Underworld Game Producer

Chapter 96: The audience feels very empty

【Death Game Producer】【】

The corridor on the twelfth floor not only has countless pairs of glasses hidden in the picture frame peeping at the players.

The whole scene also seems to come alive, as if the player has entered the body of some kind of creature.

And the player's actions will be completely different from usual, and the speed of time in the entire space seems to have accelerated a lot!

The player's speed has increased a lot, and the whole world starts to shake...

Just ordinary walking will also make the player dizzy, and there are countless eyes on the wall staring at the player.

It seems that he has really entered hell.

Although Li Wen didn't feel afraid, he also felt a little dizzy in this scene.

Without speaking or explaining, he moved forward quickly, and after a few corners, he stopped in place.

A picture frame fell on the ground, and there was a hole in the wall for viewing.

It was the black hole above the toilet bathroom.

‘I’m going, what the **** is Li Wen doing? Why didn't you explain it? I'm a little confused,'

'No, no, no! I feel a little dizzy just looking at this picture, let me take it easy. '

‘Hey guy, why is this picture so dizzy, I almost spit out my dinner. '

Ever since Li Wen entered the twelfth floor, he hadn't spoken a word, just kept his head down and walked forward, making the audience bewildered and incomprehensible.

They only knew that Li Wen had now entered a weird maze of corridors, and there were countless squinting eyes on the walls.

Coupled with the shaking and smearing of the scene, the audience was dizzy.

As for why Li Wen didn't speak, he was also dizzy!

this scene...

Who made it? Isn't this a scam?

He was taken aback, as if he did it himself?

Forget it, he's dizzy now, the scene was so shaken that he almost vomited.

All he wanted to do now was to stop the shaking and let the corridor return to normal.

If you poke your head towards the black hole exposed on the wall, you can observe the scene in the bathroom.

Finally, while he was peeking into the bathroom, the hallway fell silent.

Incandescent lamps illuminate the entire bathroom brightly, giving a clear view.

Through the opening, you can move your field of vision to see every corner of the bathroom.

However, there was no one in the bathroom, but a woman could be heard sobbing softly.

at the same time.

The unique voice of the radio came through the hole, and it was no longer the unknown language that he couldn't hear clearly before.

The voice coming over is very clear, it is English.

With instant translation, everyone can understand the meaning of these words.

'Now is the time to act! '

‘Our society is rotten to the bone. '

'I'm talking to decent and good people whose benefits have been stripped away and whose jobs have been pulled from the bottom. '

During the pause, there was the sound of a man beating a woman.

The sobbing of the woman became more and more obvious.

'Yep! You know what to do! '

'Now is the time! '

Suddenly, there was the sound of a sharp knife piercing into the flesh, followed by a shrill scream that overwhelmed everything...

The wailing of the woman before she died, as well as the "gurgling" sound of her throat being cut, gradually dimmed.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Until the whole bathroom returned to calm.

Li Wen slowly retracted his vision, and there was an extra line of writing on the wall above the hole.

'There is no way out. '

At this moment, the entire corridor stopped shaking and returned to normal.

However, the whole world is still shrouded in red light, and the eyes on the picture frame on the wall are still 'alive'.

At this time, looking at the dense barrage, Li Wen finally said the first sentence to enter the twelfth floor.

"After entering the twelfth floor according to the normal process, you only need to find my current position in the rampage maze to stop the rampage state."

"If the player is not in good health and is prone to motion sickness in a car, I suggest not to play this level."

"The club is dead..."

He is very uncomfortable now, and he feels like the overnight meal is about to be shaken out.

After casually communicating with the audience who complained about him in the barrage, he continued to explore the twelfth floor.

Walking around the corner, the door of the bathroom has disappeared, and the color of the light inside is white, which looks out of place with the red color of the corridor.

He walked into the bathroom, and the twisted little monster in the sink was still there.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

It seemed to be the sound made by the little monster in the sink.

