Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 85 The End of the Era: Call for Support

"Hello, honey." "Holy shit, what are you doing? You have a weird voice."

Vito's room was still messy, and it was once again. Apparently Vito had tidied it up after the last upheaval, but now it was obviously messy again. Boots were thrown carelessly by the door, and ancient books were once placed there. On the desk with scrolls is Vito's collection of wine.

The bookshelf containing fine wine and model ornaments had been swept away, and the weapon rack next to it containing Vito's weapons and equipment was also covered with clothes. Jackets and black skirts were randomly thrown around, and other The master is lying on the bed.

Lilith threw up a purple grape high, and the sweet grape slid in an arc in the air and fell behind her lips. Lilith chewed the sweet grape and responded to Vito.

"Eat something." Lilith said as her slender legs slid over the sheets. Her silver hair rose and fell from the sunken pillow cover. The folding knife and exquisite laser gun were thrown at the end of the bed. Lilith At the moment, she is only wearing one piece of underwear, a very tasteful piece of underwear.

The almost perfect body curve fit on the mattress. Lilith, wearing suspenders and black stockings, crossed her legs. The succubus' tail slipped out from behind and was coiling autonomously in the air, almost meaningless. Her perfect slender legs were raised, and she moved her ankles to eat another grape.

She spread her arms and moaned lazily on the comfortable Roman bed, looking quite enjoying herself.

"Wait, you are in my room?! How the hell did you get in!" Vito exclaimed over there, "Did my genetic lock machine soul work? Good guy, a lock can be used as a machine soul. Displeased.”

Lilith smiled and slid her finger across her lips. She smiled jokingly, "No, it's good, but I have your genetic information, so I came in." "Wait, where did you get it?" My genetic information? "What do you think?"

Lilith's long eyebrows drooped in front of her purple eyes, and her fingertips slid across the outside of her long legs. Vito instantly felt a slight electric shock coming from the Seal of Slaanesh, as if Lilith was touching him. The same as the arms.

Vito sat on the sofa and sighed, then cleared his throat and pretended to be serious, "Let me ask, you are not eating the souls of the Eldar, are you?"

"No." Lilith said as she chewed the grapes, then sat up slightly and touched her chin. Her tongue licked her lips greedily, "But I don't mind eating something. How about it? Can I start dinner? ?”

"No, I'm sorry for disturbing your mood." "That's a shame."

Lilith sat on the bed, her smooth long legs rubbing against each other. Lilith's fingers suddenly turned into a long claw blade. She swung her fingers and looked at her long claws.

This long claw, which is very petite compared to the real blade, is not weak at all. She used this claw to cut a Death Guard into pieces in one go, literally breaking it into several sections.

In fact, Vito has always been curious about whether demons need to eat. After all, you know, they are energy bodies, right? In theory, there is no need to eat, drink, or sleep, but Lily can obviously do these things, and she will also say that she is hungry, but she doesn't know whether she is really hungry or just greedy.

But every time she said this, Vito would break into a cold sweat. This girl was not satisfied at all, just like her sister.

"So what? When are you coming back? It's not a good idea to leave your beloved wife here alone in an empty room." Lily's eyes flashed with lust, but Slaanesh Succubus always does this, so, well, all I can say is I hope she doesn't really come to feel it, at least I hope that's the case.

Vito also felt the emotional fluctuations through the seal. He cleared his throat and stood up from the sofa, walked to the bed over there and leaned on the cabinet beside the bed to look at the restraint bracelet on his hand.

That small thing is releasing psychic power to suppress Vito's psychic power, although it is not completely possible in fact, and it is more of a symbolic meaning.

The prophets knew that they could not be trapped by this thing. If they were willing, they could crush this thing into pieces at once. What really limited them was everything outside the Ark.

The Infinite Frontier is now surrounded by an entire Eldar fleet. If he does anything irrational here, the people on the boat outside will be hostages and will be immediately torn apart by the Eldar, and Vito does not intend to let him All this happened to be a good guest here, at least for the time being, as of a few seconds ago.

But the Eldar ignored one thing. When it comes to conspiracy and deception, except for a few honorary members of the "Grand Conspiracy Club", few people in this galaxy can play Vito.

"Then I'll give you a laugh." "Oh? What?"

Lilith's "Oh" voice was full of provocation. She arched her body and her graceful curves formed a curved arch bridge under her body. Her arm reached to the bedside table and brought a glass of wine, Vito's precious One of the collectibles.

"Did you damn almost destroy half of my collection?" Vito asked speechlessly, while Lilith smiled charmingly and took a sip of the wine. This bottle of wine had not been blown to pieces by Caliban back then. All that remains is the collection that Vito took with him when the rock flew through space.

At that time, he accompanied the old bastard from Terra, regaining human civilization along the way and violently beating up all kinds of aliens when he arrived at Caliban. After he and Ryan staged a father-son reunion scene that was not touching at all, Vito also A large amount of fine wine was "robbed" from the Knights' wine cellar.

