Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 61 Harvest (please follow up!)

The Shangyuan Lantern Festival is held for five consecutive days, and the "Five Night Lanterns of the Shangyuan Dynasty" has become a regulation of the Zhao and Song Dynasties.

During the Zhao Ji administration, the Shangyuan Lantern Festival was even more spectacular and unprecedented. The streets and alleys in Bianliang City, Tokyo were decorated with lanterns. On Yuqian Street, the lantern market stretched for dozens of miles, and citizens flocked to the streets to come to Xuande Tower. The front square was crowded and lively.

On the upper floor of Xuande Tower, a colorful shed was set up with yellow robes, in which a throne was placed and fine wine and delicacies were prepared.

Each of the two towers is hung with a light ball, which is about ten feet in diameter, with candles burning in the rafters.

Zhao Ji would personally go to Xuande Tower every year, and would bring his favorite concubines to enjoy it with the people.

Usually, Zhao Ji would also play some games with his concubines, such as prizes for guessing lantern riddles, prizes for reciting poems and so on.

As a result, the laughter of the palace concubines could be heard outside.

All the surnames are watching from the terrace, and when they are enjoying themselves, they will make people shout out from the mountains.

Facing such a grand scene every year, Zhao Ji is always happy and elated.

But things are different this year.

This year, Zhao Ji has been feeling uneasy!

——Zhao Ji, who is profound in Taoism, has sensed that something bad happened related to him.

Outside the window were thousands of lights and bustling crowds. Through the dense curtains, Zhao Ji looked at his dynasty, which seemed to be unprecedentedly prosperous. He wondered what this very bad thing was. And how big of an impact it will have...

At the same time, Jiang Hongfei climbed out of the secret passage.

Looking back at the brightly lit Bianliang City, Jiang Hongfei ran away...

He ran for hundreds of miles in a panic, and until dawn, no pursuers were seen. Jiang Hongfei finally relaxed after worrying about the whole journey.

Looking around, there were no villages or shops here, just a barren mountain. There was no suitable place to rest. Jiang Hongfei simply found a cave and took out the gains from his trip.

The first thing Jiang Hongfei opened was the second volume of Royal Cultivation Techniques.

I just saw the opening line: If you want to practice, first practice standing quietly in a loose posture, that is, it is natural.

The next volume of the Royal Cultivation Techniques starts with the introduction of standing, breathing, sitting, meditating, etc. to quickly refine spiritual energy, as well as the training of many spiritual power usage techniques such as attack, defense, spiritual eyes, concealment, domain, and free artistic conception. The method is full of useful information, which is exactly what Jiang Hongfei needs.

After browsing for a while, Jiang Hongfei opened the middle volume of Royal Cultivation Techniques and saw that it all described how to comprehend and develop supernatural powers.

According to what is described in this volume of Royal Cultivation Techniques, the understanding of magical powers is controllable, and you can even design a magical power system that suits you based on your actual situation.

The first volume of the Royal Cultivation Rules is all about how to cultivate your own spiritual roots.

According to the Royal Cultivation Technique in the previous volume, as long as a person has enough resources and works hard enough, he can really cultivate all his spiritual roots to ten.

Moreover, in the first volume of the Royal Cultivation Technique, there is a secret method called "Swallowing Spirits and Root Replenishing Technique", which claims that as long as you swallow a large amount of spiritual energy at one time, you can quickly improve one's spiritual roots.

It's just that Jiang Hongfei didn't know how many heavenly materials and earthly treasures he had to take at one time for this large amount of spiritual energy, and he didn't know if the "Swallowing Spirit Root Replenishing Technique" would really work.

In addition, there is a set of boxing techniques and a set of stick techniques on the back of the middle volume of Royal Cultivation Techniques, while there is a secret method of "Spirit Transformation" on the back of the first volume of Royal Cultivation Techniques.

This boxing technique is the boxing technique that Zhao Kuangyin used to fight against few opponents in the world - "Taizu Changquan".

And this set of stick techniques is exactly the stick technique used by Zhao Kuangyin on the battlefield - "Taizu Panlong Stick".

Legend has it that these two sets of kung fu were actually created by Chen Liqing’s ancestor Chen Tuan and passed them on to Zhao Kuangyin.

There are even rumors that the royal cultivation techniques were obtained from Patriarch Chen Tuan.

