Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 15 Refugees

Lu Jiangxian has been familiar with it for several months and has completely absorbed the power of jade. He has already been able to use the magic tricks recorded in the "Taiyin Breathing and Breathing Wheel Sutra" to communicate with the Li family.

But he thought that the time was not ripe enough, so he never showed his sanity. Instead, he lay quietly in the ancestral hall like a dead thing.

After all, the Li family are not stupid. Maybe this mirror is of high status, but he, Lu Jiangxian, is really a novice in cultivating immortals.

At this time, not only did he have to make up some information about his life experience, but he also had to answer the questions that the Li family had, so he had a lot of flaws.

Fortunately, his spiritual consciousness is now more than enough to cover the entire Li family. It is quite comfortable to sleep and watch a TV series when he wakes up.

Only the occasional breath flying over Guli Road would wake Lu Jiangxian up, making him feel a chill in his heart. Feeling the majestic or light breath, he silently shrank his consciousness into a ball.

Although the Li family made up Lu Jiangxian's brain to create some kind of magic weapon, he still has a good idea of ​​his own combat effectiveness - the second level of Fei Breath is the base of the Qing Yuan Wheel, and the fourth level of Fei Breath is Qing Yuan Wheel is considered to be the top of the sky.

Comparing himself with those auras that were so majestic that Lu Jiangxian felt like a ray of light on his back even when he was shrinking in the mirror, he still felt that he could be more cautious and wait for a hundred and eighty years.

"But why are there refugees coming to Guli Road..." He said to himself in confusion.


Li Changhu led a group of villagers holding torches, pitchforks, hoes and other tools, and stood at the entrance of the village facing off against a group of ragged refugees.

Having just finished the wedding between Xiang Ping and Tian Yun in the past few days, Li Changhu took time out to practice, but saw a tenant from the Li family hurriedly reporting that a group of refugees had arrived at the entrance of the village.


The most recent refugees Li Changhu saw were more than three years ago. They were a group of people surnamed Chen who had migrated from Meichi Mountain. The weather has been good in recent years, and the Meichi River is good at raising people. There are not necessarily any families in the upper and lower basins who cannot survive.

"They claim to be from Guli Road." When the tenant saw Li Changhu, he seemed to have found a backbone and replied respectfully.

"How can it be…"

Li Changhu thought for a few moments, waved his hand, walked towards the door, and said:

"Father has gone to bed a long time ago. Don't bother him. Call Uncle Tian and Uncle Ren and let's go take a look."

When Li Changhu reached the entrance of the village, Liu Linfeng, the head of another large family in Lijing Village, the Liu family, was already waiting at the entrance of the village with a cigarette in his mouth. When he saw Li Changhu, he smiled and said:

"Changhu is coming."


Li Changhu also nodded. Liu Linfeng was the biological brother of his mother Liu Linyun. Back then, Li Mutian killed the Yuan family and divided the fields. Liu Linfeng's father fell in love with this young man at a glance and married Liu Linyun against all opinions. In the past, I got married to the Li family.

Li Changhu and Liu Linfeng led people to shout to the refugees three times. The refugees finally pushed out a middle-aged man. Although this man had a dark face and ragged clothes, he was quite dignified in his gestures.

The middle-aged man cupped his hands, looked at the two of them with a wry smile and said:

"I was the person in charge of the caravan on the Xia-Li Road. The Wu State in the south laid down the city of Jingxia. The entire Xia-Li Road was rife with weapons and chickens and dogs were restless. I was robbed on the road and escaped among the refugees. I don't think so. Talented, I have been recommended by everyone to talk about things, and I hope you two can take me in."

"This section of Guli Road has been in disrepair for a long time and wild animals are rampant. You just came here like this?"

Liu Linfeng asked doubtfully.

"Of course a lot of people died, including the elderly and children." The middle-aged man said with a bitter smile.

Representatives of two large households were inquiring about each other's details. Old man Xu in the crowd was holding a braided grass cricket in one hand and a hoe in the other, squinting at the refugees.

He lived at the entrance of the village and was woken up by the refugees early in the morning. Hearing that Li Changhu was also coming, Old Man Xu happily took out the grass crickets he had compiled a few days ago and prepared to take them to Ren's unborn child. .

Now he was attracted by a young man among the refugees. This young man was wearing rags and had an animal skin wrapped around his waist. His eyes were burning like fire, staring at Li Changhu and Liu Linfeng above.

"Those eyes look so familiar." Old man Xu touched his pale beard, but he couldn't remember where he had seen them before.

"Everyone, listen to me!"

Liu Linfeng called the refugees, took a step forward, and shouted:

"I am the patriarch of the Liu family in the village. There is still a lot of wasteland in Lijing village that can be reclaimed. If you are willing, my Liu family can provide you with food and utensils this year. The cultivated land will be rented to you by my Liu family, and only 30% of the harvest will be harvested. Rent.”

As a junior, Li Changhu stood half a step behind Liu Linfeng and also promised:

"The same goes for my Li family."

After hearing this, the young man among the refugees turned his head suddenly and stared at Li Changhu's face. His eyes were burning like fire for a few seconds, and he quickly lowered his head with satisfaction.

After a great deal of effort, Old Man Xu pushed his way to the front of the crowd and looked at the refugees carefully, but he could not find the young man.

Turning around, he saw that the young man had squeezed into the frontmost position among the refugees, only a few steps away from where Li Changhu and Liu Linfeng were standing.

The middle-aged man who was standing next to the two of them glanced at him and thought in wonder:

"What a sharp eye. Is there such a person among the refugees? We lived and ate together for three months, and I haven't seen this person before."

"You can drink, eat meat, get married and have children in Lijing Village, but you are not allowed to steal or commit adultery..."

While Liu Linfeng was warning everyone, Old Man Xu's uneasiness became more and more intense. He watched the young man fly out and kneel down in front of Liu Linfeng, sobbing.

"The villain's whole family was attacked by swords, and only one of them escaped. After traveling thousands of miles, he met two adults who took him in. I am so grateful! How dare you do such shameless things here!"

He was crying really sadly, and the refugees behind him also felt sad and started to cry loudly. For a while, the crying was everywhere, and Liu Linfeng couldn't help but feel moved.

Old Man Xu looked at the young man's exposed ankle as he knelt down. The left foot with staggered scars protruded from the tattered trousers, and there were several black moles scattered on the ankle joint.

A familiar feeling emerged in his mind. His face turned red as if he was drunk, and he stared at the young man warily.

Li Changhu, who was behind him, could no longer bear it any longer. He looked at the young man kneeling on the ground with pity, took half a step forward, and leaned over to help him.

There was a loud bang in Old Man Xu's mind, and his eyes went blank, as if he had returned to that afternoon more than twenty years ago in an instant.

He, Old Xu, was still a tenant of the Yuan family. The golden rice fields were undulating in the autumn wind. The woman came to the field with her child in her arms. He bowed and said auspicious words to please:

"Looking at the mole on the child's foot, he must be capable of great things!"


Old man Xu stretched out his waist, which had been bowed for more than twenty years, and shouted angrily with his head raised and eyes wide open.


But he heard a voice not far away, drinking in unison with him.

It turned out to be the middle-aged man elected by the refugees. He was looking at the young man's face in surprise and spoke to stop him.

Before the two of them finished speaking, the young man raised his head suddenly, and Li Changhu met those eyes unprepared.

Those ferocious and sharp eyes, like wild beasts.

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