Legend has it that by summoning 'Bloody Mary', you can foresee the future, and it is said that calling her name three times in front of a mirror will make you appear.

Sometimes she is harmless, you will only see her reflection in the mirror and she will answer your questions.

Sometimes she is so brutal that she scratches people with her nails and claws, tears people's faces with her fangs to kill or force them to kill people, and she can trap people in mirrors to gouge out people's eyeballs.

There are two basic elements to summon 'Bloody Mary': the mirror in the dark room.

Gu Beinan had heard many ways to summon Bloody Mary, and what he was using was the most widely spread of the many versions: calling Bloody Mary's real name three times in front of the mirror.

"Mary I.

As Gu Beinan's second voice fell, Si Wei felt that the entire bathroom was cold.

Bloody Mary's original name was 'Mary', and she changed her name to 'Mary I' after she ascended the throne, Gu Beinan didn't know what she was called, right or wrong.

Didi ......

The sound of water droplets came from nowhere...... No! It's not droplets, it's

blood! The air

smells of blood! Si Wei began to be frightened, he didn't know what Gu Beinan was doing, but he knew that something terrible would happen next!

Bloody Mary often showed people corpses, witches, or ghosts, usually covered in blood.

If the summoning ritual is not correct, the ghost will scream, torture, and strangle the participants.

Steal their bodies or souls, drink their blood, or gouge out their eyeballs.

"Mary I. The

last sound fell, and it was too late for the four to stop Gu Beinan, he only felt creepy

! At this moment, something flashed in the calm mirror!

What flashed in the mirror just now was a figure, in this environment, the figure was black, and there was only a moment, and the four didn't see what the figure was at all...... Suddenly

, the sound of blood droplets from nowhere became louder and louder, and the speed and frequency of the flow became faster and faster.

Then, there was silence again.

There was only silence in the dark bathroom.

Waited for a while, nothing happened again.

"Failed?" asked Sibu.

Gu Beinan raised his hand, and there were five wounds on his palm that appeared after his nails sank into the flesh, and the wounds were oozing blood.

The clothes on his back were mixed with blood and sweat sticking to his back, and his back was cold and cold, making him uncomfortable.

Raised his hand and touched his forehead, and found that his forehead was cold, and there was cold sweat.

He was calm during the ritual, but he was not calm inside, unable to resist the innate fear of the unknown in living beings, so he still broke out in a cold sweat.

It was only at this time that Gu Beinan answered the four different questions:


The candle in her hand lit without warning

! The whole dark bathroom lit up, and the cold mirror reflected a pale, black-eyed face!

Lifeless, like a woman who had been dead for months with dry skin and gouged out eyes, she was like a painting frozen there, the background was rich darkness, quietly staring at Gu Beinan, terrifying, terrifying

! The tunic skirts were typical of the European medieval aristocracy, and a large part of her body was stained with blood, blood, because blood was running down her forehead.

There are many versions of the legend of Bloody Mary, one of which says that she was the cruel queen who burned more than 300 Protestants at the stake after ascending to the throne.

The second says that she is a crippled bride, and the third says that she is a shrine maiden...... Either way, she was cruel, bloody, and horrible.

These no longer mean anything to Gu Beinan.

Because Bloody Mary had already appeared in front of him.

"Can I ask you for help?" asked Gu Beinan.


There was no reply, the face with no eyeballs, pale skin, and dripping blood all over his body just quietly faced Gu Beinan.

Without any warning or action, it was like an instant transition, and a dry hand suddenly appeared in front of Gu Beinan's eyes!

Stopping for a second, Gu Beinan saw the hand stretched out from the mirror.

The next moment, the picture flashed!


! Under the candlelight, Gu Beinan looked at that hand without any warning or action, but there was an extra eyeball in his hand.

Gu Beinan felt that liquid slipped down his cheeks, and with a wipe, his entire palm was full of blood!

The picture flashed again, Bloody Mary's hand disappeared, and Bloody Mary in the mirror regained her composure.

Gu Beinan kept wiping it again, both arms were bloody, he touched his eye socket, and found that his left eye socket was missing an eyeball...... His eyeballs were gouged out without incident.

"Can you help me?" Gu Beinan did not panic, on the contrary, he was very calm.

Say. "The Bloody Mary in the mirror is frozen like a photograph, and only the voice comes out, but there is no movement of the mouth.

If it weren't for the constant dripping of blood on her body, Gu Beinan would have thought she was a photo.

"Help me kill two ghosts. "

The price. "


"Not enough.

"Plus my soul. The four are not like that.

"Yes. "

Give me back your eyes first, I only trade souls with you, and it will be troublesome to have no eyeballs." Gu Beinan stretched out his hand to her.

There was no process, as if in the gallery of the mobile phone, it was directly switched to the photo of Bloody Mary who had stretched out her hand, and that hand appeared in front of Gu Beinan's eyes without warning.

Gu Beinan took the eyeballs and stuffed them into his sockets.

"The rabbit murderer in the corridor, two meters tall, with rabbit ears, a fat ghost in the room, the ability is corrosive, don't hurt the two ghosts next to her. "

Bloody Mary disappeared into the mirror and suddenly appeared in the bathroom with her back to him.

A blood-dripping European medieval tunic dress, long hair curled up and various accessories.

"Hold a candle and follow me. Bloody Mary said.

