Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 99 The Trisolaran is actually myself

The coalition government was very concerned about her personal information in previous inquiries.

This made her have a suspicion early on.

She suspected that the coalition government probably knew something about her and her world, but it just wasn't accurate enough and needed to be compared with the information before final confirmation could be made.

She wasn't sure how the coalition knew about it.

The two worlds are parallel to each other in time and space. Could it be that her world has some kind of information projection onto this world?

she does not know.

There are many things she doesn't know. For example, the coalition government is a high civilization compared to her civilization, but she doesn't know how high the coalition government is.

However, at least he is taller than the Trisolarans.

Because the Trisolarans can only achieve one-tenth the speed of light in the universe, while the United Government can achieve eight times the speed of light.

This was enough for Ye Wenjie.

As long as she can fool the coalition government into her world, her world will usher in a civilization with both high civilization and high morality, and then achieve the transformation of her world.

final outcome

At least it won't be worse than the arrival of the Trisolarans.

Before the Trisolarans went to Earth, they released a game. In the game, they bluntly stated that after coming to Earth, they would sterilize Earthlings and destroy human civilization.

"You are not qualified to ask questions."

The interrogator's tone was extremely cold, and his face was covered with an invisible layer of frost.

"Your crimes are too numerous to list."

"but now."

"We will provide you with an opportunity to make meritorious service."

Ye Wenjie was startled.

For the crime she committed, she would at least have a life sentence. If the crime was serious, it would not be impossible to be sentenced to death.

She had been prepared for this.

But the coalition government actually provided her with an opportunity to serve her crime?

what chance?

She wondered: "You know my world, and the technological level is far beyond my world. Is there anything else you need my help with?"

She couldn't think of what the coalition wanted.


As long as the coalition government launches an attack, they can easily rule the entire planet without asking her for help.

Contact the Trisolarans?

The coalition government is most likely aware of Tomoko's existence, and may have already started chatting with the Trisolarans at this moment. Moreover, she does not have the ability to actively contact the Trisolarans.

She's just an old lady in jail and can't do anything.

What does the coalition government need from her?

"There are many top scientists in ETO." The interrogator said coldly, "We want you to lobby them to join us as the commander-in-chief."

The full name of ETO is the Earth Trisolaran Organization.

The members of the organization are all intellectuals, including many top scientists who are leading the advancement of various fields.

Ye Wenjie is the founder of ETO.

She has a high reputation in ETO that is unmatched by others. As long as she comes forward to speak for the coalition government, ETO scientists will inevitably join the coalition government like moths to a flame.

"So you want scientists." She murmured. "Scientists are the most precious resource of every civilization and the only thing you need here."

The more cutting-edge the scientific research field, the more obvious the role of scientists' personal abilities.

The emergence of an excellent scientist can push the entire field forward for decades; the death of an excellent scientist can also cause the entire field to stagnate for decades.

Enriching the reserve of scientists is crucial to any civilization.

The interrogator said coldly: "Even without your help, we can still get these scientists through other means, but it's just a little more troublesome."

"You help us and we can make your life in prison more comfortable."

"That's all."

"What's your decision?"

Ye Wenjie said without hesitation: "I'll help you."

In prison, she knew nothing about the outside world, but leaving prison, she could see firsthand how the coalition government changed her civilization, confirming what she had always thought.

As for ETO scientists

As the interrogator said, even without her, the coalition government could have obtained these scientists through other means.

Her civilization cannot keep these scientists.

Moreover, ETO scientists have more or less anti-social personalities, and it would be a disaster to stay in her civilization.

It would also be a good thing to let the coalition government take it away.

The interrogator stood up.

"You made a wise choice. There are makeup artists and stylists outside your door. Let them take care of you and be ready to go."

The deal is already done, and punishing Ye Wenjie severely will not change anything.

The coalition government decided to let Ye Wenjie lead ETO scientists to engage in scientific research and spend the rest of her life to atone for this deception.

After a long and anxious wait, Earth-2 finally received a message from the coalition government.

"We are Trisolarans from the constellation Centauri."

The coalition government used the identity of the Trisolarans. Anyway, the Trisolarans will definitely not come to the earth, and they originally came from Centauri.

Just a Centaur from another world.

"In order to make you feel comfortable, we have cloned some bodies similar to yours to communicate with you."

The coalition government is not prepared to tell the truth to the people of Earth-2.

Because this world is too dangerous, besides "hunters", there are also some terrifying existences called "god-level civilizations" who disdain to hunt weak civilizations.

God-level civilizations are almost omnipotent and can even restart the universe.

The living environment of this world is very harsh. If the news is leaked and the god-level civilization learns about the existence of parallel time and space, they will definitely pursue the traces of the coalition government frantically.

The coalition government was not confident that they would survive, so they simply did not tell Earth-2 their origins.

After receiving the news from the coalition government, despite their preparations, the governments of Earth 2 still felt deeply shocked.

Centauri is only 4.2 light-years away from the solar system, and the stars there are the closest stars to them. It turns out that the aliens they were looking for live so close to them!

They are neighbors!

It's just that this neighbor is so powerful that he actually drives a planet to visit!

Transporting so much mass in the universe!

Is this scientific?

Does physics no longer exist?


"We are from Earth!"

"Welcome to the solar system!"

After discussions, all countries jointly sent a reply message to show their solidarity.

At the same time, ETO members hidden within governments of various countries fell into ecstasy.

Trisolaris people!

Sure enough, their Lord has come!

The news spread throughout the ETO organization.

In an instant, the entire ETO was rejoicing, especially the radical elements among them, eager to wait for our Lord by eating the pot of pulp.

This ecstasy culminates in the arrival of the United Government's ship on Earth.

The Pioneer's hatch slowly opened.

The diplomatic delegation from the coalition government came out with smiles on their faces, and there was a kind face among them.

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