Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 94: The End of Time: Sons of Dorne

The Phalanx, the largest, most powerful and oldest mobile space fortress in the history of the human empire. Well, I know there is also the Blackstone Fortress, but that thing was not made by humans, right? So the Phalanx deserves its name.

No one knows when the Phalanx was built and for what purpose. People now only know that it is the ancient monastery fortress of the Imperial Fists, one of the two ancient legacies of the Imperial Fists and the Black Templars, which Rogal Dorn gave to his two "eldest son" regiments.

During the second military construction process after the promulgation of the Codex, Dorn handed over his Glorious Queen-class flagship to the Black Templars. Today, the great longship is still the monastery of the Black Templars and the eternal core of countless expedition fleets.

The head of the regiment sits on the throne that once belonged to Dorn, commanding and leading the eternal expedition that lasted for tens of millions of years.

The Imperial Fists inherited the Phalanx, the former and current headquarters of the Imperial Fists Chapter. Even though tens of millions of years have passed and the Chapter is unable to perform and use all the functions of the entire fortress due to the size of only a thousand men, this great space fortress is still one of the most proud weapons of the Empire.

Countless generations ago, since the Imperial Fists accepted the Emperor's appointment as the Iron Guard of Terra, the Phalanx and the loyal descendants of the Imperial Fists have been guarding the orbit of Terra and the sacred sky of the origin of mankind.

For tens of millions of years, the Phalanx has had a unique and supreme honorary power that symbolizes the Emperor's trust. The Phalanx and the Imperial Power are the only armed platforms that can remain armed and in a state of firing at any time within the orbit of Terra. In other words, if the Imperial Fists are willing, they can use the powerful fortress firepower to bomb the palace at any time and turn the Golden Throne into ashes.

But this heresy has never happened, and the sons of Dorne will not allow it to happen. For thousands of years, they have defended the starry sky of Terra. Even if the regiment sometimes sends companies away from Terra to assist and support other imperial war zones, the Phalanx and its permanently stationed battle brothers have never left Terra.

Their sacred mission does not allow them to leave until recently.

Thor Garadon, the captain of the 3rd Company of the Imperial Fists, smashed the skull of a Khorne bloodletter with one punch. The abominable monster fell heavily to the ground. Before he roared and grabbed the bloodletting sword to fight back, he was smashed in the head by Captain Garadon's explosive fist.

Captain Galadon raised the right arm of the Terminator armor and fired at the demons rushing in the corridor. The fierce artillery fire of the explosive bombs bombarded the demons rushing in. Countless flesh and broken limbs splashed everywhere in the workshop hall of the Phalanx. The resolute captain faced the demons rushing in without changing his expression. The bright flames of the explosive bombs lit up one side of Galadon's armor, and the eye-catching flames continued to illuminate the rugged and resolute face.

And he was not fighting alone. His fighting brothers immediately appeared from both sides. The recruits of the Seventh Company holding bolt guns spewed out destructive explosive bombs and artillery fire. The storm-like explosive bomb fire bombarded the demon enemies, splashing blood on the Khorne demons, but obviously they did not feel any fear.

The crazy demons continued to rush, as if they could not feel any fear at all. The horned Khorne demons held bloody swords and battle axes and launched a fierce charge.

Captain Galadon's bolt trap continued to emit thunderous gunfire. He calmly watched the demons being killed in front of him, his calmness was surprising, but everything changed a moment later.

A Space Marine wearing scarlet power armor rushed out from the corridor at the end of the forge workshop. His armor logo was eye-catching and clear, and the logo of the World Eaters was under the countless pale skulls hanging.

The Khorne warrior used his shield to knock away a large number of his own people. He rushed forward with a roar on his iron hooves. The Khorne champion rushed forward with a shield in hand against the firepower of the Imperial Fists, and the long-handled battle axe in his hand killed an approaching Imperial Fists warrior at close range.

The warrior with the Seventh Company painted on his shoulder armor raised his bolt gun and fired at the evil World Eaters traitor, but the bolt gun fire was completely unable to destroy the shield. In the end, the approaching demon champion swung his battle axe and shattered the visor of his helmet.