This is a mature male voice, which doesn't match the little monster at all.

‘You got fired, so you drank your worries away. '

‘She had to find a part-time job as a cashier in a small supermarket. '

‘The only reason she’s making money there is because the manager likes her. '

'You won't forget, will you? '

'Just ten months ago. '

The sound stopped abruptly.

Li Wen turned and left the bathroom, and continued to move forward calmly.

The maze of corridors shrouded in red lights seems to have no end.

He turned several corners.

Finally, normal lights appeared in the corridor in front of him.

Walking to the corner of the normal light again, the front is dark, but it can be seen that this is the passage leading to the next floor. https:

The audience was a little confused by the maze corridors.

Plus eyes come alive in frames on the hallway walls.

It can be said that the entire scene is designed to the extreme.

Fortunately, Li Wen was very calm, so that the audience watching the live broadcast were also very calm, and felt that there was nothing terrible about it.

If they were swapped with Li Wen for the live broadcast, it is estimated that the live broadcast room would change to another style.

Li Wen is broadcasting Silent Hill PT!

No horror atmosphere at all!

Walk through the dark corridor and enter the stairs leading to the next basement.

The thirteenth floor corridor appeared in front of the audience.

The corridor returned to normal, the lights were no longer red, and the lights were bright red.

It seems to have returned to reality from hell.

Li Wen continued to move forward, the first corridor and the second corridor were no longer in the underworld.

However, the door to the next basement was locked.

Also, when exploring back and forth in the corridors, the player's field of vision will start to tear.

Players who often play games know that this kind of screen tearing is frame tearing.

When the frame rate is not synchronized with the refresh rate of the display, sometimes shaking the camera will split the screen into several copies.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

However, Silent Hill PT is not an old platform game, but a second world game.

Frame tearing is unlikely.

In addition, during the exploration, the game live broadcast screen suddenly crashed...

It directly caused the players who watched the live broadcast to complain.

'This should be a bug! Li Thief, is your company really a bit careless? Even if it is a free trial game, please optimize it, this is hurting the hearts of our players! '

‘Ruanfan King, although your company is not big, it’s not enough to make such a bug in a trial game? '

‘I just want to know, will the reset version of Resident Evil also have this kind of BUG that affects the game? '

Seeing the crash of the game screen, the audience naturally regarded everything that happened so far as a bug.

Li Wen explained helplessly, "This is not a bug! This is just a process that needs to be passed through for normal customs clearance."

"How can a company that is so dedicated to creating 'happiness' for players release a game with such serious bugs?"

"So, please rest assured, this is not a bug at all, it is the normal process of the game."

Before he finished his explanation, the game screen resumed.

However, at this moment Li Wen is not in the previous corridor, but returned to the place where the game started.

'Still saying it's not a bug...'

'The game crashed and restarted! ! '

‘Won’t your conscience ache when you tell such a lie? '

Well, the audience doesn't seem to believe it at all, the game screen crash just now is a normal process.

Li Wen pretended to turn around and turned on the flashlight.

In the corner of the room behind him was a table.

Under the light of the flashlight, the table and the surrounding walls can be seen at a glance.

There was a paper bag on the table, the bottom of the bag was soaked with black stains, and it seemed to contain something not very good.

On the wall of the table, there are still scratches engraved, which seem to be scratches recording the number of days.

This extra thing finally shut up those viewers who don't believe that the game crash is a normal process...

"The game has now entered the second stage, and it will be very scary afterwards. Viewers who are not mentally prepared suggest turning off the sound and closing their eyes!"

"I'm not joking..."

"What do you mean by sending 233333?"

"It's fine if you don't believe it."

Li Wen was very helpless, why didn't the netizens of this year listen to persuasion at all?

The next scene of the second stage should be the scariest part of the entire Silent Hill PT.

If you want to get through this stage safely, you need to arrange the information obtained when collecting photo fragments in a good order.

