Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 42 206105! The rebels are highly suspicious!

In April 2060, the Visitor project for carrying out visit missions was officially launched, and the space dock, which was beginning to take shape, devoted all its only construction capabilities to it.

In May 2060, the space laboratory was completed.

In July 2060, major breakthroughs were made in antimatter engine-related research, and the Xinghai Type I antimatter engine, which could be used for long-distance interstellar navigation, was put into production.

In August 2060, major breakthroughs were made in research related to anti-matter weapons, and the Trident I anti-matter bomb was put into production.

In December 2060, the Circum-Polyphemus satellite base cluster was officially completed, giving the coalition government the ability to observe foreign objects in the sky at 360 degrees without blind spots.

In January 2061, the Visitor was announced to be built. In the same month, the engineer team conducted a reliability test on the Visitor, and the Visitor passed the test perfectly.

In February 2061, the Visitor left port, carrying more than 800 diplomats, scientists, and engineers to the solar system 4.2 light-years away for a friendly visit to Avatar Earth.

In March 2061, global antimatter laboratories obtained a set of abnormal experimental data at the same time, and the analysis results were all the same string of numbers: 206105.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely dull.

This was the only meeting in the past three years that everyone unanimously requested to be held immediately, but it was also the only meeting that no one spoke for several minutes.

Everyone was silent.

This weird situation comes from a string of numbers.


Three years later, mankind once again recalled the fear of being dominated by mysterious information.

They had received cryptic messages twice before.

The first time was 2044, and then the space station crashed in 2044; the second time was 205807, and then the lunar crisis occurred in July 2058, which almost destroyed all mankind.

What is it this time?

The British representative couldn't bear the loneliness and spoke first: "I believe everyone still remembers what happened the last time they received a similar message, and the last time."

The British representative changed, from an old man with white hair to a middle-aged woman with blond hair and big breasts.

Her name is Mibach.

Mibach said solemnly: "At the time indicated by the two messages, we encountered unbearable disasters."

"We have reason to believe that 206105 refers to May 2061, that is, two months later, human civilization will face a new crisis."

"We must unite, only unity can defeat disaster."

Hao Xiaoxi next to him was a little surprised.

How can you steal my words?

Usually these words were spoken by her, but it was a strange feeling to hear them suddenly from the mouth of the British representative.


Craven said solemnly: "Aren't we always united?"

Mibach pursed his lips and said nothing.

"The British representative is right."

Hao Xiaoxi took over the conversation and said meaningfully: "It is true that only unity can overcome disasters."

When facing the lunar crisis, mankind was indeed united, but after the lunar crisis ended, different voices immediately emerged within mankind.

There are even calls for the dissolution of the coalition government.

The coalition government has had to deal with internal differences every day for the past three years.

It can be as small as the time and scope of allowing tukun hunting, as large as increasing the number of permanent seats and whether to colonize Pandora.

The quarrel continues unabated at the coalition headquarters.

Vladimir said with a serious face: "Everyone, please show some attitude. This number is no joke. Many people may die, and the entire human civilization may disappear!"

The conference room fell into silence again.

Who here doesn’t know that this number is dangerous? Isn’t that why they are in this conference room?

But the problem is that they don't know where the crisis represented by this number comes from.

"The rebels have been very active recently." Craven frowned and said, "Are they trying to make some big move? Does your intelligence system have any news?"

Rebel is a harsh word.

As early as 2044 when the space station crashed, people who supported digital life formed a rebel army. They tried to overthrow the coalition government and once occupied the headquarters building of the coalition government.

Later, the mountain-moving plan was verified to be successful, and the rebel army died down.

Later, the coalition government began to promote the mountain-moving plan, the earth gradually stopped rotating, and the sunlight became extremely uneven.

At the same time, only one side of the earth receives light, and most other places are extremely cold. The cold leads to a large-scale reduction in food production, and humans have to face the two major natural disasters of cold and famine at the same time.

In the face of serious practical problems, the coalition government proposed the underground city plan.

Build 10,000 planetary engines, then build an underground city under each planetary engine, and then use the heat of the planetary engines to heat the underground city.

It sounds good, but the reality is too skinny.

First of all, building planetary engines and dungeons takes a lot of time.

Secondly, the few countries that have the ability to build underground cities put the safety of their own citizens as their top priority. Before building their own underground cities, they often turn a blind eye to the vast majority of countries that do not have the ability to build them.

Finally, even if you come to a place with a dungeon, you still need to draw a lottery to enter the dungeon.

Half of the 7 billion people are destined to be abandoned.

This is an extremely sad thing, and what is even sadder is that many people live far away from the planetary engine, and they died of cold and famine before the coalition government moved them there.

When a person's relatives, such as his parents or children, die in front of him due to cold or hunger, it will be difficult for the person to remain sane.

And if the earth stops spinning, not only one or two people will encounter this situation?

There are few countries on earth that can keep their citizens warm for a long time, especially when even the oceans are frozen in some areas and supplies cannot be obtained from the sea.

Not to mention famine.

Before the earth stopped spinning, many places in Africa were experiencing constant famines. After global food production decreased, horrific scenes of cannibalism soon appeared in these places.

But it’s no use eating each other, and in the end they starve to death.

The darkness of that time was unimaginable.

Dissatisfaction at the social level is growing day by day, gradually reaching unprecedented levels.

Especially in remote areas far away from the planetary engine, hundreds of millions of casualties have brewed hatred for the coalition government and fierce conflicts that cannot be bridged.

These have become fertile ground for breeding rebels.

Over the years, the rebels have been causing trouble for the coalition government all the time. Even during the lunar crisis, the rebels tried to prevent the coalition government from restarting the root server and preventing the planetary engine from starting.

After arriving in the world of Avatar, the earth gradually resumed its rotation, and human life began to move closer to the helium flash crisis.

But the rebels not only did not disappear, but became more rampant.

Because they have full bellies now.

They believe that the coalition government has done nothing good and killed more than a billion people in vain.

If you ask where the next crisis of human civilization is most likely to come from, it is undoubtedly the rebels. Their minds are full of how to retaliate against the coalition government and human society.

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