Vito is used to "taking some souvenirs" every time he goes to a planet, and every time he can fool some "big people" into engaging in souvenir collecting!

Among them, his favorite partners are Leman Russ, Horus and Magnus. Although the latter always takes various books, which makes Vito think he is an idiot, he obviously prefers them. s things.

He remembered Caliban's time. At that time, he even deceived his beloved Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard and the boss of the Golden Corn Legion, Waldo, and tricked him into helping him move wine. Then the two of them took half of the wine cellar. It was completely looted.

Most of the drinks were consumed by him, Waldo, the old bastard and Ryan in the future, and now only this bottle is left, and the remaining number has obviously changed from 1 to 0.

Lilith pressed her fragrant lips to the edge of the wine glass, and then took a sip of the wine gracefully, but obviously elegance did not prevent him from drinking most of the wine, and Vito was sure that she was definitely not drunk and could continue drinking, but The alcohol may have really stimulated some emotional part of her.

Vito let out a long sigh, then held his forehead helplessly, "They don't plan to let me leave, and unfortunately I don't want to tell them the truth, so it's time to start plan B."

Lilith suddenly became interested. She shook the wine glass and looked at the wine with her purple eyes. Dots of bubbles burst from her eyes angrily. She raised her head slightly and leaned on the pillow, letting out a soft laugh.

"I happen to be hungry too, so let's have them for dinner." Lilith's melodious laughter lost even the slightest sense of comfort at this moment, and became cold and vicious. I don't know if it was influenced by Slaanesh. Every time Lilith This is always the case when talking about Eldar souls, especially when Vito can feel her emotional fluctuations. It is especially scary. Even if he is not an Eldar, he will break into a cold sweat.

"Ahem, no, at least you can't eat them as a feast this time." "I know I won't eat little Yiyana, and I won't eat your "daughter"" "I'm not his father. "What is that? Sister? I really hate these concepts in your physical universe. It's so troublesome."

Lily said with a smile, her left hand that had returned to normal fingers touched the glass wall of the wine glass, "But you did influence her a lot. To be honest, you are better at raising children than that skeleton, although she is not as rebellious. Horus and the others are gone."

"And you also have your unique accent." Lilith smiled amusingly, teasing Vito's indeed unique accent.

To be honest, Vito always fools people who don’t understand and says it’s Terra Gothic, a serious accent from the old empire’s Golden Flag, but in fact it’s Vito’s accent from a long, long time ago. Inherited, but the ancient Terran Latin accent that cannot be changed life and death, and it is the authentic Latin Ecstasy accent from before the Age of Strife.

But Lilith actually liked his accent, it made people feel horny.

"I'll let her go and eat the rest. I haven't had such a sweet meal in a long time."

"No, not this time." Vito said in his heart. He lowered his arms and hugged them. "I have predicted that this ark will be of great use in the future, so I need it to survive."

Lily seemed a little unhappy. Slaanesh demons didn't like the feeling of being devoured, especially for Slaanesh's twin sisters, the first Slaanesh demon and the queen of the succubi.

But she still showed a smile, and the anger that followed already made Vito feel a little uneasy, "My dear, what's the reason? What makes you take food from my mouth?"

"As you always tell me, intuition, I want the Ark to survive, so this is the reason, and of course I will compensate you. I will let you have a big meal in the future."

Vitor was clearly not frightened by the wrath of Slaanesh at all. He was incredibly calm, and that calm was something Lilith could feel, and that was what she admired about Vitor.

In front of him, he was never a succubus queen, devil prince, or anything like that. She was just his little girlfriend who liked to do things as she pleased, and he needed to suppress himself from time to time to prevent himself from taking things too far.

If it were a Khorne demon or the other Slaanesh demons, they would probably be so angry that they would flip the table over at this moment. These two are notorious for hating being restricted, but you know what? On the contrary, Lilith liked this feeling very much, it was a thrilling feeling to experience emotions from a unique perspective.

And you know what? Lilith and even Slaanesh have not had this kind of person for a long time who can argue with them and not feel scared at all because they are arguing with a god.

Lilith's anger cooled down, and it went away just as quickly as when it was ignited. She smiled, shook the red wine glass and crossed her legs, "But I'm hungry now. I don't have to eat their souls. But I need to be satisfied."

She smiled evilly. Vito was stunned for a moment and then sighed. He smiled bitterly and rubbed his neck, "Don't use your "little fun" to "help sex" this time, okay? I will do it every time. My mind is like a sandstorm."

"My dear, since you are the one who wants me, then I have the final say this time, right?" Lilith smiled charmingly and evilly. She put the red wine glass to her mouth and licked her lips with her tongue. .

The purple eyes were full of some kind of playfulness.

"We're going to have a long night together." "Um, let me ask first how long will it be?"

"Very, very long." Lilith smiled and took a sip of red wine.

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