"Scatter paper into soldiers?"

After listening to Yu Sheng'an's words, Avenola felt that her brain was no longer enough in front of him.

The war is still fought like this?

"It's like ants moving house. It looks inconspicuous, but it's actually amazingly powerful. This is called a psychological tactic!" Yu Sheng said.

"In such a short time, can you prepare enough... leaflets?" Afnora said the word "leaflets" a little awkwardly.

"This is my mission."

"Okay, then leave the task of dissemination to me!" Avenola pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Thank you! Look, I can't repay you. How about giving me a promise?" Yu Sheng'an looked serious.


Avenola was completely immersed in the heart attack that Yu Sheng'an said, and it took a long time to react.


In an instant, blush covered her cheeks and neck.


At the same time, the main plane of Vilia, which is hidden from the sight of the gods, the city of Puen, the Empire of Infel, and the Puen Evening News published an article complaining about the "time reduction and salary increase movement"!

It claims that its largest newspaper printing factory has been mysteriously stolen.

Not only were three of the latest six-color rotary printing machines stolen; even the last old-fashioned flatbed letterpress printing machine, which was about to be phased out, was stolen so fucking that it lost its floor mats.

Ink and paper are missing countless.

The Poon Evening News has reason to suspect that this is the work of workers in the "Campaign to Reduce Hours and Increase Pay".

Ben Keming, the leader of the movement to reduce hours and raise wages, immediately responded:

"The movement to reduce hours and raise wages is a reasonable and just appeal of citizens. They will not pin the masses on one line, let alone accept any form of slander!"

However, almost no one believed this. Who made them crazily print a large number of banned books "Agito Theory" and distribute them to the public?

It's a pity that in this chaotic situation, the fist is the boss, and the Puen Evening News has no other choice but to swear and put pressure on the security team.



It wasn't just Poen Evening News that was furious. At this time, the five righteous gods of Aizea were also furious.

The lonely stone palace on the Cordille Mountains lit up again.

"Crazy, your motherfucker has a face, doesn't it? Do you put 40,000 soldiers behind to eat shit?"

Just as the stone palace was lit up, the god of the underworld's furious roar shook the hall trembling, and countless dust floated down.

"Smelly corpse, I still need to explain to you what I do?"

The God of War then roared at each other.

"It's been five days since we agreed to take Kevir in a month. Tell me how many cities you killed?"

"Would you like to beat Edgar?"

"Who told you to choose Edgar?"

You come and go, cursing and roaring, so frightened that the cold wind outside is humming down.

If the major believers saw the gods they believed in, cursing at each other like street shrews, what would their expressions be?

After all, the five righteous gods are people who are not in the same mind and have their own plans.

The God of War took a fancy to Edgar's resources, and was reluctant to cast elite warriors on it, so he kept using Helotes to consume Edgar's magic power.

Counting on the remaining two allies to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, divert the enemy troops.

The God of Hades and the God of Life obviously had the same idea as him, and they were counting on him to attack the city so that they could follow behind and take advantage of it.

Now it's all right, I don't want to put in any effort, the situation froze.

"Enough!" Goddess of the Earth scolded angrily, "I tell you, the cathedral can't be built in three days, just wait for the cathedral of Belem to fall!"

The sound fell, and the hall fell silent.

Wushen had an ugly expression on his face.

The plan for the attack on Kvir this time was wonderful, but it couldn't keep up with the changes after all.

First of all, the United Kingdom of Purang reacted much faster than they thought.

They don't seem to be afraid at all that their actions are bait,

The whole army pressed directly on it, and the Belem Cathedral was in jeopardy.

Secondly, the response of the Kavier Empire was much faster than they had imagined.

Diplomatic paralysis, secret assassination, and surprise attack, this series of means only destroyed two cities, and Kavier immediately reacted, which can be described as not super fast.

Finally, and most critically.

A large number of extremely cunning magic puppets suddenly appeared in the missionary areas of the five righteous gods.

They wandered wildly outside the villages and towns, killing farmers, burning farmland, and destroying roads.

To be honest, these people did not cause much damage.

The city can't enter, so it can only fight the autumn wind on the periphery, even if all the farmers outside are killed, how much loss can it have?

The problem is that the panic caused by these people is something that the five righteous gods do not want to see.

Once the missionary area falls into panic, the several major kingdoms that have been paralyzed through diplomatic means may be ready to move.

"Everyone, now is not the time to care about personal gains and losses, you must focus on the overall situation! If you continue to delay, the exchange strategy will be a joke!" The God of Life looked serious.

The God of War grinned and said, "In one day, Edgar will be destroyed! Two people, one city, isn't it difficult?"