'While I waited I stood still,'

'I whispered his name,'

'He ran his fingertips across my hand,'

'That hand is cold,'

'My body is trembling,'

'Waiting for this to end,'

'I'm not moving,'

'His outstretched hand faded into the mist,'

'I believe I heard a call. '

After the ten sentences of information are collected, they can be arranged to find the information for customs clearance.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

These seem to be no difficulties for Li Wen, the game producer.

Li Wen pushed the door out, and the corridor was pitch black at the moment.

Wall lamps, table lamps, chandeliers, any light sources are all gone.

The only light source is in his hand, a nuclear flashlight that is always on without worrying about running out of power.

He walked to the clock, and the time on the clock returned to 23:59.

The first message is 'I stand still while I wait. ’ It’s easy to understand.

The meaning is to let the player stay in place without moving, and it only takes one minute to trigger the clock to enter the twelve o'clock plot.

When Li Wen stood there motionless.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know why.

‘Li thief, what are you doing here? '

‘Brothers, he is afraid! Don't dare to go forward at all! Hahaha, Li thief, you know how to be afraid, I will never forget how you mocked me when I peed in fear! ! '

Good guy, the buddy who sent this barrage seems to be one of the players who was scared to pee during the Silent Hill PT trial?

‘Li thief, you have today too? '

Seeing Li Wen's stillness at the moment, the audience automatically imagined that he was scared.

There were barrages of victory cheers.

What could make them happier than this?

Seeing that Li Wen was frightened by the underworld game he played was a victory for those who watched the live broadcast.

Second World has two voice modes.

The first is used for out-of-game communication, such as voice mode with other players online.

Or the voice mode during live broadcast.

In this voice mode, the player's voice will not appear in the game.

NPCs or monsters will not hear...

The second voice mode speaks through the character as if in reality.

Sound propagation is as it is in reality and can be heard both inside and outside the game.

When Li Wen broadcast Silent Hill PT, he always used the second voice mode.

Because I want to trigger the plot now, I can't speak yet.

So, he adjusted the voice mode and switched to the first one.


"Something horrific is about to happen."

"Don't think that I'm scaring you, high energy will appear soon!"

In order to make the timid audience pay attention before the high energy, he tried his best to explain.

However, the audience didn't like him at all, and complained about him one after another.

at this time...




A bell rang, and the clock, which had not moved, also entered twelve o'clock in the morning at the same time.

Li Wen started to act.

He went all the way, walked around the corner and stopped by the toilet.

The cry of the baby sounded, and the plot was triggered smoothly.

He turned around and walked back to the clock position, back and forth, trying to listen to other sounds.

Finally, the sound of high heels landing appeared.

A piece of creepy background music played.

It indicates that the "wife" also appeared in the corridor, and the "wife" needs to be avoided here.

It's actually very simple, just don't look back when the music sounds.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

After going back and forth several times, you will be able to move on to the next stage smoothly.

The audience watched his series of operations and were very confused.

I don't understand what he's trying to do...

Until the creepy background music sounded and the sound of high heels appeared.

The audience seemed to understand what Li Wen was doing.

This guy is actually looking for a 'wife' in the corridor?

When the music gets louder...

The 'wife' suddenly appeared behind Li Wen.

Viewers who watch the first-person perspective don't think it's a big deal because they can't see it.

The audience who watched the third-person wide-angle view suddenly held their breath.

next moment.

The creepiest thing happened.

The 'wife' suddenly disappeared.

It hasn't waited for the audience who watched the third-person wide-angle view to react.

A pale face suddenly occupied the entire screen.

The 'wife' actually put her face directly on the screen!

All viewers who watched the third-person wide-angle view were shocked by the sudden scene.

Xiao Tian, ​​who was concentrating on watching Li Wen's live broadcast, was even more frightened and jumped up from her chair...

