Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 32 The time for revenge has come! (Seeking for further reading)

"You went secretly to see your daughter."

Emperor's Dream.

In the golden command room, there were only two people, the Imperial Regent and the Emperor.

The Emperor sat on his throne, and next to the throne was Malcador's personal desk where he processed official documents.

Malcador looked up from his endless busyness.

He stared at his master.

"How did you notice it?" This command room is located at the top of the deck tower. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the endless and deep black void in front of you.

The Emperor stared into the endless void, the warships sailing at a constant speed above the velvet curtain.

The light of three suns is shining, and the one that occupies the largest field of view is a red giant star with a significantly abnormal state, named Baal-Alpha. Another star shining with faint blue light is farther away and is only the size of the moon. Its name is Baal-Beta. The last star is a white dwarf. Because it is too far away and has problems with the star itself, the light it emits is almost invisible, but its own gravity and radiation still significantly affect the environment of the entire stellar system.

This is the Baal Galaxy, located on the edge of the left spiral arm of the Milky Way.

But much further up the arc.

From the perspective of the Emperor and Malcador, the stars and their constellations appeared to lie on a seamless bed of pure black.

A ghostly halo of the Oort cloud shimmers far above and below. The light from the triple sun is reflected on the planets rotating along the long orbit. There are flickering shimmers caused by strong reflectivity everywhere.

"I can't detect your whereabouts."

Malcador said, “But I can see the smile on your face, my lord.

The last time we saw that same smile, we were talking about Primarch Nine, and it seemed like you were really happy with your only daughter. "

"I just remembered something that happened."

The Emperor cleverly changed the topic and ordered, "Imager."

The ceiling overhead cracked.

A precise and thin brass pipe stretches out from the gap, and its end stretches outward like a spider's legs, revealing the microscopic glass lens hidden inside.

With the clicking sound of the microscopic lens, a strong photon projection appeared in front of the Emperor and Regent.

Baal and his two moons rotate in the projection.

The red planet is full of thirsty deserts and radiation clouds left behind after cruel wars.

With the will of the human emperor.

The picture in the strong photon projection quickly zoomed in, and finally focused on a battlefield on Bawei, the final battlefield between pure-blooded people and ferocious mutants.

A short but extremely brutal firefight had just ended. The thirsty desert was dyed red with blood. The ferocious and huge corpse of the mutant beast lay on the scrapped chariot, and the muscles were roasted by the overheated steel, making a hissing sound.

Every detail in the picture is so clearly visible.

Even Malcador was distracted from his endless busyness.

He was really curious about what kind of original body it was that could make his master smile twice.

He didn't wait long.


The bloody wind and sand were torn apart by a huge pure white wing, and the Valkyrie in bronze armor fell from the sky and landed steadily on the ground.

Malcador's brows furrowed.

Judging from her appearance alone, she is a little too perfect.

There are also those wings that are obviously a gift from subspace. The human body structure is destined to make it impossible to fly with wings.

Her connection to the warp is too deep.

Malcador had a worried look on his face.

He looked up at his Emperor, who was shrouded in a faint glow.

Like a sculpture, his face remains expressionless.

Of course, the emperor could also be aware of the problems he could see, and his considerations could only be deeper and more long-term than his own.

"Is this some kind of arrangement by the Emperor?"

Malcador concentrated his thoughts and once again focused his eyes on the projection in front of him.


On the battlefield of Ba Wei Er.

Sanguinius glanced thoughtfully at the sky.

The wind and sand were howling, the sky was gray, and even though the original body had visual perception capabilities that far exceeded those of ordinary people, the visible range was not very high.

But instinctively——

Sanguinius felt a sense of being watched.

"Father?" Sanguinius thought, but she quickly came to her senses, "I cannot allow myself to be distracted by such unimportant matters."

The Order of the Crimson Skull is a formidable foe.

It is more powerful than all previous opponents put together.

Now, although this monster has been cornered, the injured and dying beast is the most dangerous.

Sanguinius did not dare to let down his guard at all.

Her eyes swept over the battlefield and finally landed on the ruins of the city.

Thick blood-colored smoke slowly rose.

The smoke was not from the burning fire, but from the evil sacrifice.

Countless corpses hang down from the rusty rails like bugs caught by spiders; the brightly colored content on the huge metal billboards has been erased and replaced by a bloody eight-pointed star symbol.

There are also mutants, monsters so tainted by the forces of Chaos that they have no human characteristics.

Some have huge dragon-like wings spread out from their backs, and others are covered with shiny compound eyes like insects. These monsters seemed to be spliced ​​from several completely different lives, and their whole bodies exuded a hazy light of blasphemy and filth.


"They were doing some kind of ritual and I could hear the monsters screaming," Cano said.

"We have to launch an attack before the ceremony is completed." The angel walked forward, holding the huge bronze spear tightly in his hand.

There are no traces of mechanical modification on this spear.

The only feature is its sturdiness.

But given the Primarch's inherent speed and strength, the destructive power such a spear could unleash was beyond imagination.

The thick armor of the main battle armored vehicle can be penetrated as easily as tofu.

"It's now!"

The angel made up his mind and raised his spear.

She spread her wings to ride the storm, carrying her body into the air.


Star-like brilliance bloomed on her body.

The dust that had been roaring for thousands of years stopped at this moment, and the angel's pupils and long hair seemed to be burning, creating a bright and exploding halo in mid-air.

"Fighters, this is the time for revenge!"


The tsunami-like war roars of the mountains came from the mouths of men, women, old people, and children.

The long night that lasts for thousands of years will end today. After this battle, Baidei will once again regain its former purity, and those cruel variants will disappear from the stage of history.


The angel flapped its wings, piercing the darkness like a meteor of destruction.

Kano roared loudly, his chest shaking.

He strode forward following the angel's figure. Beside him, thousands of pure-blood warriors gathered together and charged. Like a torrent bursting through a dam, I vow to clear away all obstacles in front of me!

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