Wine and Gun

Chapter 311

Only black jeeps can be seen from the binoculars, and no special features can be discerned. They are all covered with weeds that grow to a person's height. From Hunter's point of view, who even got out of the car? Can't tell.

Hunter frowned and thought about it, and finally cursed lowly, opened the door, and limped out of the car.

It's impossible to see anything from such a distance. It's okay if it's from the police, but what if it's really from Slade? Why did Slade send so many people to this place? Hunter knew that there should be nothing but children in this building, and they wouldn't really intend to kill them, would they?

Hunter grabbed his double-barreled shotgun from the side of the passenger seat and, holding back hiss of pain, walked towards the building.

Hestal returned to the old site of the orphanage on the same road. He is still standing in the dark forest by the roadside, but from this angle, he can already see the gate of the orphanage: a jeep apparently belonging to SWAT is parked at the door. A team of heavily armed and helmeted SWAT officers was there. McCard and another young man wearing a body armor with the FBI logo stood nearby.

At the same time, another car sped along the road and stopped outside the courtyard wall with a long screech of brakes. Officer Hardy and another tall man in police uniform jumped out of the car and walked quickly in the direction of McCard.

——Sure enough, the police arrived one step ahead of them. Although I can't think of how WLPD did it, it's an indisputable fact.

Herstal stared fixedly at the darkness, the little light in the building, like a flickering lamp in a river of blood. The voice was still roaring in his ears, and he tasted an illusory blood smell between his lips.

"Where is the priest?!"

The fourteen-year-old he shouted at the time, and when his fingers tightened the copper wire, the wire got into his fingers, causing him to feel a faint pain. The deacon fell under him, lips purplish, his body spasmed, his fingers scratching silently across the ground.

"where is he???"

"He... he's gone. He left and left yesterday." The other party breathed laboriously and said intermittently, squeezing the broken words from between his lips one by one, "You... missed the opportunity. ,Chance."

Herstal looked at the silent building in the distance, took a slow breath, and took a step.

——The next second, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone.

Herstal turned around calmly and saw that Albarino had been standing behind him at some point, apparently coming to him after seeing the SWAT cars. The corner of the other party's mouth was rarely smiling, and his eyes were as bright as láng.

"You didn't enter the old orphanage site along the sewers as originally planned," Herstal recounted calmly.

Albarino obviously didn't bother to answer this question at all. He asked straight to the point: "Where are you going now?"

Slade and Rowan, along with the three other men who were supposed to guard the manor, hurried around the winding corridors, through a hidden underground passage, and then along a wall built outside the orphanage's backyard. The secret door rushed out of the building.

A long time ago Rowan prepared for this possible situation, and this secret passage was built for this purpose. But no matter how he prepared, he must have never thought about it, they were even with Slade when they were doing this. Slade never came to this orphanage. This time, because of the FBI's affairs, he couldn't come to see it, and he happened to bump into the police as soon as he came.

With a ton of foul language coming out of his mouth, Stryder stumbled through the weeds behind a guard and ran in the direction of a car they were hiding behind a building. Rowan had enough cash in the car, as well as a lot of hard work to find forged documents. With those things, they could easily start a new life elsewhere—


A gunshot rang out suddenly, and he kept returning in the dark, causing Slade to shrink his neck in fright.

He raised his head and saw seven or eight SWAT members, fully armed, wearing body armor and helmets, with assault rifles in their hands, approaching them, and the bright lights instantly focused on them; The SWAT team members who didn't act rashly found them as soon as they left the secret door!

"Don't move! Kneel down! Hold your head in your hands!"

Slade's mind went blank, he thought, it was over.

His knees went soft and hit the soft, dry grass.

Herstal glanced at Albarino with a cold, hard expression, like a dead man covered in a lifelike mask. Albarino noticed a little redness in the corners of his eyes, not a good sign.

Herstal said lowly, "I want to see—"

"What are you looking at?" Albarino interrupted him firmly. "There's nothing there. The police are here, and they'll all be arrested."

——As if to take care of his words, they heard a loud sound that seemed to be a gunshot coming from the direction of the building in the distance, and the layers of repressed dàng in the dark night.

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