Walk alone in the abyss

Chapter 251 Natural Enemies

"Here she comes...she comes!"

Within the territory of Luofeng Empire, Dark Star No. 2 base.

With a soft 'ping' sound, the petri dish containing precious microbial samples fell to the ground.

The mechanical guards on the side quickly went to pick it up.

The thin figure who knocked over the petri dish retreated absent-mindedly.

"Who's here?"

Law's projection appeared on the side.

Hera turned around to grab the projection of the law, and her hand penetrated directly through the light curtain.

Hera took a deep breath, leaned against the laboratory cabinet beside her, tried her best to organize her words, and then looked up at Ritsu.

"The queen of the swarm on the border of the Milky Way sent a group of worms to save me from Ming's clutches. That's her. She's here!"

Li frowned and said, "Where is she? I mean, where is the queen now?"


Hera pointed diagonally upwards.

That was the direction of the Sherman Empire.

"She should be far away from me right now, but I'm pretty sure she's aware of my existence, it's just that she's busy with another thing right now.

"Get me on board and get out of here! She's coming for me!

"Maybe a swarm of bugs has come looking for me!"

Hera suddenly became agitated.

"Miss Hera, I have to ask the boss..."

In the thinking space, Li glanced at Yang Ming who was sleeping in the medical cabin, and after thinking for a while, he activated the 'Little Boss' authority.

"Miss Hera, please put on your space suit immediately, the spaceship will be activated in three minutes."

Hera immediately turned her head and rushed to the rest area.

Those robot assistants cast a concerned look at her. They all have complete thinking consciousness, and Dark Star has already formed a biological research team around Hera.

Three minutes later, a light star cruiser that had been on combat readiness all year round quickly left the Dark Star No. 2 base and rushed towards the border of the Luofeng Empire.

Lulu activated Luofeng's whole-territory defense system, liberated most of his computing power, and activated the reserve computing power resources of Ilanduo Star.

If it is to protect a territory as large as the empire, Lu is far from being able to do it right now.

But the entire Luofeng Alliance is completely under Li's control, as long as there is an area covered by the Internet and electronic information, she can be present.

After arranging for Hera, Ritsu turned his attention to the territory of the empire.

In the direction Hera pointed out, Li searched all the way, and soon saw a scene that made her scalp tingle as a mechanical thinking body.

A 30,000-meter-high female individual;

Thousands of Zerg warships composed of adults.

Even, Li found a large number of sixth-order burrowing worms with a body length of more than 600 meters and covered with black scales near this female worm.

This means that if the Zerg fleet reaches their destination, these high-level burrowing bugs will open up long-distance jump wormholes and summon an incalculable high-level swarm!

The direction they are headed...

Emperor star circle!

It should be the Emperor Star of the Empire!

‘Has the Zerg teamed up with the New Federation? '

This was the first thought that came to Lily's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Ritsu thought of a few characters.

Hera's father, Dr. Nardo, and Professor Pat, who has studied Zerg for most of his life and successfully completed the Queen's individual induced production.

The conclusion that Hera can deduce, can Professor Pat and the others also deduce it?

This possibility is still very high.

Is the New Federation playing a game?

From the current point of view, there are still more than 30 fourth-order insect swarms in the entire empire that have not been eliminated. The imperial fleet cannot completely return to the defense of the Emperor Star, and it is unlikely to defeat the sixth-order peak state insect queen with a small loss.

Unless the empire still has hidden power.

If the Empire's Invincible Fleet suffered a huge loss, it would inevitably take a certain amount of time to recover, and during this period of time, it was likely to trigger a huge change in the power of the galaxy.

Law sees...


Boss Rise Chance!

The Dongfeng continued to make continuous jumps and drive at high speed towards the established No. 3 battlefield.

It's not that Lu doesn't want to wake up his boss at the moment, but it is inferred from various data that letting the boss continue to rest is the best option.

Moreover, even if you tell the boss that a complete sixth-order insect swarm has appeared, so what?

It is impossible for the boss to be the opponent of this kind of big queen at this stage.

The fifth-order female insect can already crush the boss, not to mention this super female insect at the peak of the sixth order, who is only half a step away from ascending the dimension.

The best solution is to let the boss continue to kill the fourth-order female insects in other areas. When the boss is exhausted, you will control the Dongfeng to join the fleet of the empire to block the sixth-order insect swarm, and let the boss go to some high-level insects at close range. The strange biological energy released by the bugs when they die.

If this huge sixth-order insect swarm wants to reach the vicinity of the emperor's star circle, it will take about two or three galaxy hours even if it jumps continuously.

This is completely enough for Yang Ming to complete the current support plan.

Law glanced at the direction in which the Imperial Army is now mobilizing the fleet.

The fleets in the Emperor Star Circle are converging toward a certain airspace outside the Emperor Star Circle, where it will become a tragic battlefield that will determine the rise and fall of the empire in the next hundred years.