The son of Dorn fell to the ground with a bang, but the demon did not stop to enjoy the victory. His initial target was the tallest, most powerful, and most worthy Imperial warrior dedicated to Khorne!

The demon roared and launched a swift charge. The Space Marines of the Imperial Fists fired at full force, but none of them could break its shield. Just as a brother of the regiment appeared with a plasma cannon and was ready to fire, Galadon raised his iron fist to signal him to attack the Khorne demon army behind the monster.

The brothers of the regiment obeyed the order without any hesitation, and the plasma body hit the Khorne demon army. The plasma plasma that burst out instantly burned and dissolved several Khorne demons.

The remaining battle brothers immediately poured all their artillery fire on the charging Khorne Legion, and countless fierce firepower bombarded from both sides of the World Eater Champion.

The World Eater roared that since he had thrown away his shield, he rushed towards Captain Galadon irrationally with a battle axe in his hand, but it was obvious that the captain did not intend to do anything shameful, but accepted the challenge.

The World Eater raised his axe and slashed it down fiercely. Galadon instantly raised his iron fist to meet the blow and blocked it. The World Eater roared, drew back the bloody axe and slashed at Galadon's neck from the side, attacking the neck that was not covered with a helmet.

But Garadon dodged past at a speed that was completely unsuitable for his Terminator armor physique. His left fist caught the World Eater's wrist, and then he immediately pressed the muzzle of the explosive gauntlet against his Chest.

Garadon pulled the trigger of the glove, and in an instant, half of the World Eater's body was turned into a rain of blood and flesh, and his mutilated body collapsed in front of Garadon.

But the moment the company commander let go, several battle brothers beside him were hit by explosive bombs and fell to the ground dead. Garadon looked at the source of the firepower.

The traitors of the Black Legion strode out from the corridors of the Forging Hall. The traitors under Abaddon's command opened fire violently on the Imperial Fists with bolt guns. The bolts shattered the steel frames in the Forging Hall, and on the boilers Broken gaps were made.

The Imperial Fists warriors collapsed to the ground, but their battle brothers showed no signs of losing their position. Their steely discipline and adherence to the chapter's creed allowed them to calmly continue to aim and fire in an orderly manner.

But Galadon's mission is to ensure their survival, and all Imperial Fists will gladly die for the Emperor, but their deaths must have value, but that value is not reflected here.

"Retreat." Garadon said to the noncommissioned officer beside him amidst the sound of gunfire. The latter immediately accepted the order without hesitation. Then Garadon looked at the pharmacist who was already in position beside him. The company commander asked the pharmacist Nod affirmatively.

The pharmacist veteran of the 3rd Company immediately rushed to the side of the fallen battle brother. The cutting tool on his tool arm immediately started working. The cutting chain saw roughly cut through the power armor and took out the brothers' gene seeds from under it.

"Sorry, brothers." The pharmacist said as he put the fiery gene seeds on the potion jar. He inserted it safely into the backpack on his back and immediately stood up and retreated. The pharmacist held the bolt pistol and stepped back. Move aside and fire.

With the return of the apothecary, all the Imperial Fists began to retreat. Space Marines wearing yellow armor evacuated from the corridors of the Forging Hall. Each warrior fired alternately and retreated. They were well-disciplined and efficient without any panic. The retreat was quickly completed.

Garadon retreated to the entrance while firing. The traitors of the Black Legion bombarded the company commander with explosive bombs, and one bomb even flew past the company commander's arm.

Garadon calmly looked at the enemy without any panic. The wave of demons that had lost fire suppression came like a tsunami. Garadon calmly raised his iron fist and aimed it at the casting boiler aside and fired a shot.

The support legs were accurately interrupted, and as the structure shattered, the entire giant boiler tilted and fell instantly. Garadon retreated into the corridor, and the entrance behind him was immediately sealed by the ancient battle group's forged boiler.