However, there is a rule in the seclusion sect, that is, apprentices who have learned martial arts and come down the mountain are not allowed to mention their master, just like Patriarch Bodhi in "Journey to the West" did not allow Sun Wukong to mention his master.

Therefore, it is no longer possible to verify whether these two sets of kung fu and the royal training methods are from ancestor Chen Tuan.

But what is certain is that this set of boxing techniques and this set of stick techniques are extremely advanced martial arts. Zhao Kuangyin mainly relied on these two sets of martial arts to build the country of the Zhao Song Dynasty.

The only bad thing is that Jiang Hongfei is a gun user, so the power of this set of "Taizu Panlong Stick" will be greatly reduced in Jiang Hongfei's hands.

What interests Jiang Hongfei even more is the "Spirit Transformation Technique".

According to the records on the secret technique, if you master this "Spirit Transformation Technique", you can freely transform the enhanced attribute spiritual power, the changing attribute spiritual power, the illusion attribute spiritual power, the materialized attribute spiritual power, and the externalized attribute spiritual power at will.

In other words, once you learn this "Spirit Transformation Technique", there will no longer be barriers between spiritual powers.

If this is the case, it will undoubtedly enhance the Qi Refiner's combat power.

For example, strengthening the attribute spiritual power can greatly enhance the attack power and defense of the Qi Refiner, which is incomparable to other attributes of spiritual power. Based on this, if you learn "Spirit Transformation", you can use other attributes during battle. All the attribute spiritual power is converted into enhanced attribute spiritual power, allowing one to always maintain the most powerful attack power and the most powerful defense power.

For another example, if you are good at changing attribute magical powers, such as turning into a tiger, but to maintain this great magical power, you will definitely need a lot of changing attribute spiritual power. Under normal circumstances, a person can only maintain it for five or seven minutes, and if you learn "Transformation of Spirits" "Technique", this time can be greatly extended.

However, it should be noted that if someone has only four spiritual roots of change attributes, even if he has learned the "Spiritual Transformation Technique", he will not be able to use the magical powers of change attributes, because the upper limit of this person's spiritual power of change attributes is not enough to activate the magical powers of change attributes. Yes, "Spirit Transformation" can't help him either.

Therefore, the "Spiritual Transformation Technique" is not an omnipotent magical technique.

However, even so, "The Art of Transformation" is an excellent secret art.

What surprised Jiang Hongfei was the learning conditions: those who have a great opportunity can learn it immediately, those who don't have a chance don't have to waste time, and only one person who can learn it can learn it.

Hidden meaning in the book: The real training condition for this technique is to have at least three spiritual roots with the same values.

Jiang Hongfei tried to practice the "Spirit Transformation Technique" with an uneasy mood.

As a result, Jiang Hongfei was pleasantly surprised to find that he quickly sensed the "Spirit Transformation Technique" and basically mastered the "Spirit Transformation Technique" in just one day.

The key is that by learning the "Spirit Transformation Technique", Jiang Hongfei confirmed that these three volumes of royal cultivation techniques were genuine, and he could practice them with confidence.

This made Jiang Hongfei feel completely relieved.

Jiang Hongfei took off his golden silk armor again and tested its defensive power.

As Jiang Hongfei guessed, this is a piece of armor with extremely amazing defensive power. Jiang Hongfei doesn't know yet whether it can be invulnerable to water, fire, wind and thunder, but Jiang Hongfei couldn't pierce it even if he used a dagger with enhanced attributes and spiritual power. A piece of silk armor as thin as a cicada's wings, it is absolutely invulnerable to arrows.

Jiang Hongfei immediately decided to wear this silk armor when sleeping in the future.

The book hints: This armor is called "Golden Silk Armor". It is made from the silk spun by the ancient demonic insect Golden Silkworm, supplemented by many top-grade weapon refining materials. It has sixty-four restrictions, and its defensive power is still in Yanling. On top of the golden armor.

After putting on the gold silk armor, Jiang Hongfei took off the bracelet he was wearing.

This bracelet looks very ordinary. If you look at it purely from the appearance, it would be praised as an ornament.

But Jiang Hongfei is sure that the bracelet cannot be judged by appearance, this bracelet must be extremely unusual!

With the idea of ​​winning a big prize, Jiang Hongfei input his spiritual power into the bracelet.

The next moment, Jiang Hongfei looked confused!

After a moment of reaction, Jiang Hongfei was ecstatic!

This turns out to be a storage bracelet! ! !

And this storage bracelet is not empty yet...

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