What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 39 It's bad, it's a feeling of heartbeat.

Li Er felt that inviting Li Xianying to drink was one of the worst decisions in his life.

Li Errong was promoted to trainee inspector, Li Xianying was even happier than Li Er himself, and people tend to drink high when they are happy.

Li Er asked Li Xianying originally with the idea of ​​asking him to help him block the wine, but Li Xianying not only did not help Li Er block the wine, but also coaxed with others to drink Li Er wine.

Li Er also drank so much that his feet became weak, but the most unfortunate thing for him was that he had to support Li Xianying who was too drunk to open his eyes.

"Second brother, have you been drinking?" As soon as Li Er arrived at the house, he met Zhu Wanfang on the first floor.

"Zhu Wanfang, come here quickly and help me help this idiot, I'm exhausted, donate money and effort!" Li Er hurriedly beckoned.

"Oh! Okay, second brother." Zhu Wanfang diligently trotted over to help support Li Xianying, who was drunk and unconscious.

"Second brother, is he your friend?" Zhu Wanfang asked curiously.

Li Er: "Well, be careful going down the steps!"

The two broke out in a hot sweat and finally carried Li Xianying back to Li Er's room.

"Second brother, why are your clothes soaking wet?" Zhu Wanfang said with a frown, smelling Li Eryi's alcohol.

Li Er smiled, if he didn't cheat, how could he still be standing now? There are 22 people in the entire CID department. Except for the two policewomen who don't drink, there are still 20 people who drink Li Er together. If it wasn't for the clothes that drank most of the wine, Li Er would have been carried out by someone.

Li Er was so tired that he slumped on the sofa, pulling a few times and failing to take off his wet shirt.

"Second brother, I'll help you!" Zhu Wanfang quickly walked over, helped Li Er unbutton his clothes, and then removed Li Er's shirt.

Zhu Wanfang often came to Li Er's house. Knowing where Li Er's clothes were kept, she opened the closet by herself and helped Li Er find a loose T-shirt.

"Huh!" Zhu Wanfang opened it curiously when she saw that there were several manuscripts in Li Er's wardrobe.

"Second brother, put on your clothes quickly, be careful you catch a cold." Zhu Wanfang handed the clothes to Li Er and said.

"Zhu Wanfang, can you boil some water for me, I'm so thirsty!" Li Er shook the kettle and found that there was no water.

"Oh! Second brother, sit down quickly, I'll cook!" Zhu Wanfang stood up with the kettle in her hand, put down the kettle after thinking for a while, turned around and walked towards the door.

Zhu Wanfang is often drunk and drunk. She knows that men are usually very thirsty when they are drunk. Now it is too slow to boil water, so Zhu Wanfang simply brought over a thermos with boiling water at home.

Li Er felt better after drinking a large glass of water.

"Second brother, your pants are wet." Zhu Wanfang said with a blushing face, second brother won't let me help him take off his pants!

Li Er looked down, but no, his trousers were soaking wet, and his trousers were soaked by drinking, Li Er was also strange enough.

Li Er: "Zhu Wanfang, get me a pair of pants."

"Press—!" Zhu Wanfang quickly took a pair of shorts from the closet to Li Er.

Li Er unbuttoned his trousers and realized that something was wrong.

"Zhu Wanfang, I'm going to change my pants." Li Er said.

"Oh, second brother, do you want me to help you?" Zhu Wanfang said with a blushing face.

Li Er: "..."

"Oh oh oh!" Zhu Wanfang would be wrong, she turned around and closed the door and window outside, and then her face turned even redder.

"I mean I want to change my pants, don't you avoid it!" Li Er had a headache, it's a sin to be handsome, these little girls are all looking at their faces, I'm obviously very talented.

"Forget it, I'll go take a shower!" Li Er picked up his pants and walked to the bathroom: "Zhu Wanfang, help me get a pair of underwear."

After Li Er took a quick cold shower, he woke up most of the time and walked back to the small living room, where Zhu Wanfang kindly brewed sober tea for Li Er.

"Second brother, didn't you send out the gift?" Zhu Wanfang pointed at the two pagers on Li Er's coffee table, thinking to herself that the second brother was afraid that he might have fallen out of love again.

Li Er: "A lot of things!"

"Ah! It's comfortable—!" Li Er took a sip of hot tea and lay down on the sofa. It seemed that he was going to sleep on the sofa tonight. There was only one bed in his room, and Li Xianying had already slept.

"Zhu Wanfang, do you have something to tell me?"

"Press—!" Zhu Wanfang said in a low voice, "Second brother, don't listen to George's nonsense. I didn't mess with anyone, and I'm not that brother Scar's girlfriend."

"Well, I see, you can go back to sleep!" Li Er smiled and said, "Thank you today."

Li Er can't say the kind of hard-hearted words that make people study hard and improve every day, because he was not a good student who loved learning before.

"Oh—!" Zhu Wanfang hesitantly walked to the door, then walked back: "Second brother, you don't have a girlfriend yet?"

Li Er was immediately vigilant: "You don't want to laugh at the second brother!"

"I didn't!" Zhu Wanfang waved her hand anxiously.

Li Er shrugged his shoulders.

"Why don't you have a wife, let's laugh!" Li Er said casually, and then looked serious: "But don't laugh too loudly."

"Puchi--!" Zhu Wanfang covered her small mouth, her shoulders shrugged constantly, holding back her hard.

"Second brother, can you let me be your girlfriend?" Zhu Wanfang said seriously.

Li Er: "..."

