Robinie called her friends in the publishing house and asked them to look it up, and then she checked it on her mobile phone.

She likes this book very much. She thinks that everyone who likes books will like this book. This book is bound by books and spans twenty years. It is fascinating and embarrassing. This is a romance for scholars.

However, she found almost no relevant information in English on her mobile phone, but she could find a lot of information by searching Chinese, but these books were all related to one person—Li Yu!

When Li Yu first debuted, she heard Li Yu's songs. At that time, she was still in China, and she didn't pursue stars, but it was hard for Li Yu to know at that time, and the entertainment news was full of Li Yu's news. A street passed by, all the songs of Li Yu were playing, even the aunts who sold fish and bought fish would sing Li Yu's songs, and they would also sing about what to eat when they bought fish today.

She knew that Li Yu had a title: "The Great Demon King."

"Give it to the Great Demon King..."

Robinie murmured in her heart, is this book written for Li Yu?

She heard from domestic editors that Li Yu had quit the entertainment industry for a long time, why did he suddenly appear now? Could it be that he fell in love and met a foreign boyfriend who wrote a book and gave it to Li Yu.

This is how it became popular in the Chinese circle?

Robinie thought it was bloody.

However, she thinks it is unlikely. If this book is to be written, needless to say, one must have literary accomplishments, as well as rich experience and reading experience, not to mention the books in the book that she has never heard of. Many of the books he had heard were from the middle of the 19th century, and they had to be read by old book connoisseurs. How could such a person write books in the way she thought.

Just when Robinie was thinking wildly, the car stopped, and the driver said, "84 Charing Cross Road is here."

Robinie got out of the car and looked up.

It was not a bookstore that appeared in front of her, but a coffee shop.


Robinson stood there, dazed for a few minutes, feeling like the soap bubbles of a dream would burst.

"Maybe it used to be a bookstore?"

Robinie went in to inquire, and inquired about the neighbors of the fast food restaurant, and even called local friends, but the information they got was that there had never been a bookstore in the book here. What they inquired was that, given There are many bookstores on this street. At that time, this store may be a bookstore, but the name of the bookstore is not the name of "Max and Cohen Bookstore" in the book, nor is it a bookstore specializing in out-of-print books and ancient books. It is an engineering professional book.

Robinson sighed.

She should have thought earlier that although this book is written in an epistolary style and is close to reality, a novel is a novel after all.

Her cell phone rang.

Her foreign friend in the publishing house told her a more surprising news, that there was no book "84 Charing Cross Road" published on the market. In other words, the Chinese language on her mobile phone is the original appearance in this world.

"It also--"

Robinson felt it was incredible.

But the most important thing now is to get this book in her hands. She hurriedly sent a message to the domestic editor, "The copyright is in China, and this book should not be a foreign work."

As the editor was leaving get off work, she called Robin a "good guy."

Robini suggested that the publishing house must win the publishing rights of this book. She thinks this book has a huge market abroad, and she can act as an agent and recommend it to friends of the publishing house.

The editor said she went to contact the leader Susan.

It was she who led Susan to be optimistic about the prospect of this book and asked her to consult Robini.

However, now "84 Charing Cross Road" has only appeared on Li Yu's Weibo. If Susan wants to contact the author, she can only contact Li Yu. Li Yu's Weibo cannot be contacted, because Susan has no clue At that time, I discovered the worst official account of Koi Studio, and found the email contact information on Weibo. Susan sent a sincere email on behalf of the publishing house.

When Sister Chen saw this email, it was already the next morning.

Susan's publishing house is also a prestigious publishing house.

Sister Chen felt that fortunately Xu Guangzheng acted quickly, and came with her yesterday and signed a contract with Li Yu. If this is one step later, there will be competitors. But this publishing house, as far as she knew, specialized in publishing foreign translations.

Now how to intervene in this novel.

She emailed back to the other party, telling the other party that the publication matter had been handed over to another publishing house.

Susan returned quickly.

She asked whether the foreign publishing rights of "84 Charing Cross Road" were still in the author's hands.

Susan's publishing house has many cooperations with foreign publishing houses. Now that it has won the foreign publishing authorization, it can cooperate with foreign publishing houses or act as an agent. It is a business anyway.

Now that the domestic copyright has been lost, it is necessary to take this piece of cake quickly and accurately.

Sister Chen was taken aback.

What's the situation, the big devil hasn't broken out of the Chinese circle yet, the big devil's husband has gone out first? Of course, this is just a joke, granting foreign publishing rights is still a thousand miles away from foreign publishing.

She answered no.

This contract was negotiated by him,

Susan said she would come over now and talk about it.

Sister Chen sent her the address, and got up to look for Li Qingning, only to find that Li Qingning hadn't come yet.

It was almost noon when Li Qingning arrived at the company.

Sister Chen followed her into the office: "Why did you arrive at this hour?"

Li Qingning said that she got up late.

Yesterday her little man tormented her a lot. After Jiang Yang went to work in the morning, she fell asleep again, and after waking up, she practiced Pilates for a while, and then slowly went to the company.

Sister Chen sat opposite her, "It seems that only your husband can let you arrive at the company early."

Li Qingning didn't come early yesterday morning.

She told Li Qingning, "Susan from the publishing house will come back later to discuss Jiang Yang's book with you."

Li Qingning was puzzled, "Didn't it already be handed over to the publishing house where your family is?"

"This time it is a foreign publishing authorization."

Sister Chen said that she had already gotten to know Xu Guangzheng, and that she had learned a little bit about the publishing house through her ears and eyes at home. When the time came, the cooperative law firm would send a copyright lawyer over, and it would be almost done.

While they were chatting, Susan arrived.

After standing in front of Li Qingning, Susan realized that the beauty of Li Qingning she saw on TV was less than one-tenth of the reality, at least that pair of well-proportioned and straight long legs in jeans, which Susan had never seen on TV Yes, or neglected, Susan whispered in her heart that "legs are fine", this body can be used as a supermodel.

After they shook hands and greeted each other, Susan said that her daughter was a carp, and she had to ask the big devil to sign her name when she left. Then they got down to business, "Who is the author of the book '84 Charing Cross Road'?"

"Oh, it's my husband."

Li Qingning told him that it was not convenient for her husband to come forward, and he had already signed an authorization contract for her to take full responsibility.


The answer was beyond Susan's expectation, Li Yu got married! This is big news! Li Yu's husband is the author of the book. If it gets out, it will be a good publicity stunt. Unfortunately, the domestic publishing rights have already been taken away by other publishing houses.

Susan regretted it a little.

If she was chasing stars, she might be able to read this novel soon; if she didn't ask Robinie for verification, she might have already obtained the publishing rights of this novel; she also blamed her daughter, who used to chase stars and wished she could Tell her what the star eats every day; now that I am chasing stars, idols have published books, and I still don’t know.

After talking in detail and negotiating a contract that both parties were satisfied with and was very sincere, Susan went home with Li Yu's signature and severely criticized her daughter. A high-quality idol like the Great Demon King must be pursued again. stand up!

Susan's daughter was stunned.

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