Wine and Gun

Chapter 319

Yes. Because the courtroom was not a play written by Ren Herstal by any means, let alone part of a team of lawyers with McCard himself in the audience.

This means that, first of all, the defense strategy is not formulated by him at all. If he has obvious mistakes, Holmes will point out to him. Although Holmes has a big heart, he is indeed an excellent lawyer; secondly , if he did something seriously wrong in court that convicted his client, McArd would first notice that something was wrong, and then they would most likely go back to the one that was wiped out before they could even do it. End up.

In fact, he knew that after the failure of the operation at the old church orphanage, the best strategy was to abandon the murder of Slade and leave the country, because there would be no more suitable opportunities in the future... but he couldn't.

So, now he's finally sitting here.

And Slade obviously rehearsed the situation where he fell into such a situation many times in his mind, so when he opened his mouth, he was even at ease. He spread his hands and said calmly to McCard and Hardy: " I am innocent."

"Sir," Hardy said in a deep voice, "a dozen children were locked up on the ground floor of the former orphanage, and you were found on the porch of this house."

Slade shrugged his shoulders and glanced at his lawyer - a look that pierced Herstal's heart like a knife. It's ridiculous how someone with a sharp weapon doesn't even know what dangerous weapon he's holding. McArd, on the other hand, focused his attention more on Herstal, as if he could find something in him.

Hestal swallowed and said slowly: "But that doesn't mean he knows what's in the depths of the house, you don't have any evidence that my client has been to the old orphanage site before, and he probably is First time there."

This was the first time Herstal had found it difficult to lie, because something was pressing down on his stomach and making him want to vomit.

"And my assistant, Mr. Rowan, told me that it was an orphanage that needed donations, and he strongly persuaded me to go there with him to consider whether to use some of the funds provided by the Thompson Foundation for charitable work." "I didn't expect this situation before I entered this orphanage -- frankly, I think I fell into a trap," Slade said calmly.

At the same time, in the interrogation room next door, prosecutor Wallis Hardy watched the beautiful dark-skinned girl opposite.

The other party has a French-inspired name called Aurelie Delphine, a so-called "high-level international flower", but also takes care of some of the affairs of the Sequoia Manor for Slade, so this person Slade was also arrested shortly after his arrest.

And the reason why Hua Lisi is sitting here now is because the other party specifically requested to meet the prosecutor in charge of the case.

Wallis actually felt a little puzzled, while Aureli's attitude was strangely calm, as if she had finally waited until the second boot came down - Wallis intuitioned that she could get some important information from the other party, Therefore, he said carefully: "Miss Delphine, why do you want to see me?"

The beauty looked up at her, slowly showing a lazy, beautiful smile.

"I want to be your tainted witness," she said simply.

"Mr. Armalite!"

Hestal heard the shout as he was about to leave the station, and when he turned around, he saw Hardy hurried over as expected. The face of the other party looked extremely tired, making him look a few years older out of thin air.

And obviously Hardy didn't want to greet him at all. The serious-looking police officer stopped in front of Herstal and asked directly, "Why are you taking this case?"

"I take a lot of cases. Mr. Slade commissioned our firm, so I'm here," Herstal tried to keep himself calm, even though he had been two hours in the morning. The headache inside was to the point of feeling dizzy, like a fiery dagger poking in from his sun bit by bit, slowly gouging out his eyeballs. "I was a lawyer for the Norman Brothers before, and you should also know what happened to them before."

"But he's a pedophile!" Hardy said.

Apparently, after killing the butcher, Officer Hardy somehow felt that he could change his mind on Herstal. Just as if a person does one good thing, he will be a good person from now on, people always fall into such strange prejudices.

Herstal forced himself to look directly at Bart Hardy and said in a very calm tone: "I can't agree. I think he's a pedophile who can pay a lot of money."

There was a moment of silence, and then Herstal heard the other person take a slow, slow inhalation, and then let it out again, equally slowly.

"You know what, Mr. Armalette? When I first met you in the Norman case, I had a big prejudice against you, and I think my wife was the same—you know, a gangster lawyer or something. Yes." Hardy whispered, with a sincere distress in his voice, "So after you and Al and the others rescued Clara, I sincerely feel ashamed and feel that I misread you, just I didn't think about how I wanted you to apologize."

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