Ninety percent of the audience in Xiaotian's live broadcast room were stunned by the sudden high energy.

When the high energy disappears.

The frightened audience began to greet Li Wen frantically.

And those who watched the first-person live mode viewers didn't know why...

Questions were raised.

Li Wen said helplessly, "I told you that the front is high energy, the front is high energy, why don't you believe it?"

The design of "wife" to scare the audience of the live broadcast was naturally done by Li Wen.

It's a hidden easter egg.

Silent Hill PT, there will definitely be many anchors live broadcasting.

If this scene suddenly appeared, the effect of the live broadcast would definitely explode immediately.

However, what he didn't expect was that he demonstrated the easter egg himself.

There are a total of 29 million people watching Xiaotian's live broadcast at the moment...

At that moment, at least two thousand people enjoyed the 'happiness' of the 'Easter Egg'.

Looking at the bullet screen that kept greeting him.

The effect seems to be really good.

The next stage is to stand in front of the phone.

The phone is on the corner of the first and second corridors.

Standing in front of the phone, say a name starting with J to be able to continue.

These are also hidden in the previous circulation corridor.

You only need to overcome your fear, explore hard, and if you can't do it a few times, you can easily find all the information.

He switched the voice mode to the second one, and softly called out a name starting with J.


"Shredded pork!"

Within a few seconds, a baby's laughter sounded, and the trigger was successful.

Li Wen immediately switched back to the first voice mode, "Dear viewers, there will be a high-energy segment, I suggest..."

He hadn't finished speaking.

A second baby laugh rang out.

At this time, you only need to follow the content of the third sentence and the following information, and you will be able to get through it safely.

In short, whatever happens!

Don't move.

Li Wen stood there motionless.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The scariest part of the whole game, the part where all the employees of Happy Paradise Company except Li Xin were crushed.

In the laughter of babies.

The cold fingertips suddenly slid across his palm, and the chill spread throughout his body along the palm.

He fell into an ice cellar, and the air around him was extremely cold.

After the fingertips, suddenly a hand held his hand.

These are a pair of stiff and extremely cold hands.

Li Wen felt that his palms were about to freeze.

The biting cold made him shiver uncontrollably.

This is not fear, but being cold...

It was obviously a very terrifying experience, but for some reason, he didn't feel it at all.

Even when being held by a cold and hard hand, he wondered if he should change the grip of this hand.

For example, change into soft, waxy and tender girl's hands?

Ended with the baby's final cry.

The cold, hard hand holding him also suddenly disappeared.

He returned to normal and no longer felt cold.

Jingle Bell--

Jingle Bell--

After the phone rang twice, there was a sound.

'You have been chosen! '

At this point, the Silent Hill pt demo game has been successfully cleared.

Li Wen continued to move forward and pushed open the door to the next floor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The game screen entered a black screen.

Voices sounded.

'Dad is such a fool. '

‘Every day he eats the same food and wears the same clothes. '

'Sitting in front of the same game...'

'Yeah, that's the guy he is. '

'But suddenly one day, he just killed us all like this! '

'He couldn't even come up with an original way of doing it. '

'I'm not complaining... I'm bored anyway. '

'But you didn't guess it? I will return. '

'And I'll be bringing my new toy with me. '

Since Li Wen didn't intend to make the Silent Hill PT game, so when the life is over, the game will be completely over, there is no original final trailer...

'This is the clearance? '

‘Let me check the time, the level will be cleared in thirty minutes? '

‘Is this really the Silent Hill PT that scares countless players? '

The audience seemed to have some reason to believe that Li Wen had cleared Silent Hill PT so lightly.

Even if Li Wen is a game producer, it's impossible to not be afraid all the way, right?

Such an understatement of the whole process of customs clearance makes the audience feel empty.

"Cough... Next, I will live broadcast the reset version of Escape 1."

Li Wen coughed lightly, ignored the barrage of explosions, but opened the reset version of Escape 1...

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