Warcraft Eternal Tree

Chapter 512 Multiple Death and Decay [Second Update]

Speaking of which, among the undead heroes, it is actually the death knights and lichs who can actually cause harm to the Fire Demon Emperor because of their strength attributes. The role that the Crypt Lord and the Dread Lord can play is only to control them for a short period of time using the two skills of Pierce and Sleep.

In the Molten Realm, the Fire Demon Emperor built a huge energy body. Neither the Crypt Lord's piercing nor the Dread Lord's sleep can affect the body of the Fire Demon Emperor, and naturally it can no longer control it.

Fortunately, the four Dread Lords at least still have the long-range attack method of Rotting Bee Swarm with a short cooldown. The hellfire they summoned also caused a lot of trouble to the Fire Demon Emperor; the Crypt Lords only I can now deal with those little Balrogs with my corrosive beetles.

Speaking of which, the Corrosion Beetle summoned by the Crypt Lord is not as powerful as the Little Balrog summoned by the Balrog Emperor. In addition to the difference in strength between the summoners, the environment within the Molten Boundary is also an important factor.

In the Molten Realm, although the Little Balrog cannot be divided, its strength is even more blazing. However, the corrosion beetle's ground-burrowing skill cannot be used in the Molten Realm, which is fire, so there is only one less method.

Under the circumstances, if the four crypt lords had not also participated in the battle with the little Balrog, the corrosive beetles under their control would have been turned into roasted beetles by the little Balrog cannon.

Even seeing those strange bugs defeated by the little Balrogs he summoned, the Emperor of Fire actually divided some of the little Balrogs to contain the Demon King of the South Abyss Alliance who was later involved in the Molten Realm, sharing a lot of burdens with himself. A lot of pressure.

Kel'Thuzad's expression remained unchanged. These so-called allies are really deceptive and have no effect at all in the battle with the Fire Demon Emperor. Fortunately, it originally didn't count on the demon king of the South Abyss Alliance. The order given by its master was to let the undead hero kill the Fire Demon Emperor with his own hands.

He fired another frost nova casually, dimming the flames in the Molten Boundary. Kel'Thuzad was thinking about what to do next.

The power of the Flame Demon Emperor really exceeded its expectations. The undead heroes, with their few but extremely practical skills, can easily compete with the demon king who is more powerful than themselves in terms of energy.

Just like these clone death knights, lichs, etc., who have just been promoted to the seventh level of the hero level and can reach the epic level, if they really want to go against the mid-to-late epic level demon king, they will definitely not be the ones to fail.

However, the Fire Demon Emperor actually possesses domain skills like Molten Boundary, which Kel'Thuzad had never known before. Thinking of this, it couldn't help but be even more contemptuous of its nominal ally, the Nanyuan Alliance. Such important news was not learned in the last war.

Now it seems that the death knight's charge and the frost nova of eight lichs including himself are unable to cause fatal damage to the Fire Demon Emperor.

Kel'Thuzad could feel that although the death knight's giant sword containing the power of the dead and the occasional death coil, as well as his own and other lich attributes that restrained the Fire Demon Emperor's frost nova, every time it hit the opponent, it would cause the flames to explode. The aura of the Demon Emperor was temporarily weakened, but it would soon recover.

After all, the Molten Kingdom is the home ground of the Fire Demon Emperor. Opening the Molten Realm here is like Illidan having endless demonic aura to maintain the demonic realm. If the destructive power cannot be used to destroy the Fire Demon Emperor in a short period of time, the Fire Demon Emperor will be almost invincible.

Destructive power? We just have it. Kel'Thuzad raised his head and glanced at the Fire Demon Emperor, who was waving endless flames and looking extremely powerful, and showed an enticing smile.

Although the Flame Demon Emperor's Molten Realm has the advantage of super endurance, the Flame Demon Emperor's use of it is obviously not as delicate as using the Demon Realm.

For example, Illidan almost integrated with the demonic realm after reaching the mythical level. If he opens the demon realm, then Illidan can appear in any corner at any time in the realm and attack the enemy from impossible angles.

But the Flame Demon Emperor couldn't. What it can do, in addition to using its almost infinite energy to summon small Balrogs with no time limit in the Molten Realm, is to form a huge energy body that cannot be destroyed for fighting.

The Fire Demon Emperor was surrounded by four hellfires and four death knights walking through the air. The feeling of the Liches' frost nova hitting the Fire Demon Emperor is extremely annoying. The cold feeling that penetrates into the energy body and spreads into its body is what a fire creature like it hates the most.

But neither Hellfire nor Death Knight are easy people to deal with. Whether it is the sacrificial flames of Hellfire or the necromantic energy and death coil attached to each hit of the Death Knight, they can bring some damage to the Fire Demon Emperor.

Therefore, it can only deal with these eight guys and cannot break through their siege to find trouble with the lich. At most, it is to control the flame energy in the Molten Boundary to burn the lichs, but under the protection of the frost armor that has not been interrupted around the lichs, these flames can only return in vain.

What the Flame Demon Emperor can count on is that the hellfires that are obviously summoned will disappear after the summoning time limit is reached. In this case, only four death knights cannot trap it. At that time, the Flame Demon Emperor can go find trouble with those hateful lichs.

However, suddenly, the Flame Demon Emperor felt something was wrong. Um? That extremely annoying ice attribute attack hasn’t appeared for a while, huh?

The Flame Demon Emperor was alert. The Frost Nova cast by the Lich is the main way for undead heroes to weaken it, and there's no reason to stop casually. As for the energy (magic value) of those lichs being consumed, the Fire Demon Emperor would not believe it either.

It did think before that those ice-type attacks that were obviously spell-like would consume energy. And with the backing of the entire lava kingdom, it will not be afraid of energy competition.

But the energy of those lichs seems to be endless. Obviously in its induction, after suffering several rounds of ice-type attacks, those lichs should no longer have the energy to cast spells, but they each "digested" a beetle in a wonderful way. After that, he became lively again.

There is a conspiracy! The Flame Demon Emperor can easily sense all situations in the Molten Realm. After turning his attention to the eight lichs who had stopped casting Frost Nova, the Fire Demon Emperor was horrified.

An extremely large and obscure energy surged within the bodies of the eight lichs headed by Kel'Thuzad. From it, the Flame Demon Emperor felt a complete aura of death. This aura of death gave it a more uncomfortable feeling than the Death Coil of the Death Knight.

Before the Flame Demon Emperor could make a move, the eight lichs all released their ultimate moves, causing them to die and wither.

Originally, Death and Decay did not require preparation time. As a natural ability, Liches wanted to cast this ultimate skill as easily as casting Frost Nova. They could activate it with just a thought. In this way, the Flame Demon Emperor would not notice anything was wrong.

But Kel'Thuzad knew that such hastily launched Death and Decay could not actually deliver a fatal blow to the mythical and powerful Firelord Emperor.

Except for Kel'Thuzad, the other clone lichs are only at level seven. The Flame Demon Emperor is equivalent to a level ten hero. With such a huge level gap, if the Liches' Death and Decay were cast separately, the Flame Demon Emperor's resistance would be enough to withstand such an attack.

So, under the auspices of Kel'Thuzad, the eight lichs joined forces together. Originally from the same origin, they were created from the altar and could easily reach an agreement, and a multiple death and decay appeared.

The Flame Demon Emperor suddenly discovered that there were countless purple-black lights all over his body. These lights flashed continuously in a huge range, looking extremely gorgeous. However, the Flame Demon Emperor had no intention of watching this beautiful scene, because from these purple-black lights, he felt a fatal danger.

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