The God of Hades and the God of Life looked at each other, nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Very good! Remember your words!"

The God of War laughed loudly, and the statue suddenly froze, but he withdrew from his consciousness and left.

The remaining four gods looked at each other and left one after another without stopping.

As a member of the Five Gods Alliance, even if there are open and secret struggles inside, some promises are worth a promise!

Otherwise, the covenant of the five righteous gods will only exist in name only!



"Ron, it's your turn!"

An officer rubbed Ron's head, waking up the dazed Ron.

He glanced blankly around. In the narrow building, there were a large number of soldiers and even magicians stumbling around.

They are all soldiers rescued from the front line.

In the past few days, the magic shield has been broken several times, and a large number of undead will pour in every time.

Ron saw with his own eyes an undead dragon spraying terrible black smoke from the air when the magic shield was shattered. People who touched the smoke were instantly stripped of flesh and blood and transformed into skeleton undead.

In order to prevent these undead from rushing into the city, there must always be someone on the front line.

Originally there were still puppets of [Conquer the Second Plane], but there were fewer puppets.

It's not that they died, but that everyone's soul power is not enough to sustain the battle for too long.

At this time, only soldiers, mercenaries, and even magicians can stand up.

A large number of soldiers are injured every day.

It is said that at the beginning there were magicians who healed them, but later the front line was tight and the healing magicians were taken away.

There is only one kind of person left who can treat the wounded—the juvenile.

Ron took a breath, took out the Internet ring that Grandpa Mom had given him before his death, and activated it.

An internet page pops up.

He clicked on [Music Temple] familiarly, selected a "Divine Comedy", and clicked to play.

In an instant, he could feel his soul power being consumed rapidly.

But the melodious music echoed in the building.

There seemed to be an invisible magic power in the voice, and the pain and wailing gradually subsided, and many soldiers whose faces were distorted and howling in pain finally calmed down.

There are also soldiers tortured by injuries, who can finally fall asleep in the Divine Comedy.

After one song, Ron's face turned pale.

The officer next to him patted him on the shoulder, indicating that he could leave.

Ron clenched the Internet ring tightly, bowed his head and prepared to leave.

He didn't dare to watch the bloody scene here, it would remind him of what happened in his hometown.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The roar that shook the world suddenly came from the sky!

Countless people's faces changed, and they subconsciously followed the sound. What they saw, everyone was shocked, and their pupils dilated instantly.

I saw a huge skeleton with a height of hundreds of feet, walking slowly towards the city with heavy steps.

"This is...the remains of a titan!!!"

Dharma god Deng Dan'er stationed here had a look of disbelief.

What surprised him wasn't just Hades dispatching the remains of the titans.

With his magic projection, he suddenly saw the same giant battle spirit over a hundred feet outside the city of Edgar.

Compared with what Yu Shengan saw before, this battle spirit giant is more solid, and even the tiniest grain details can be seen on the armor on his body.

That is the embodiment of morale steaming!

Because the soldier who condensed this giant of war spirit is a regular army of the God of War Legion.

Dun Daner's magic projection, even in the city of Harold, saw a huge tree root rushing out of the ground and pulling towards the magic shield.

That is a root of the main plane [World Tree] controlled by the God of Life!

In order to summon it, a huge amount of vitality is needed, and obviously the God of Life has used his trump card.


The three frontline cities were fatally hit almost at the same time!

Apparently the three gods didn't want to give Kevill the chance to teleport and help each other.

In an instant, the magic shield disintegrated.

Edgar repeats the old trick and blurs again.

Twitt built a field of thunderstorms, densely packed electric snakes, spinning around the city, forming a wall of death, strangling the undead who followed one after another into ashes.

Harold rolled up tornadoes, and the tornadoes were accompanied by steaming white mist, which was high-temperature steam!

Even though the undead army had a lifeline to support them, the pain caused by the high temperature steam still made them scream hysterically.

However, although the power of magic is terrifying, it is ultimately insufficient.

After three breaths, the magic disappears.

The magic shield was not activated again.

For a moment, the battlefield fell silent, and then infinite soldiers rushed forward.


Bessie, the god of law, roared in the wartime channel.

It was agreed that he would resist the God of War Legion, but after seeing the God of War Legion with his own eyes, he suddenly disappeared.

Now the God of War suddenly pressed the regular army on top, the mountain-like pressure almost crushed her!

Don't say that she, Deng Dan'er, and Zi Moore are also under a lot of pressure at this moment, and even have the idea of ​​​​retreating in their minds.


At this moment, with a low shout, the sky exploded in the three major cities at the same time.

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