Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 86 The existence at the top of the food chain! (please order)

Chapter 85 The existence at the top of the food chain! (please order)

"This is Major Aldaron, the commander of the 38th Regiment of the Catachan Garrison." Azkelon took the initiative to introduce the angel, chief company commander Radolon, and Kano, who had just crawled out of the cesspool. "They fought fiercely with the Haemonculi and the slave-catching teams of the Dark Eldar in this forest for more than ten days, and the established Dark Eldar were wiped out by them."

"This is no easy task even for an Astartes."

The angel nodded slightly, with an approving smile on his face, "You have done a good job. You have protected your homeland from the alien poisonous blades."

"Catachan people only believe in cold steel and cold wisdom, but now you have shown us more things that are trustworthy." Aldalon put his right hand on his chest and performed a fist of unity ceremony. In today's military, both mortals and Astartes are increasingly inclined to the fashionable Aquila Ceremony.

Catachan still maintains this habit.

This may be because this planet is not closely connected with the outside world.

During the conversation between the two.

Kano also noticed the weapon used by the red-turbaned commander in front of him. Most of the mortal auxiliaries are equipped with small laser launchers or ordinary live ammunition weapons, flamethrowers, etc., but this commander's equipment is power fists and bolters, these two weapons are more common In the Armory of the Astartes.

The reason why there is no large-scale equipment in the mortal army.

On the one hand, the cost is high, and on the other hand, the recoil force is huge enough to tear a mortal's arm directly from the shoulder.

Aldalon has a tall body, and his biceps are ridiculously large. It doesn't seem impossible to be able to use a bolt gun with bare hands.

The mortals on this planet are really amazing, Kano commented in his heart.

"Commander Aldaron, can you tell me what happened on this planet?" Sanguinius said with a serious expression, "I have vaguely noticed that the dangers on this planet seem to come not only from these aliens. , there are other dangers lurking in the shadows, which may be even more deadly.”

"Your intuition is amazing."

Even the strong men who survived the death jungle of Catachan dare not face the glory of the angel.

Aldaron nodded slightly and continued, "I don't know when exactly it started, but the jungle on Catachan began to decay.

The clear lake water turned into a foul-smelling yellow-green swamp full of decay. Half of the forest became yellow and decayed, while the other half of the forest looked vibrant. There were also some creatures that had never been seen before. Their bodies were covered with pustules and flies. The buzzing and flying swarm is definitely not a product that can evolve in the natural environment of Catachan. "

"Sounds a bit like what we saw on Baal moon - witchcraft!"

Kano looked up at the angel and whispered a reminder.

"That's right." Angel nodded thoughtfully, "If this is the case, it will be a bit troublesome. We cannot underestimate the enemy. We must learn more useful information before we can determine the next plan."

"But we also need to hurry up, corruption is spreading in this land."

Radolon added.

Follow the commander's gaze.

You can see that the land that was still alive just now was covered with a layer of yellow-green moss. The layer of moss had even climbed onto Kano's armor unknowingly, and a putrid smell was emanating from these strange plants.

"You'd better clean your power armor. Astartes can indeed endure all kinds of harsh natural environments, but there is no need to stay with the toilet every day." Azkelon said rudely.

No matter which legion you are in,

Both Terran veterans and new recruits are prone to conflict.

Some primarchs would even deliberately send veterans to the front lines with the highest intensity of fighting, deliberately removing them from the army to avoid more intense conflicts within the legion. Other more benevolent primarchs, such as Ferus, Lord of Medusa, would also forcefully order his legions to be split and reorganized according to the tribal culture of their home planet.

In comparison, people like Archangel have basically not made drastic changes to the original weaving of the Legion, but are actually outliers among them.

In the ninth legion,

There is a conflict between the Palestinians and the Terran veterans.

But such conflicts are not irreconcilable, and most of them focus on verbal quarrels.

In a real war, those veterans are still very trustworthy comrades. Kano shrugged his shoulders, rarely refuting Azkelon's words. After receiving the Archangel's permission, Kano left under the leadership of another Catachan warrior.

The conversation continues——

"If we want to know more about the truth, maybe we can seek help from the elders?" Aldalon showed a rare expression of hesitation on his face, but in the end he made up his mind to tell the Blood Angels in front of him the news. them.

"Elder, what is that?" The angel's eyes were full of inquiry.

"They are demi-humans from the Catachan jungle, my lord." Aldaron replied. "Their hair is thick and their eyes are bright. Legend has it that they have the ability to communicate with the wind. Even the smallest movement can escape. But with their ears, they never get lost, and they can come and go even in Catachan's most dangerous jungles.

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For thousands of years, they have been guarding the planet in their own way and with ancient wisdom, maintaining the balance between man and nature. The people of Catachan respect them and call them elders. "

"Asian people..."

There was a hint of vigilance on Radolon's face, and he frowned deeply:

"You are definitely a demi-human, not a mutant. Sometimes it's hard for mortals to tell the difference between the two."

Variations in humans are called mutations.

And if,

This kind of mutation can be stably inherited from generation to generation, that is demi-human.

"I have not seen any records related to these elders from official information." Azkelon also added thoughtfully.

"There are only one hundred and fifteen officially recognized demi-humans in the entire empire, but there are more than tens of thousands of demi-humans thriving in the vast territory of the human empire." Aldalon spread his hands helplessly and said with a bitter smile, "It is simply an incredible miracle to pass the approval of the many bureaucrats of the Imperial Military Affairs Department and the Interior Ministry. Most of those officials adhere to the principle that they would rather do nothing than make mistakes."