"Ah! Soda? The second brother doesn't need to drink soda, Zhu Wanfang, it's very late, you should go back to sleep!" Li Er'er forcefully dropped abruptly.

Zhu Wanfang blushed brightly: "Second brother, I didn't mean this..."

"Huh? Turn off the light? Well, when you closed the door, you helped the second brother to turn off the light. The second brother was so tired that he was too lazy to move." Li Er was still deaf and interrupted Zhu Wanfang in time.

'I'm greedy for people's body, you say I'm cheap, not greedy for her body, you say I'm a eunuch, it's really hard for me to step on a horse! ' Li Er smiled bitterly in his heart.

No matter how stupid Zhu Wanfang was, she knew that Li Er was pretending not to hear her words, so she bit her lower lip.

Li Er hurriedly turned his head away, he was going to die. It was the most tempting for a pure girl like Zhu Wanfang to bite her lip. Li Er had already drank alcohol, and now it was even hotter.

"Second brother, don't I look good?" Zhu Wanfang went around the coffee table, leaned on the sofa, and squatted in front of Li Er: "Guo Xiaozhen is right, all the girls in the school are covered, and that Scar is always pestering me. , I don't want to deal with him."

Zhu Wanfang said and suddenly shook her hand nervously: "But I'm not taking advantage of the second brother. I really like you, second brother. You see that you are always falling out of love. If you let me be your girlfriend, you will not be disappointed."

"Second brother is used to it. You don't need to worry about him. If you don't break up in love three or five times on average every month, the second brother will still feel uncomfortable." Li Er smiled bitterly.

Of course Zhu Wanfang didn't believe it, she looked down at her chest with a bit of inferiority, and said in a low voice, "Second brother, if you think I'll make you lose face, or you pretend to let me be your girlfriend, so Brother Scar and the others Those people don't dare to pester me."

Li Er breathed a sigh of relief: "This is okay, you go back to sleep! It's very late."

Li Er now only asks Zhu Wanfang to leave quickly. The moon is dark and the wind is high, and he is alone. He is afraid that he will make mistakes that men will make.

Li Er is actually aware of the violence in schools on Hong Kong Island. Many gangsters will pull people into clubs in the school. It is normal for students to fight in gangs, but this is a social problem that the police can't control. I won't ask for trouble, just let it go, and I won't provoke myself anyway.

"Ah! Second brother, you agreed!" Zhu Wanfang's heart was beating with excitement.


"Boom!" Zhu Wanfang excitedly kissed Li Er's cheek, and then ran out quickly.

"..." Li Er touched his kissed cheek, and glanced down at his crotch, it was hard, it was too lost for the transmigrator, Zhu Wanfang probably didn't see it!

Li Er suddenly remembered a question. Zhu Wanfang encountered school bullying. Why didn't Li Shan and Li Shiya meet?

Li Er's memory is faulty. The parts he can remember have basically been remembered, but the parts that he can't remember have no memory at all.

Li Er faintly felt that no one dared to bully him when he was studying. Li Shiya read a very good girls' school. It is understandable that there was no bullying on campus, but Li Er and Li Shan were both in ordinary schools for boys and girls. He's a nerd and no one beat him, what the hell.

Li Er thought about it, his eyelids got heavier and heavier, and he fell asleep.

It was already ten o'clock when Li Er woke up the next day.

There is a piece of bread and a bottle of Vitasoy on the coffee table.

‘Second brother, remember to eat breakfast, I’m going to school! whee! ’

Li Er picked up the small note pressed under the bottle, which was written by Zhu Wanfang, and a cute smiling face was drawn on the back of the note.

The small living room was neatly organized by Zhu Wanfang, and the tapes that were piled up in a mess were all organized by Zhu Wanfang and placed neatly on the cabinet of the player.

Oops, it's a heart-wrenching feeling.

Li Er sat up with a bitter face, the sofa was too soft, Li Er had a sore back when he fell asleep, and Li Xianying was still sleeping in the room.

Li Er took leave yesterday, so he doesn't have to go to work today.

Brush your teeth, wash your face, eat breakfast.

It was already ten o'clock, and Li Er didn't plan to wake Li Xianying up. It would be better to wake him up at twelve o'clock, so he went straight to lunch and saved the cost of breakfast.

Li Er planned to wash the dirty clothes, but found that the dirty clothes had been washed by Zhu Wanfang and were hanging on the window, even the underwear.


This kind of gentle and virtuous behavior is very fatal to an old single dog.

Li Er quickly reminded himself that he must not forget his mission to become a great assassin.

Huameng Records.

As usual, Ding Xiaoyi carefully opened the letters for the general manager. He has been reading more than 50 letters from fans. When he was about to take a break after opening the last one, he was surprised to find that someone sent letters to the company. Contribute.

Ding Xiaoyi was stunned for a moment. Usually record companies have signed professional masters of lyrics and composers. Huameng Records has not performed well in recent years. After cutting the source, there are only three or five full-time songwriters left. Remember when was the last time a freelance lyricist and composer contributed.

""Silence is gold""

The manuscript of this song was written very scribbly, but Ding Xiaoyi was a professional. He took out a pencil from the pen holder, drew circles on the manuscript, and quickly sorted out the author's intentions.

"The night is windy, and I look back only at the past. In the past, I was full of anger, false accusations and accusations. I was full of anger and didn't respond to rumors." Ding Xiaoyi tapped the beat on the table with his fingers. , humming softly, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Who is this god who mocks the company in this way?

Ding Xiaoyi immediately turned to the end of the song script to see the signature.

"Zhang San?"

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