Wine and Gun

Chapter 365

Albarino didn't tell Herstal that he was going out this morning, but a fool could see that he must have gone to the forensic bureau. After such a big incident, the forensic chief didn't talk to him. Strange. In fact, it was very strange that this conversation did not take place after the court hearing yesterday afternoon, and Herstal could not think of any reason he had found to run home on time after the court hearing.

Albarino shrugged lightly: "It's temporarily suspended, but I think they should sue me."

"Your career is over, Dr. Bacchus," Herstal said in a calm voice, shaking his glass boringly.

"You said it as if I was planning to stay in the country." Albarino laughed bitterly. He took a few steps forward, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger with ease. As if this was his own home. In fact, maybe that dusty house on the outskirts felt even less "home" now, and in retrospect he'd lived in Herstal's house long enough.

But everything has its own ending, and now they all know that the end has come.

"So now you're going to leave America? Where's your first stop?" Herstal didn't seem surprised as he took a sip of wine from the rim of the glass, then set the glass back on the table. , the glass collided with the glass and made a crisp sound. "Is it still Mexico?"

"Mexico, and then a trip around the Caribbean, at least in the original plan." Albarino snorted lightly out of his nose: Herstal didn't actually know that "in the beginning" He never asked Albarino what his plan was for the escape, as for Herstal himself, he just promised Albarino to go with him after the matter at Slade was settled. Just leave.

It's as if it doesn't matter what happens after that for Herstal, he has no goal after killing Slade, and doesn't care about anything that happens after that - long ago, Al Ballino smelled this breath on his body, as if a small animal could smell the impending crisis before the volcano erupted, and he could also see the huge shadow of destruction behind Herstal.

Now, Albarino still has that familiar smile on the corner of his mouth, but his voice has cooled down: "But now I have changed my mind."

Herstal looked silently at the man standing before him—the forensic doctor, the murderer, the honest witness in the courtroom, the separate figures that together formed the face of the monster in the dark. He didn't seem surprised by what Albarino said, but repeated it in a calm voice: "Changed your mind?"

"Yes," Albarino hummed, "Herstal, you can't leave America with me now, right?"

He said it in a calm declarative tone, and it wasn't even a problem.

Herstal nodded slowly and said, "I'm going to find Slade - he's going to leave Westland, but a friend of mine helped me find the address of the hotel he's currently staying in, and I'm going to He strikes again before he disappears into the crowd...this will be the last chance."

"Okay, then I'll go with you." Albarino said in the same tone as before, "I'll sit in the front of the audience and watch you kill Kaba Slade."

His voice fell, and there was a sudden silence between the two of them, and Herstal looked at Albarino as if he had really known him for the first time.

Then, Herstal slowly frowned and said, "I've always suspected since I've known you that you started acting before you knew what the consequences of what you were going to do, and now It seems so."

"So, you also know that Lavasa McCard may have suspected you as a pianist and was watching your every move? And your active defense of Slade and his siding with the pianist If there is a conflict in writing, he must be very concerned about why you did that." Albarino sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and those who knew him would call that killing intent, "In this case Kill Slade - you're throwing yourself in the trap, pianist."

"Because I don't have a choice," Herstal's voice was still calm, which was very different from the aggressive impression he had left in the past, "Molozer is right, the Westland pianist didn't stop. ability, but you have it."

He paused.

Then, he said softly, "Albarino, stop."

Herstal was all too familiar with Albarino to know what he meant by "sit at the front of the audience"—not in the general sense of sitting on the sidelines and suspending his departure from the United States, but he would stand there. The crime scene, watching Herstal kill each other with his own hands.

And they all know that Lavasa McCard has bet too many unnecessary eyes on Westland recently. Since the Billy case, the other party may have gradually become suspicious. If McCard really While watching them, it was impossible for them to escape smoothly.

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