Unlimited cheating in the horror world

Chapter 281 The Fiendish Building

Shen Congran once again aimed at the marked position, "Although we can't make any noise easily, we should take out the book that Sister Tiantian mentioned first, maybe that book is related to this talisman array."

Feng Yichen: "That's my plan. Take out the book first tonight. It's best if it's related to the talisman array. If there are relevant reminders, I won't have to look for it slowly in the talisman book."

The content in the practice book is vast, and it is not easy to find one of the knowledge points.

Gu Tiantian just held on to the door, "It's better to take it out, so I don't have to go back and look for it slowly."

After finishing speaking, she took out a stack of talisman papers from the storage, "Paste these talismans in a three-point and six-point pattern, so that as long as you don't make too much noise at the bottom, other people will not notice it."

The three point six line is what Gu Tiantian said before, and Shen Congran remembers that it seems to be the core of the rune array. No matter how large the rune array is, it will be added and arranged on this basis.

Shen Congran took the talisman, "You still remember what you told me last time."

In their team, Feng Yichen was the tallest, Shen Congran said: "Then Feng Yichen and I will go to construct the talisman array first, Wen Xu, you look at her."

Wen Xu walked slowly to the door and leaned on him, "Success, you guys go."

Shen Congran took the talisman and went to a certain corner to start setting up the formation. After a while, he pasted the last talisman on the door, and the most basic and simple talisman array was ready.

In order to prove whether the temporary talisman was working well, Wen Xu went outside and closed the door, while Feng Yichen took out a hammer and knocked on the wall a few times.

Seeing that there was no movement outside, Gu Tiantian opened the door, "How is it?"

Wen Xu made a gesture, "I didn't hear anything, it's okay, let's solve it quickly, and go back after taking the things."

After he came in, he closed the door, walked with Feng Yichen to the place where the book was sealed, Gu Tiantian pointed out the position, and then took out tools and started knocking.

Feng Yichen used to train his body, and his strength is not so strong. Every time he knocked down, the sound echoed in this underground layer.

According to what Gu Tiantian said, the wall already had interlayers. After knocking out the entire quadrangular wall, Feng Yichen and Wen Xu took out the cement blocks to expose the inner interlayer.

A book wrapped in old newspapers caught the eyes of several people, and Gu Huang pointed at it, "Yes, this is it."

After Wen Xu took out the things, he worked with Feng Yichen to put the cement block back into the gap, and then took out some paper balls and stuffed them into the gap, trying not to let it fall out.

After finishing all this, the spirit talisman was taken back, and several people walked out of the basement.


Gu Tiantian returned to normal on the road, and Wen Xu gave her the thing when she got home.

After arriving home, the others had to rest, and Gu Tiantian unwrapped the wrapped newspaper at home, and inside was a yellowed booklet.

After she opened it, she realized that it was not a booklet, but a stack of paper. When she spread the paper, it was the talisman array inside the Shuijing Building, and there was a stamp printed on the lower right corner of the paper.

She quickly found out where the problem was and began to look at the contents of the runes.

The next day, Gu Tiantian yawned and went to work. When she arrived at the company, she saw the information of the discussion group. She fell asleep after doing some research last night. When she woke up in the morning, she bought cinnabar in the mall.

[Wen Xu: How is the research going? 】

[Gu Tiantian: I almost figured it out. Fortunately, the damage is not serious, as long as you spend energy to complete those, you just have to find a good time to do it. 】

After all, four pieces of cement had to be cracked. Even though few people went to the basement, the security guards patrolling the building and the maintenance workers who maintained the building would go to see it.

[Gu Tiantian: If you believe me, you can act tonight. 】

[Shen Congran: No problem then tonight, but I don’t know if the other team will find us. 】

[Feng Yichen: The important thing is to complete the talisman array, as long as you are ahead of them. 】

[Wen Xu: Then tonight, just go back after finishing. 】

They were discussing their actions at night here, Li E and the others were always on the rooftop.

Ever since he knew that there was a talisman array in the building, Li E had been wanting to see the contents of the talisman array, but it would be fantastic to break open the entire rooftop, unless he exposed his identity and asked people from the mission world to cooperate.

In the end, he chose the most stupid method, knocking open the part that had already been chiseled, and screening the talisman book one by one according to the runes on it.

After he got the talisman book, he always wanted to study the talisman array well. He had seen many talisman arrays in the book, so he chose this method.

After going back last night, he stayed up all night just to find out the talisman array. You must know that the specific talisman array is relatively fixed. According to the information he found before, this place must be suppressing fierce ghosts.

Based on this feature, he found the talisman array, and after looking at the contents of the talisman array, he realized that the rooftop was only a part of the talisman array, and the most important thing was the bottom layer.

This reminded him that there is an underground floor in this building, and the problem with the talisman array lies there.

The role of the rooftop part is to seal the top and finish, and the suppression mainly depends on the bottom part.

Li E has almost figured out the situation, but he doesn't know the exact position of the talisman array, the position of the talisman eye, and he still has to slowly knock the outer layer of the wall. Anyway, when he repairs the talisman array, he has already completed the task and left here.

[Li E: I will act tonight. I will find out the talisman array first, and I will complete it as soon as I find the problem. 】

[Li Mengqiu: Alright, let's prepare some tools when we get off work. 】

[Li E: Come back after buying, go directly to the basement, the bottom floor. 】

The rest of the talisman array is at the bottom, so it must be the bottommost layer.

During the day, he didn't care about the work at hand, and stayed up until the end of get off work.

In the evening, they went to buy the tools they needed, and it was estimated that there would be a big commotion in the basement tonight.


Shen Congran has been restless today, not only because the mission has reached a critical moment, but also because he is worried about the smoothness of the mission.

When it was time to get off work, she made an excuse to go upstairs. The worker named Yu Miao was on the other floor of the company.

It's just that Yu Miao acted hastily, as if there was something urgent, Shen Congran guessed that the team over there had also discovered it.

She informed her teammates of the situation, and they decided to go to the basement immediately.

People from the company left one after another, Xu's father also came out of the office, but he just looked around but didn't see his daughter, "This kid runs so fast..."

And Shen Congran, who had run away a long time ago, was in the basement, and now they were going to open up the four problematic locations.

After arriving here, Gu Tiantian took out the cinnabar and magic brush, while Shen Congran and the others began to construct the talisman array.

Li E's side is also acting urgently, thinking about buying something and going back to the building as soon as possible.

Li E looked at the three teammates walking in front, feeling a little confused. He wanted to study the rune array, but he couldn't even draw the runes in the rune array of Shuijing Building, he couldn't even complete the runes. The content may not be successful either, the formation is too advanced, and the same is true for the runes inside.

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