Gu Beinan followed behind her, Bloody Mary put her hands in front of her stomach, without any movement, and her skirt did not swing at all, like a freeze-frame photo, a lifeless puppet, but her figure was moving, floating forward like a ghost, or she was a ghost;

But it never floated out of the range of the candle held by Gu Beinan.

Descending the stairs on the second floor, the scene of the hall on the first floor gradually unfolded in his field of vision, the corpses that fell on the ceiling were quietly dripping with blood, Gu Beinan's pupils shook slightly, and he saw a familiar corpse...... Or rather, headless corpses.

It was the body of the moonlit night, the clothes were almost unclothed, many places had been gouged open, but they were all healed, and now they were unable to fall down, hanging from the ceiling, and her head no longer knew where it went.

In the middle of the hall, in the dark.

There was a tall, thin figure carrying an axe, bending over, limping and walking, constantly wandering back and forth and pacing.

The pacing figure stopped, and when the candle shone on his face, Gu Beinan saw the weird and terrifying smile of the rabbit murderer, two rows of dense fangs intertwined, and the corners of his lips were raised to a terrifying level, almost a round and a half moon.

In an instant, Bloody Mary disappeared, and the space of the castle as far as the eye could see turned into a black and white world, and the world was no longer so dark, but very bright.

Gu Beinan seems to have entered the world of sketches with black and white as the theme, the floor tiles under his feet are clearly outlined by black lines, and the entire floor tiles are extremely white, with a faint shadow on the surface.

This is the realm of Bloody Mary.

The space where the rabbit killer is located is torn apart, and Bloody Mary and the rabbit murderer are in a hands-on fight.

The screams of the ghosts resounded through the halls of the castle, like a high-pitched note that wanted to destroy the world.

And this kind of treble is not the kind of high pitch of singing, it has an extremely terrifying call, it is the cry of a terrible ghost!

As if it is about to tear the eardrums.

Gu Beinan's ears really flowed blood! The

fight between the two sides was very weird, and when the bodies collided, I only saw the rabbit murderer wielding an axe, and Bloody Mary didn't make any movements, just like a freeze-frame old photo crashed over, and then passed through the rabbit murderer's body like a mold.

Then Bloody Mary's body was stripped away without warning.

The figure of Bloody Mary sometimes appears, sometimes disappears, and sometimes reappears, appearing in a puzzling place, such as the top of Gu Beinan's head.

The head of the rabbit murderer was split in half without warning!

His skull was several times larger than normal.

The two sides collided again

! Click! The

gray-white world cracked countless spatial cracks in the center of the collision between the two!

And the two sides seemed to be pressed to pause, the rabbit murderer maintained the posture of swinging the axe, and the Bloody Mary still maintained its initial state, her hands folded in front of her lower abdomen.

Suddenly, the whole space flickered, and for a moment, the gray-white world disappeared, turning back into the dark, icy castle, but quickly back into the gray-white world of sketches.

Before Gu Beinan could react, he found that the figures of these two people had disappeared, and for several minutes, the two of them suddenly appeared in the middle of the ancient castle and continued to fight

! What a strange battle!

Gu Beinan didn't have time to look at it, this history spread too far, and Gu Beinan's head was stabbed in bursts.

He ran, then leaped to his feet, grabbed Moonnight's body, and slashed the chains with a short knife.


The chain broke, and after Gu Beinan landed on the ground, he ran to the second floor with the headless corpse in his arms to avoid the battle.

The corridor on the second floor was untouched by Bloody Mary's realm, and it was dim by the light of the candle in his hand.

Gu Beinan looked at the candle in his hand, he understood that this was no longer an ordinary candle, this was a candle that was given rules by Bloody Mary, it could remove the abnormal darkness here and illuminate the space.

Bloody Mary said that Gu Beinan would follow her with a candle, but of course Gu Beinan would not do it.

Even if this candle was a rule that Bloody Mary could decide the outcome of, Gu Beinan would not follow it and stand next to her with the candle.

It was better for her to die so that her soul would be saved.

Gu Beinan could clearly feel that the body of the moonlit night fast clothes trembled, and the raised hand gently pinched the corner of Gu Beinan's clothes.

Feeling the touch of Gu Beinan as a human being, she realized that it was her brother-in-law, she raised her hands, hugged Gu Beinan's neck tightly, and lay quietly in his arms.

"Where's your head?!" Putting the moonlit night on the ground, Gu Beinan knelt beside her, covering his head, and cried out in pain.

"What's wrong with you?" Si Wei sensed that something was wrong with Gu Beinan.


Gu Beinan's collapsed expression gradually returned to quiet, it was a sluggish quiet.

The four are not like no longer talking.

Suddenly, a tear slipped from Gu Beinan's eye socket, rinsed the blood stains on his cheeks, and opened a tear stain from the viscous blood stain that was about to condense, dripping with the blood stains and dripping on the ground.

He fell to his knees in a daze, weeping.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth grinned, and he began to laugh maniably without warning, like a clown who was alone on stage when the audience was empty.

He laughed and laughed, and he began to cry bitterly.

He held his head and didn't know whether he was laughing or crying, and he bent down little by little, pounding his temples with his fists.

After a while, the laughter and crying stopped abruptly, and he slowly raised his head, feeling the symptoms of his sudden madness just now, and he stared at the ground with his head in a daze.

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