Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 66 The final countdown

In the vast Sahara Desert, the invisible gravity pulls the yellow sand floating between the sky and the earth, slowly drawing an arc on the ground.


Chen Fan was puzzled by Liu Peiqiang's confusing behavior.

What are you doing?

Silly boy!

That's what Ava watered your tree with, not for you to drink!

You want to have the experience all to yourself, right?

Chen Fan couldn't laugh or cry.

If Liu Peiqiang pours the blue liquid on the roots of the tree, then any Avatar can communicate with him. If Liu Peiqiang drinks it himself, then only Liu Peiqiang can communicate with him.

The blue liquid in the bottle gradually bottomed out.

Chen Fan did not stop him in the end.

On the one hand, he wants to maintain his sense of mystery until he officially establishes contact with humans.

On the other hand, it is also beneficial for him to temporarily let Liu Peiqiang monopolize the communication channels with him. He can take this opportunity to train Liu Peiqiang to become his spokesperson among mankind.

Many things become easier when you have an advocate.

Starting today, Liu Peiqiang's status in the coalition government will drastically improve.

It can be regarded as a fool's blessing.


Liu Peiqiang suddenly showed a sad expression.

The composition of the blue liquid is complex.

It contains a part of pure consciousness. Pure consciousness can significantly improve the intensity of consciousness of an organism, but this external improvement will bring great pain to the organism.

Liu Peiqiang threw away the glass bottle and squatted down holding his head, his body shaking uncontrollably.


The exoskeleton soldiers gathered around. They briefly checked Liu Peiqiang's condition, and then carried Liu Peiqiang out of the botanical garden.

Liu Peiqiang had already passed out from the pain.

Before he woke up, no one could communicate with Chen Fan.

Disasters will continue.

The bright blue-white light gradually extinguished.

"Let's go!"

Three soldiers helped each other into the carrier. Their faces were covered with dust and oil, and they had obviously experienced a hard time in shutting down the engine.

"Where are the others? Where is your captain?"

Han Ziang asked.

"They're not coming back!"

The soldier replied with a cry.

Han Ziang was stunned. He raised his head and glanced at the soldier who was speaking through the rearview mirror, and found two clear tear tracks on the soldier's face.

He sighed, thinking that the child was called Han Xun, right?

He still remembered the young man with the same surname whose eyes were full of persistence and fearlessness, but he didn't expect that the first separation from him would be a farewell forever.

He stepped on the accelerator silently.

The dead have passed away, but those who survived still have to forge ahead.

time flies.

When the last steering engines were shut down, the world's attention turned to the sea.

At this time, there is only the last hour left before the antimatter explosion.

The lives of two billion or more people depend on those performing the salvage mission.

Can antimatter be fished out?

Dodo, dodo, dodo

There was a huge sound on the sea, almost as loud as the waves.

The sound came from a transport plane.

It is descending, preparing to put a deep-sea probe it is hanging into the water as a last-ditch effort for mankind.

There were voices of disapproval in the live broadcast room.

Obviously, in the face of digital life that is prone to tricks, a deep-sea probe has little chance of winning.

But this is all the coalition government can offer.

The coalition government invested most of its resources in the first salvage teams and their replacement teams.

It failed miserably.

In the last seconds, the headquarters searched the whole world as much as possible and only managed to come up with four usable deep-sea detectors. One of them was an exhibit that had been exposed to the wind and sun in the square for more than half a year.

Each probe is responsible for recovering a portion of antimatter.

The extra ship is on standby.

To be honest, the Coalition is not sure it can get the job done.

Digital life is too powerful, but no matter what, they try their best, and they will be with ordinary people and will never escape from the earth until the last moment.

There was a dark cloud hanging over the sea, and the mood of those responsible for carrying out the mission was as gloomy as the cloud.

Although they are all elites selected from the best from various countries, they understand that they are not as good as their predecessors who have failed.

Their chances of completing their mission are slim.

But the safety of billions of people around the world depends on them. Once they fail, the sacrifices and rescue results on land will be equivalent to nothing.

They had to succeed.

This heavy responsibility makes them breathless.


"Start delivering!"

The deep-sea detector slowly entered the water, and the steel plate carrying the weight of the detector quietly fell off and fell toward the deep seabed.

As soon as the probe entered the water, the people inside the probe realized how bad the sea was at this time.

They swayed violently with the waves, like a wolfberry floating on boiling water, bumping up and down continuously, sometimes emerging from the water and sometimes being submerged by the sea water.

Before the mission even started, I had a taste of power.


Everyone understood that the surface of the sea was too dangerous and they must immediately enter deeper waters.

The captain of the salvage team is called Wang Zhong.

He felt the sluggish atmosphere in the detector and encouraged him: "Don't be discouraged, everyone. Our detector is very flexible underwater. As long as it reaches the predetermined location, it will definitely intercept antimatter!"

Morale picked up a little.

Wang Zhong told the truth.

Although it is unclear what digital life uses to transport antimatter, deep-sea detectors are specially used for underwater activities, and no matter how good the equipment of digital life is, it is impossible to compare with this.

This is humanity's only chance of victory.

Antimatter explosion countdown: 1 hour.

"Doctor! He's awake!"

"Comrade! Can you hear me?"

"Can you see my hands clearly?"

Liu Peiqiang slowly opened his eyes.

He was a little confused.

His memory was still stuck in the "tons, tons, tons" time, and he was full of ignorance about the situation in front of him.

He turned and glanced out the window.

It had been getting dark when he was at the Botanical Garden, but now it was bright.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

What time is it now?

Why am I in the hospital?

Has the human crisis passed?

He pushed the doctor's hand away with confusion, sat up and asked, "I'm fine, what happened?"

As soon as he got up, he felt a strange sense of incongruity.

The body is a little sluggish.

In other words, his mind was running too fast and his body couldn't keep up with the speed of his thoughts.

The soul has sat up, but the body is still lying on the bed.

The question he just asked should have been asked after he sat firmly, but before he could sit up completely, the words came out of his mouth.

"Major Liu Peiqiang!" said the coalition government official, "You suddenly fell into coma when you were preparing to communicate with the earth's consciousness. It has been a day now!"

Liu Peiqiang was shocked.

He jumped out of bed and asked anxiously: "Is the crisis resolved? Where is my Avatar?"

"I demand continuation of the mission!"

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