Perhaps, the first thing to be distorted by these eyes may be my own heart.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, as long as he can understand her, Asagami Fujino will not lose the reason to live in this world.


Asagami Fujino lowered her head slightly, letting her beautiful forehead hair fall down to cover her face. Then, she took a long breath, as if she wanted to exhale the impurities that had accumulated in her spirit due to the previous illness. .

Then, she smiled faintly, and the contrast between the smile that appeared on that cold and beautiful face made Roland feel a little dazed.

"I understand, I am your property."

"You found the location much faster than I thought...and it seems there is a better choice than this, right?"

Roland had a subtle bad feeling in his heart and asked with some doubts.

"Don't you like being called a possession? How about being a slave for life?"

Asagami Fujino showed an innocent smile, straightened her waist, and her heavy chest swayed.

"It's okay to say it's your special dog, right? Rather, maybe I've been destined to be your loyal dog since I was born."

Asagami Fujino said softly in a terrifyingly gentle tone.


Even Roland was dumbfounded by the strong emotion contained in this calm speech.

Even from his perspective, this relationship seemed a bit scary.

After all, this is so endearing and exciting. For Roland now, this perfect magic makes him a little excited.

Encounter is indeed a good thing.

"Lord Roland, what should I do next? Should I go home as usual, or..."

"You don't need to worry about the matters at Asakami's house, I will take care of everything."

Roland and Asagami Fujino looked at each other, looking at the pair of magic eyes that shone like gems, emitting light, with bright blue and red colors intertwining with each other, and rainbow-like pupils.

"And you are not suitable to meet your family now. In short, let's find a suitable magic eye for you first."

The Magic Eye Killer, which looks like a pair of glasses, is a prop that has the ability to isolate the Magic Eye from the outside world. Due to the different properties of the Magic Eye and the difference in ability strength, this type of prop is not easy to make and often requires customization. .

But for the highest-ranking puppet user, this is just one of the insignificant results obtained during the research process.

Roland touched his chin and smiled expectantly.

"It's a coincidence that there happens to be a veteran who specializes in this field in this city."

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