Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 584 Divine Turn (Part 1)

The onlookers in the imperial capital all exclaimed in surprise after hearing the Holy Emperor's announcement that Yu Fei would be directly promoted from earl to duke. The senior officials from other human countries in the open space who came to watch the ceremony showed no signs of surprise. Apparently they had passed the gas before.

This was also reflected in the subsequent behavior of the top leaders of these other human countries. After the Holy Emperor, the one who stepped forward was still a big man, the current emperor of the Botswana Empire, Botswana Forty-Second.

When Yu Fei learned the identity of the fat man in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. Aren't the Holy Lion Empire and the Botswana Empire old enemies? How come Botswana Forty-Second is actually in the Holy Imperial Capital?

Before Yu Fei could figure it out, Botswana 42 announced that Yu Fei would become an honorary marquis of the Botswana Empire. After him, the current emperor of the Canaan Empire also appeared and awarded Yu Fei the title of Honorary Marquis of the Canaan Empire. Obviously, these three empires had negotiated. However, because Yu Fei originally appeared in the Holy Lion Empire, the other two empires did not overstep their bounds and only gave Yu Fei the title of honorary marquis instead of duke.

Yu Fei was still shocked that the emperors of the three great empires of mankind had gathered together like this, when he heard what the Holy Emperor was announcing loudly.

"The orcs have now become extremely cruel and will be the enemy of the entire Esraze. And our human race has a strong man like Master O'Brien, who has wiped out 300,000 orcs for us. This is the human race's luck, and it is also The luck of Eslaze continent."

The Holy Emperor looked around majestically, and then continued to speak slowly.

"Today, taking the opportunity to welcome Archmage O'Brien, the emperors and kings of our human nations have gathered together. In addition to conferring the title of Archmage O'Brien, we have to announce another thing."

"This matter concerns each of our human countries, and even every human being. Faced with the destruction that the brutal orcs will bring, we humans have decided to unite and unite together - we have done this before, but in the end There is no exact name.”

The emperors of the Botswana Empire and the Canaan Empire also stood on either side of the Holy Emperor, declaring that what the Holy Emperor would announce next was their joint decision. As for the other kings of the human kingdom present, they naturally did not have the qualifications to stand alongside the three emperors, so they all stood behind them.

The Holy Emperor spoke solemnly: "Humanity has been divided for too long, and the internal strife has been serious. Even when facing the orcs who were driven to the west of the Warcraft Mountains by our ancestors, they were retreating steadily."

"But starting from today, all this will change. Humanity will temporarily eliminate the concept of country, and we will form a unified alliance-the Holy Alliance. As for the enemies of the Holy Alliance, there is no doubt that the orcs! As long as we humans are united as one , There is no enemy that cannot be defeated! Whatever our ancestors could do, we can do the same, or even do better!"

The Holy Emperor's voice became impassioned, and he even stopped calling himself "I" because of his excitement. "I believe that with everyone's efforts, we can not only defeat the orcs, but even destroy this cruel and evil race..."

At this time, Yu Fei no longer cared about what the Holy Emperor said next, because he knew that it was nothing more than some false and empty passionate words. When he discovered that the emperors of the three major human empires had gathered in front of him, and that many kings of other human kingdoms were also here, a ridiculous idea came to his mind.

I remember that when Yu Fei used to read online novels on Earth, he would often see a plot. In the novel, when the protagonist sees important people from some countries or organizations gathering together for a meeting, he often has psychological activities such as "If a nuclear bomb were dropped at this time, XX country (organization) would be paralyzed."

Of course, in those novels this is often just a psychological activity to make up the number of words. Now that Yu Fei saw the emperors and kings of all human countries gathered outside the sacred imperial capital, he also had such psychological activities.

However, unlike the protagonist in the novel he had read who was just mentally active, Yu Fei was now trembling all over, thinking about the possibility of his own thoughts. If all these human emperors and kings were killed right here, would the night elves be able to march straight in and take over all the human territory?

Yu Fei unleashed his mental power unscrupulously to scan the surroundings. After the main body rose to the level of the Eternal Tree, the spiritual power of the Elf King's clone naturally also experienced a qualitative change. If he wanted to be hidden, no one would be able to detect his mental scan unless there was a mythical powerhouse within the scanning range.

After scanning, Yu Fei felt at ease. Although there are many powerful people in the current sacred imperial capital, there are only five at the epic level. There used to be some mythical powerhouses, but they had been killed during the last invasion of the night elves.

Moreover, those five epic-level powerful men are all in the imperial capital now. They must think that there will be no danger to the heads of human nations so close to them.

Besides, there is Yu Fei, a powerful man who is already known as the first magician in mankind, outside the city. Even if there is danger, he will be there to carry him, so there is no need for those epic-level powerful men to worry. As for the danger that Yu Fei may bring, they have not considered it at all. How can a human national hero harm the kings of human countries?

It's a pity that this time humans really let it slip. Everyone thought that Yu Fei was a human being and a national hero of the human race, but no one thought that Yu Fei was actually the emperor of the Dark Night Empire. Even when the Holy Emperor saw Yu Fei's black robe, he did not show dissatisfaction as Yu Fei imagined. He thought it was just a quirk of a strong man, and he did not ask Yu Fei to show his face.

The Holy Emperor was still speaking impassionedly, unaware that they, the emperors and the heroes behind the king, had already had dangerous ideas. But what he is talking about now happens to be related to Yu Fei.

"Among the Holy Alliance, there will also be the Arcane Alliance. What the orcs fear is magic, so magicians from all human countries will also unite to form the Arcane Alliance. As for the leader of the Arcane Alliance, there is no doubt that He is the most powerful magician in humankind today, Archmage O'Brien! Here, I will also grant Duke O'Brien the title of Holy Archmage, as the national master of my Holy Lion Empire!"

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Emperor clapped his hands and turned to face Yu Fei together with other emperors and kings. It's hard for him, because as the leader of a country, he hardly gets any applause.

The people watching were naturally extremely supportive of the news announced by the Holy Emperor, and Yu Fei becoming the imperial advisor also brought them a lot of security, so everyone's emotions were aroused, and there was a wave of applause.

National Division? Okay, remember that in novels, national teachers are often the ones who confuse the public and destroy the country, right? Doesn't this echo my own thoughts again? But I don't have the ability to confuse people with monstrous words. What I do know is to do it if I don't accept life and death!

The Holy Emperor was smiling all over his face, and he was waiting for Yu Fei to step forward to accept his conferment. When he thought about it, in such a big scene, he directly drew Yu Fei over with his righteousness, and no one could say anything. His ancestor, Nicholas the Great, was killed at the hands of those hateful night elves, but by recruiting a magician who was no less powerful than a mythical person, he could make up for the loss and restore the national prestige of the Holy Lion Empire.

It's a pity that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The Holy Emperor has always been worried that other emperors or the St. Childs family would prevent him from wooing Yu Fei. He even did not let the St. Childs family participate in this prisoner sacrifice ceremony. But what he didn't consider was whether Yu Fei would accept his solicitation.

Indeed, now that the Holy Emperor has grasped the righteousness, Yu Fei seems to have no choice but to accept it. But this righteousness is only the righteousness of the human race. Facing Yu Fei, a guy who is not a human being, the righteousness of the human race has no deterrent effect at all.

Sweat, Chapter 575 was uploaded at around 9 o'clock but I forgot to post it. I just saw it. Sorry.

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