"What’s wrong with you?"

Li Qingning and the others were waiting in the parking lot. Zhuang Mei saw that he was chasing after him like a dog, "Someone wants to eat you?"

"No, nothing."

Jiang Yang shook his head.

They waited until Xu Fan came out, went to Zhuang Mei's restaurant for a meal, and then ended. On Saturday the next day, although Jiang Yang didn't want to go, he asked Li Qingning to take him to the hospital for a checkup. No problem was found. The brain expert said the same as the previous doctor. When she came out, Li Qingning, with her heart in her stomach, teased Zhuang Mei, "Hey, what's your relationship with Dr. Lang?"

Zhuang Mei said it didn't matter.

Li Qingning didn't believe it.

When they were seeing a doctor just now, Zhuang Mei called from behind and asked them to go in first.

At that time, Dr. Lang used a business-like tone. When Zhuang Mei followed in, when Dr. Lang asked about Jiang Yang's condition, he was amiable to the naked eye, with a friendly smile on his face, "My husband's heart beat faster because of the scare."

The attending physician who was hospitalized in Jiangyang's car accident, when Jiang Yang's condition improved, he would frown and sternly say, "How could it be, how could it be?" When Jiang Yang's condition worsened, he would laugh , "That's right, this is science."

From then on, whenever Jiang Yang saw the doctor smiling at him, he felt that a death notice was about to be issued.

"Stop it!"

Zhuang Mei didn't talk about this, she took out the car keys, "I still have to go to the station to prepare for the show, so I'm leaving first."

When Li Qingning made her heart move, hurry up, "Don't hesitate!"

She spoke loudly, attracting the attention of passers-by. She hurriedly lowered the brim of her hat, and dragged Jiang Yang into the car. They went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, bought a fish, and then went back to stay. Jiang Yang started to finish what he said to Li Qingning yesterday Promise of.

He searched the Internet, but there was no information about "84 Charing Cross Road" on the Internet. He asked his foreign classmates to help him search, but there was this street, and there was no news about the book.

Some say that sharing is the highest form of romanticism.

The clouds we photographed, the milk tea shops we visited, the interesting things we met, the movies we watched, overcooked meals—the so-called growing old is essentially finding someone who can share our life and grow old together.

Li Qingning cooks fish in the kitchen. She likes to eat fish and is a master at cooking fish. She wants to share the best fish with Jiang Yang. Jiang Yang sat in front of the computer when the sound of "fish in the pot" sounded, listening to such a sound, he felt leisurely, peaceful and happy. He wanted to share this book with Li Qingning right now, so he typed a line on the computer: "Give it to my great devil."

"84 Charing Cross Road" is a thin book, an epistolary novel, which contains letters from different periods. A letter exchange for people who love books and who like to read.

Jiang Yang felt that the good thing about this book was that it conveyed a kind of warmth in an era when cars and horses were slow and letters were far away.

This book is a real story, so the content is intimate and touching.

It is a pity that their stories are missing from this world.

Jiang Yang's memory is very clear now, and he has an eager desire to write it out. As for the writing, there may be some bugs, or there may be some translation accents-whatever, Jiang Yang wrote it for his wife, and he didn't intend to make money, so let's ignore it.

After writing for a while, Li Qingning asked him to go out for dinner. After the meal, Jiang Yang cleaned up the dishes and continued to write in front of the computer. He heard movement outside, opened the door and saw that it was Li Qingning's female fitness trainer, so he went back to work again.

During the period, Tang Bo also called Jiang Yang.

Tang Bo never imagined that the commercials he shot would attract likes and reposts from Li Qingning. Don't underestimate the influence of this celebrity. Now his life-worse expression has been made into a GIF and spread on the Internet, which belongs to the public. People with eyesight.

Don't underestimate the edge of the eyes.

It's also a walk-on, when the assistant director is choosing, he chooses a walk-on that is eye-catching and impressive; if the director sees the advertisement and realizes his acting skills, he may even give him a few lines.

This career has to be carried out step by step now, from a deadly walk-on to a walk-on, to a walk-on with lines, and then to an unimportant supporting role, an important supporting role, the third male lead, the leading actor——

Tang Bo had already imagined that success was waving to him.

He thanked Jiang Yang a thousand times on the phone.

He knows too well why this commercial has such a great influence in a short period of time. It has nothing to do with his acting skills. There are many people who have acting skills in commercials, and several of them are famous. The key to today's heat is Jiangyang.

If it weren't for Jiang Yang, would Li Yu forward this advertisement?

Don't dream, for a big star like Li Yu, there is no market for advertising, let alone an advertisement for rubber products.

However, Tang Bo did not plan to invite Jiang Yang out for dinner this time. He had guessed Jiang Yang's temper. This is an otaku who doesn't like to come out for nothing. He just said that when Jiang Yang went to the park to shoot commercials again, he invited Jiang Yang to dinner.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yang continued to write.

The book "84 Charing Cross Road" has about 25,000 words, not many words. Jiang Yang finally finished it on Sunday night, "If you happen to pass by 84 Charing Cross Road, please replace me Offer a kiss, I owe it a lot..."

After stopping, Jiang Yang was a little unsure.

He printed it out, bound it, and then stretched out and walked out.

"Busy working?"

Li Qingning greeted Jiang Yang, and only then did he realize that Sister Chen was also there.

"Busy working."

Jiang Yang sat on the sofa and handed the bound book to Li Qingning. Sister Chen was curious, "What is that?"

"a book."

Li Qingning opened it, "My husband wrote it to me."

Sister Chen rolled her eyes, "Singing to show off your love is not enough, now you are all writing books."

She couldn't take it anymore, she stood up and picked up her bag, "I'm leaving, let's talk tomorrow when I go to work."

Jiang Yang got up to see her off.

After sending her downstairs, Jiang Yang found that Li Qingning was immersed in the book when he came back. Jiang Yang sat on the sofa, and Li Qingning leaned in Jiang Yang's arms. There were no ups and downs in this book, but plain narratives. But for some reason, the precious friendship between the lines aroused Li Qingning's sympathy and made her read it in one breath.

After washing up and going to bed, Li Qingning finally finished reading the book after more than two hours.

She sighed softly, turned her head and asked Jiang Yang, "This book—you wrote it?"

She feels like it's happening for real.

While reading, the demeanor and character of the hostess and the clerk Frank are vivid on the paper, which makes Li Qingning go deep into the scene and take her back to the 20th world, becoming a poor female writer who likes to read, writing letters, Waiting for the letter, reading the letter, seeing each other like meeting each other, the paper is short and the love is long, and the heart melts.

Jiang Yang could only say: "Well, after watching the play, this idea popped into my mind. I have this book, and then I want to write it out for you to read."

Li Qingning believed him. Jiang Yang was originally a magical existence, she could hear songs by Jiang Yang's side, and Jiang Yang was suddenly inspired to write such a book, so what's the point.

She couldn't help holding Jiang Yang's face dotingly, "My husband is really a genius."

She was silent, "Their pure feelings in the book are really touching."

This book has a touch of joy, a touch of warmth, a touch of hope, a touch of melancholy and a touch of regret, and a kind of power to soften people's hearts. Li Qingning likes it very much. She asked Jiang Yang for the electronic version.

She wants to send it to her mother, Jiang Yang's mother-in-law.

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