This loss is irreversible, each of the Chapter's ancient creations is thousands of years old, but now they must destroy them to prevent greater losses.

Garadon strode back with determination, catching up with his battle-brothers as they rushed through the corridors of the Phalanx, joining the new battle as they exited the entrance at the other end.

In the third hall, the Daemons of Khorne are preparing to rush to the other side of the stairs of the temple, where a group of brothers are resisting.

Garadon immediately led his Imperial Fist warriors to insert from the demon's side and rear. Garadon took the lead in the attack, and the Terminator armor strode forward in the crimson wave as if entering uninhabited territory.

The soldiers of the Imperial Fists followed closely behind the company commander, using bolters and chain swords to create a path of blood. Soon they killed through the wave of demons and reached the end of the stairs. Garadon turned around and stood in the way of the stairs. In front of him, the Bolt Gauntlet began to fire at full force, and the dazzling light of the gunfire lit up the end of the stairs filled with the corpses of demons and Imperial Fists warriors.

The soldiers under Garadon immediately rushed up the stairs. They quickly reached the brothers' position at the top of the stairs. The recruits of the 7th Company of Imperial Fists who still had ammunition immediately joined the defense. They fired fiercely from the top of the stairs. Blood flowers bloomed in the demonic army of Khorne.

The roaring demons rushed towards Captain Garadon one after another, but the captain remained standing. He shot and killed the charging demons with his explosive fists. He stood between his brother and the demon's corpse, like a side. An iron wall blocking the tide of demons.

Garadon is definitely worthy of being a man in charge. No one can deny this comment. The son of Dorne stood expressionlessly on the steps of the Great Temple, the explosive gauntlet in his hand lighting up the surrounding space. .

The terrifying demons rushed in one after another, and the explosive bombs kept changing their positions and firing, but those dark red Khorne demons showed no fear at all. They stepped on the bodies of their fallen compatriots and rushed towards the company commander.

Soon the company commander was almost overwhelmed. The brothers of the chapter above him quickly provided support. Several veterans wearing Terminator armor walked out from the temple gate. They held storm bolters and provided strong support. Galaton.

The company commander began to retreat slowly. He retreated up the stairs and continued to fire violently while retreating. The flames of the bombs lit up and engulfed the massive demons in front of him.

The storm bolters in the hands of the Terminator veterans lit up the surrounding space, and soon Garadon retreated to the top to join them. The veterans of the Chapter blocked the steps and vented their firepower downwards, and the scarlet wave crashed into pieces. On the wave slope, blood flowed down the steps like a waterfall.

Garadon nodded to the sergeant, who nodded affirmatively and then led the brothers of the Chapter to retreat into the temple gate. Only Garadon and the Terminator veterans were left outside the door.

The flashing lights of guns and cannons lit up the front of their breastplates. They blocked the surging demon army, and the gate of the temple behind them began to slowly descend.

The heavy gate under the Imperial Eagle logo creaked down, and Galadon raised his iron arm and swung it back, and the Terminator veterans began to retreat.

The veterans retreated into the falling gate, and only Galadon remained outside. The captain smashed the skull of a bloodletter with a punch, and then he shot a Khorne hound's basin. The monster fell to the ground, and behind him, the demons had already surged onto the platform at the top of the stairs.

Galadon retreated, using a full set of almost overheated bolt guns to block the demon army. The brothers behind him crouched on both sides of the gate and fired outwards. Their artillery fire helped the captain temporarily block the fierce enemy.

Galadon retreated into the door. He stood under the door frame and fired with his brothers. In the dark space outside, only the space near the door was illuminated by the artillery fire, and the faces of the demons were also illuminated.

But as the gate slowly fell, everything disappeared. The heavy gate almost fell and blocked the artillery fire of the Space Marines. In this brief moment, a Khorne hound got out of the gap below.

It raised its head and roared at Galadon, but was immediately crushed by the captain's foot. The hound's brain and blood sprayed all over the entire doorpost on both sides.

The gate was lowered, and all the fear was blocked outside.

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