Radolon was born on Baal.

He has an innate hatred for mutants, and he doesn't even have a good impression of the demihumans Ladoron. But I have to admit that there is nothing wrong with what Major Aldalon said.


Radolon looked up at Archangel Sanguinius.

"Now is the age of forge ahead. If you are afraid to step out because of fear, you will miss many opportunities." The archangel replied, "We should follow Colonel Aldaron's advice and meet these elders with ancient wisdom. Maybe you can get the truth from their mouths.”

"Then, opportunity waits for no one. Let's hurry up and set off now!" Azkelon suggested.


The team that went to find the elder consisted of forty people.

Among them were the original body, nine members of the Holy Blood Guard, including Azkelon, and ten elite Astartes, including Kano and Amit. The other twenty people were an elite Catachan team led by Aldaron. His deputy was named Sapa, a young woman with dark skin, short hair, and a red ribbon tied on her arm.

In the roar of the engine.

The Storm Bird slowly flew high into the sky and headed towards its destination.

Vast forests passed under the belly of the Storm Bird, and it was as endless as a green ocean. A hazy layer of fog shrouded the sky, seriously affecting the driver's vision. Fortunately, the navigation equipment could still work normally, and the pilot was very skilled, so nothing serious happened.

The Stormbird is the most commonly used air vehicle among the Legiones Astartes. It can provide fire support and complete transportation assaults.

For different task requirements.

Stormbirds also come in dozens of different variations.

The Storm Bird Kano was riding at this time was a Blood Angel type unique to the Ninth Legion.

It is relatively small in size, but its advantage is that it is faster and can provide more fierce fire support. The normal standard Stormbird can transport about fifty Astartes, but the Blood Angel type can only transport thirty.

The warriors of Catachan are all tall and muscular.

Forty warriors were stuffed into the cabin, which seemed a little crowded. Kano and the Catachan warriors were sitting on shock mounts. Next to him was a Catachan female warrior named Sousa.

This female warrior is very young.

She looks only eighteen or nineteen years old, but the numerous scars on her face and arms prove that she already has a wealth of combat experience.

When Kano looked at Sosa with some curiosity.

Sousa also looked at the big man next to him with curiosity. She was the daughter of Commander Aldalon. Like all Catachans, Sosa was already using a tactical dagger to hunt venomous snakes from the forest to add some protein to his dinner at the age of three.

In her eyes, her father was already one of the rare tough men in Catachan.

But every warrior wearing power armor in this cabin is more than one head taller than his father. And the tallest warrior, a beautiful woman called an angel, is so brilliant that people dare not look directly at her.

It was dark inside the cabin.

But Sosa felt like he was walking under the scorching sun.

"I have seen your information in the empire's brochure. It said that you are angels created by the emperor." Sosa said in a low voice, "Those people said that you have incredible power. I didn't believe it until I just saw you fighting aliens.

Even Catachan's greatest warriors are nowhere near as efficient as you. "


Kano scratched his head in embarrassment, "Actually, you are the ones who surprised me. Most ordinary humans can only be slaughtered wantonly when facing those monsters, but you can fight against them and even give them a blow." They inflicted terrible casualties. They were truly amazing warriors.”

"Are you born with such strength?"

Sosa blinked.

She noticed the kindness in Kano's tone and continued to ask with curiosity.

"That's not the case." Kano suddenly realized that he had only been a Space Marine for a few years, but what happened on the moon was already like a dream and had an unreal feeling. He replied, "It is because of the gift of the Emperor and the blood of angels that I have been reborn and shaped into what I am today."

"Then can I join you?"

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Sosa said, "Although I am young, I am already one of the best warriors in the tribe."


Kano thought for a while and replied: "Probably not. I have never seen a female Astartes warrior, and to be honest, you are a bit too old. It would be difficult to go through those complicated transformation surgeries. Difficult things."

"That's it."

Sosa nodded thoughtfully, but there was no lonely look on his face.

"Even if you cannot become an Astartes, you can still protect your people with your own power. Although our abilities are different, our duties are the same sacred." Kano said to this brave little girl I was very fond of him and couldn't help but comfort him.

"Thank you! Mr. Astarte!" Sousa nodded with gratitude on his face.


She wanted to say something else, but her words were interrupted by a violent shock.


The Stormbird's engines throbbed.

The smell of burning steel came from the cracks in the cabin. Kano looked out the window, his pupils contracted, and saw countless thick vines wrapped around the wings of the Storm Bird like pythons. The steel that could withstand small-caliber bullets was actually twisting and shaking under the stems and leaves of these strange plants.

"Damn it, we're being attacked by these plants! What's going on!"

The pilot's desperate voice sounded on the top priority communication channel. He tried his best to maintain the balance of the Storm Bird, but as more and more vines wrapped around the wings, all his efforts soon failed. end.


The Stormbird inevitably tilted downward and fell.

Vast forests rise and fall under the high-speed rotating turbines, like ripples on a lake. The ground was spinning rapidly, approaching quickly. The only fortunate thing was that at one moment, Kano saw traces of human life in the distance through the window.

Although Stormbird is about to crash, they are presumably already around their destination.

"Don't worry, although this matter is bad, I have experience." Cano saw a flash of panic on Sosa's face. Obviously, crashing from a height of 100 meters is quite exciting and challenging even for the Catachan warriors.

The Elder is a subhuman race that I set myself. It has physical fitness beyond ordinary people and the ability to capture battlefield situations from the flow of air.

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