Vice Admiral Thomas stood in front of the French windows of the bridge, frowning.

His fleet had already rushed to the first line of defense ahead of time, ready to snipe the large Queen Mother Worm.

The task on Lieutenant General Thomas' shoulders is very arduous. He is not only responsible for building the first layer of defense outside the Emperor Star Circle, but also compiling the supporting fleet.

Of course, these tasks are handled by teams and supercomputers, and he only needs to control the overall situation.

The defense of the emperor star circle has always been the focus of the empire's national defense, and the emperor star is even more important.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bridge, warships flew in from the deep space, and more space ripples caused by the transition of warships could be seen in the distance.

If it is said that in the face of the sudden outbreak of insect disasters in the entire region, the Imperial Army still had reservations about its military strength, and the elite fleet forces of the Emperor Star Circle were slowly moving outward.

Now, the Imperial Army has mobilized all kinds of warships they can mobilize, and gathered towards the first line of defense as quickly as possible.

In order to be safe, they will form three lines of defense.

The first line of defense is responsible for guarding the gate to the Emperor Star Circle.

The emperor star circle refers to the dozens of administrative stars closest to the emperor star. This is the economic and cultural center of the empire. It accommodates 40% of the empire's population with 10% of the living area, and occupies 10% of the empire's population. Wealth above seventy-five.

After a long period of construction, a tight line of defense has been constructed on the periphery of the Emperor Star Circle.

The universe is very large, but in the airspace where the star system is relatively close, there are few expansive gravitational balance areas suitable for large-scale transitions of fleets. The large gravitational balance areas outside the emperor star circle are all equipped with gravitational deflection devices.

Although the principle of the Zerg jump is different from that of the human ship, the large-scale swarm marching jump has more stringent requirements on the gravitational balance area.

The position of the first line of defense is stuck in the only way for the swarm to pass in this direction.

What if the swarm reversed direction?

Taking the emperor star as the dot, the transfer speed of the defense fleet in the 'inner circle' must be higher than the speed of the insect swarm around the 'outer circle'.

Moreover, the supercomputer group of the Imperial Army has analyzed the data of tens of thousands of years of war between the Empire and the Zerg, and the accurate route prediction given by the machine is also in this direction.

The second line of defense is mainly based on the protective power of all the administrative stars in the emperor star circle. The administrative stars in the emperor star circle are themselves the natural barrier of the emperor star.

If the first line of defense falls, the second line of defense is responsible for delaying the progress of the swarm, so that the empire can gather all its forces on the third line of defense.

The second line of defense also has some big killers that may not be used-the defense satellite system. Although these natural satellites cannot move freely, they are all equipped with super-rail guns. As long as the swarm passes by them, they will inevitably suffer several gun.

If the first line of defense suppresses the swarm, the ships of the second line of defense will also step forward to support and destroy the swarm as quickly as possible.

Later, the fleets of the empire that have wiped out the bug swarms in various places will go to support the first line of defense or the second line of defense according to the battle situation.

The third line of defense was set up outside the Emperor Star.

To be honest, even Lieutenant General Thomas, who has already reached the core of the military, doesn't know what kind of defensive power Emperor Star possesses.

In the early years, Thomas heard that Emperor Star had already begun research on how to resist high-intensity wars in the high-dimensional world...

The flagship bridge broadcasts the location of the sixth-order bug swarm in real time.

It had only been ten minutes since Thomas led his fleet to arrive here, and the number of battleships flying from the Emperor Star Circle had reached an astonishing six hundred or so.

Lieutenant General Thomas sighed inwardly.

If these ships can also be directly used by His Majesty and the military department in the previous swarm siege battle, then the six administrative stars will not need to be sacrificed at all.

But there is no way. The core area of ​​the empire cannot lack defense forces. This is politics and strategy.

Fortunately, after solving the queens who locked the swarms, several main fleets have handed over the battle of exterminating the remaining swarms to the local defense forces, and each supported the six planets that lacked defensive power.

He also got the news just now that a fleet has contacted the strange battleship of the white ghost, and the white ghost will attack to complete the triple attack on the fourth-tier queen.

For an individual, for a reformed person, this must be a cross-age achievement.

Originally, the entire empire should cheer for this hero.

But now...

Lieutenant General Thomas turned his head to look at the monitor screen on one side.

The huge sixth-order queen is floating in space. She has a face and facial features that are very similar to human women, and her appearance is even in line with the aesthetics of most human beings. There is no terrifying giant mouth under her chest, but a flat face. belly.

No one knows what the relationship between the sixth-order queen who is about to enter the high-dimensional world has to do with human beings.

But what is certain is that the evolutionary path of the queen was fixed before the existence of the existing civilizations in the Milky Way.

There are many sub-races produced by genetic mutations in the Güell Union.

The queen of the high-level Zerg, if you only look at the upper body, is closer to humans than most demi-humans.

