"Just now...... What is that?" In the silent and dark corridor, the sudden question of the moonlit night made Gu Beinan's spine chill.

"I don't know. Gu Beinan held the moonlit night with one hand and walked through the corridor with the other hand against the wall, and his steps were as light as possible.

The two of them pressed against the wall slowly, as carefully as if they were touching stones to cross the river.

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the second floor of the castle, where the corridors were like a maze, and each corridor was flanked by a row of doors, like the corridors in a hotel.

Some corridors have no doors and are walls.

Underfoot is a soft carpet.

Gu Beinan walked forward step by step, walking in the corridor, holding the hand of the moonlit night and not knowing when it was empty, he didn't notice it, and continued to move forward.

As he walked, he couldn't feel the existence of time, his thoughts wandered, and he walked aimlessly.

It's like not knowing that you are a guest in a dream, and you wake up in surprise, and then suddenly look back, there is no light, and there is no her.

Gu Beinan came back to his senses, feeling like he had woken up from a dream, he looked around, the empty corridor was gone, and the figure of

the moonlit night was gone! What about the moonlit night

! Gu Beinan's head seemed to have been marked with a hundred question marks by his teammates, and he looked confused!

"Miss, why did we appear here?"

Gu Beinan quickly calmed down and gradually sorted out the logic.

"We've fallen into illusions, just like the last time we were with Mona. He

didn't know what he had done after the hallucination, only his current condition, and he and Moonnight were separated.

"What should I do, Miss is gone!How should I explain to Miss!"

"Find. Gu

Beinan didn't think much about it, it was important to find the moonlit night first.

Gu Beinan's footsteps were silent, but they obviously accelerated.

A loud bang came from a dilapidated room with a door, followed by a powerful wave of energy.

Gu Beinan took a look, and saw that the room was in a dilapidated state, and Mona, who was full of hideous faces, raised her blood-stained hand, and slapped it vigorously at the pigman girl lying on the ground from a distance of dozens of meters!

The pigman girl didn't seem to feel any pain at all, hahaha laughing, her face was full of sarcasm, and the intestines and internal organs that exploded on the walls and floors seemed to be alive, squirming and crawling back, putting the broken belly back together.

"it, open the lock, right?" exclaimed.

As soon as this product came out, it began to become improper.

Gu Beinan just glanced at it and continued to walk forward, the top priority was to find the moonlit night first.

There was no sound in the quiet corridor, and the moonlit night at this time was slowly advancing against the wall, and her heart was very panicked, her eyes kept scanning the surroundings, she wanted to find her brother-in-law, but she couldn't find it.

Just now, my brother-in-law disappeared inexplicably, and she was very devastated.

It didn't take long for the fear of the silent darkness to break down her inner defenses.

She slowly moved down with her back against the wall and sat on the ground, she was actually very timid, so the hand holding the long knife trembled slightly.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded

! She trembled with fright! She stood up, her hand holding the long knife trembling a little, and her eyes swept around her.

She kept forcing herself to be brave, and now was not the time to collapse, she was not out of danger!

she tried to listen calmly in the direction of the whistle, and finally locked on to the source of the sound in the echo.

Her heart stopped beating for a moment

, and her body was so frightened that her body was cold! She found that the source of the sound was only a wall away from her, and what was even more terrifying was that the whistling monster was on the other side of the wall she was leaning on, and if the wall disappeared, she would be

face to face with the monster! Her hand holding the knife was trembling, trying to stay calm, walking forward step by step trying not to make a sound, she felt the heat on her face, wiped her face, and found that it was tears.

She looked at her tear-stained fingers for a moment, while the whistle on the side of the wall was still ringing, and the other party seemed to have confirmed her location, just deliberately standing there and whistling.

The whistle turned into fear and slammed into the girl's mental defenses, but it also kept saving her from the breakdown, and she hurried forward, trying to escape the source of the sound.

She suddenly noticed that the thing on the other side of the wall was also following her direction, she was walking fast, the opposite side was also going fast, she was walking slowly, and the opposite side was also slowing.

The whistle kept following her, like a shadow!

"Help, brother-in-law, I'm scared......" She let out a cry as thin as a mosquito.

The pace became faster and faster, and the footsteps on the other side also increased, no matter how she walked, the other party stuck to her like an appendage, but it was finally separated by a wall.

In the darkness, she began to run, and the opposite side also began to run

! Bang bang bang -

the footsteps on the opposite side were very dull, like a large animal running, it was the sound of a meat pad stepping on the ground!

After running for a few seconds, a corner appeared in the corridor in front of her, and the moonlit night cried with joy, wiped her tears, and rushed quickly across the corner.

Something happened that broke the moonlit night.

She thought that she would be able to get rid of the other party in this way, but she didn't expect that there was still a whistle on the other side of the corridor!

This time there was even the sound of metal utensils rubbing against the wall, and the place should be to press her weapon against the wall while running.

She stumbled on her left foot and fell with her right, her long knife tumbling on the ground and tumbling a few times before colliding with her!

She had a large cut in her thigh with her own knife, and she lay on the ground with blood streaming down.

"Brother-in-law...... Brother-in-law......" She read her brother-in-law over and over again, and her eyes turned red and began to sob.

On the other side of the wall, there was still a whistle that made her collapse!

Tearing and shattering her psychological defense line little by little, it also seemed to have a sense of teasing, like a hunter teasing her prey.

Her leg injury was gradually healing, and her eyes were already blurred by tears.

She slowly curled up her knees into her arms, buried her head in her knees, and the little one curled up on the ground.

She hugged her knees and cried at the whistle, but her voice was so small that she could barely be heard during the whistle.

This teenage girl is even breaking down cautiously.

She suddenly stood up slowly, picked up the long knife on the ground, wiped her tears, and stabbed at the sound source on the other side of

the wall! With a buzz and a loud bang, the long knife actually pierced the stone wall and pierced to the opposite side!

After pulling out the long knife, the tip of the knife was stained with black blood, and she did not hesitate to move, stabbing at the wall one after another!


Bang bang bang.

Realizing that the moonlit night was about to cut through this wall, he hurriedly pulled his legs and ran, and the dull and rapid footsteps became farther and farther away.

The moonlit night paused for a few seconds, and the corridor gradually returned to quiet.

Then she turned and ran in the opposite direction of the thing, crying and running.

A minute later, Gu Beinan stopped in a corridor and fell into deep contemplation as he looked at the huge slash marks of two or three meters on the wall and the few holes that penetrated into the opposite corridor.

He was stupid.

When he heard the shouting of the moonlit night just now, he immediately ran to him.

But I don't know why this castle is like a labyrinth.

And this castle is much bigger than it looks from the outside, and you can't find a way.

When I finally arrived here, I found that the moonlit night had long since left.

Gu Beinan saw a pool of blood on the floor opposite the hole, he was surprised, what the hell is going on? Hurting people through a wall?

Just as he was staring at the blood on the opposite side of the hole, a white head slowly rose up, blocking the hole, and then a huge eye filled the hole, and quietly looked at him ......

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