Wine and Gun

Chapter 380

A moment later, Lavasa McCard sat across from him.

——McArd, one of the current leaders of the FBI's behavioral analysis team, legendary mission, rarely gives interviews to TV and newspapers, I don't know how many reporters dream of getting an interview with this person, and this opportunity Now it is in front of Shi Haibo.

And McCard was even willing to say politely to him after he was seated: "I'm glad you're willing to come as scheduled."

"I want to know why you chose me." Shi Haibo asked cautiously, although what he wanted most now was to pull out everything he knew in the other's mind.

"Because I paid attention to you—even when you were still in Europe," McCard said with a straight face, "I saw your report on the religious terrorist attack in Hoxton Kingdom. I appreciate your professional ability."

Hoxton Kingdom, ha. Shi Haibo twitched the corners of his mouth secretly, it wasn't a pretty smile. Reason Everyone who took the time to greet him would mention coverage of the terrorist attack two years ago, as if it were his crown, even though the aftermath of that incident cost him dearly— The missing knuckles on his fingers are such a stark reminder of the past.

"Let's get to the point," said Schubert brittlely. "What do you want me to report on? You want me to reveal something about the Slade case or the recently arrested Mr. Armalette. Insider?"

In fact, Shi Haibo didn't know why the FBI agent who had never spoken to him suddenly asked him to meet, what he wanted to say to him, and what purpose he had. But Shi Haibo doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything except that he can write eye-catching news. will be printed at the top of the page.

"I want to ask a question before revealing the news," McCard said very calmly with his fingers crossed, "One weekend in late February this year, I went to the hospital to see Ms. Olga Molozze, who happened to be there. Officer Hardy had a conversation, and at that time, someone was eavesdropping on us, was that person you?"

Shi Haibo is not a person who is particularly good at covering up his emotions. McArd saw that his whole body was stiff and his eyes were wide open, looking a little ridiculous.

"Of course I checked the surveillance after I found out someone was eavesdropping," McCard added slowly.

"Er—yes, I'd say I heard that passage by accident," said Schubert hesitantly, clearly knowing that what he was doing was more or less breaking some laws, "but I Didn't report what you said..."

"That's exactly what I was asking," McCard interrupted. "Why didn't you report what we were saying? I noticed that you don't normally mind reporting what's overheard."

Shi Haibo was silent for a while, and then said in a gruff voice: "Because I ran into Herstal Armalite immediately after I left that corridor. He found me holding a recorder in my hand, and he realized that I was Eavesdropping and warning me it's illegal...because he's a lawyer and I don't want to get into a lawsuit..."

That's not quite the case: The full truth is that Herstal Armalette listened to the recording from his tape recorder, the conversation between Officer Hardy and McCard. After listening to the recording, Armalite had a strange, thoughtful look on his face, which somehow reminded him of the man who cut off his fingers, the man who called himself "Heraire". The look in the man's eyes occasionally spilled out, the old memories mixed with the strong sense of crisis, and Shi Haibo was so frightened that he didn't reveal a word.

At this moment, McArd frowned slightly and asked, "So, does Amalette know what Hardy and I were talking about?"

"He got it," Shi Haibo recounted truthfully. "He listened to the recording I made and found out what you were discussing about 'don't increase the entity if it's not necessary.'"


McCard suddenly had an epiphany.

That's why in that presidential suite, Herstal Armalet was not surprised to see him appearing with a gun. Perhaps Amalette has known that he has been close to the truth since hearing this recording. Amalette already knew that the secrets of the pianist and gardener had been revealed, and he had already prepared for it.

McCard was still immersed in his own thoughts, his fingers clenched involuntarily. Shi Haibo looked at him and asked boldly, "So, what inside information do you want to tell me?"

...that's right, that's the most important thing right now.

McArd raised his head to look at the reporter, said with a stern face, "Herstal Armalette is a Westland pianist."

He saw the reporter's expression freeze.

After several seconds, Shi Haibo slowly retrieved his tongue, and he almost choked on himself when he spoke for the first time. "But why are you telling me this truth?" he asked in awe and haste in his voice.

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