"General! Our command system has reached the upper limit of dominance!"

"Well, my department will serve as the central army, and the commander fleets on the two wings will arrive soon. Now, arrange for the fleets that come to report to gather towards the left and right wings, and everything must be allocated strictly according to the airspace at the mark. The regiment leaves enough space to expand. If someone does not obey the command, the guards are allowed to kill him on the spot."


A signal soldier shouted with trembling voice: "General! Your Majesty, Your Majesty has sent a communication!"

"What?" Lieutenant General Thomas was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned around and rushed to the podium quickly.

"Stand up! Stand up! Get on the phone quickly."


Several projection light spheres flew over, interweaving a three-dimensional projection in front of Lieutenant General Thomas.

A needle can be heard on the bridge instantly.

A sergeant and a technician couldn't help but glance at the projection, then saluted neatly and lowered their heads in unison.

In the stereoscopic projection, the old man in light golden pajamas was frowning tightly at the moment, listening to the old general beside him report the military situation.

This is His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire.

Apparently, His Majesty the Emperor was also shocked by the sudden appearance of the sixth-order swarm. He lost his usual smile and even asked at this moment: "Have you fought against the sixth-order swarm in the history of the empire?"

"There have been more than a dozen head-on collision experiences."

The boss of the military department, Lieutenant General Thomas' former boss, stood aside with his legs together, reporting meticulously.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that our military strength is sufficient to repel this swarm! According to the data comparison, this swarm also came to attack the Emperor Star thousands of years ago, and was finally repelled by the heroic soldiers of the empire!"


His Majesty the Emperor was obviously dissatisfied: "Can't we kill this queen directly? Oh, this queen is in good shape."

"Uh, Your Majesty, her lower body still looks like a bug."

"Wow, is this a new aesthetic? Isn't it more exciting?" the emperor asked with squinted eyes.

A minister standing next to him smiled and said, "Your Majesty wants to use this kind of joke to reduce our tension."

"That's true," the emperor laughed, and then said, "I believe our soldiers will be able to resolutely resist the second disaster."

A minister said: "Your Majesty, the current situation is not optimistic. The new federation detonated all the burying points, and it seems that it intends to attract this high-level swarm. If we consume too much military power in this battle, it is very likely that we will die." Besieged by the coalition forces of the federal government."

The emperor asked: "How dare they directly challenge us?"

A group of ministers suddenly did not know how to answer.

An old woman in a long robe and a long white hat suddenly spoke in the corner:

"Your Majesty, we have to admit one thing. In the past three thousand years, the empire's technological level has not improved qualitatively, but its population has dropped by 20%. Although military technology has maintained a certain level of leadership, all countries in the galaxy are striving to catch up. .

"In addition, due to the inefficiency and incompetence of certain departments of the military, a large amount of military technology has been stolen by spies, and the comprehensive military strength of the new federation and many emerging countries has formed a strong pressure on the empire.

"There's a good chance they'll declare war on us if we lose enough deterrence."

The emperor frowned tightly.

He rests his fingers on his temples, as if imitating the mural in front of him depicting 'Levi Sherman Thinking'.

"Go to pray," the emperor suddenly looked into the corner, "In this case, we must use a little bit of the empire's heritage, archbishop."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Archbishop stood up slowly, bowed deeply to His Majesty the Emperor, and stepped back slowly to leave.

The chief general of the military department whispered: "Your Majesty, this is the situation where the front line is deployed. General Thomas is waiting for the battle. The most elite forces of the empire will gather here."

"Okay, don't worry about the swarm."

The emperor stretched himself:

"Discuss how to teach the New Federation a lesson, I like this country, their movies are pretty good.

"But this guy was a little too much.

"I originally wanted to be a benevolent king of the generation, and I didn't want to start a large-scale war with the outside world. My ideal is the great peace of the Milky Way..."

Lieutenant General Thomas sighed softly when he heard His Majesty's chatter.

He had doubted His Majesty's mental state long ago.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this, and he didn't dare to say it to anyone.



Like the noise of coins spinning in a metal bowl.

Yang Ming 'opened his eyes', and found that there was a peaceful starry sky in front of him, and under the starry sky, he saw a huge and terrifying figure, which released a powerful spiritual coercion.

He could only see the side of the other person.

What's this?

The queen of the high-level swarm?

The empire wiped out dozens of swarms at the same time, so that the swarms on the edge of the galaxy finally couldn't help but start to act?

Soon, Yang Ming's eyes moved to another direction.

He saw a ball of light, and in the ball of light was a girl-like dancing girl.

Her curled up body was slowly unfolding, the crown of laurel on her head shone slightly, and a faint singing voice drifted through the space and penetrated into Yang Ming's 'ears'.

Yang Ming tried to understand the information contained in the singing.

Yes, he can understand directly, as if this is the unique means of communication between him and Po Whirling.

That message seems to be...

The natural enemy has appeared.

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