Ultraman is not a superman

Chapter 53 I, Babar, will definitely accomplish great things.

The Mephilas people probably missed their old relationship, or were too lazy to change the cannon fodder variety.

So we found the second-generation Dada people, the second-generation Zarab people, and the second-generation Kemuer people, and sent them to the earth to explore the strength of Salted Egg Superman.

The only pity is that Mefilas did not find the other surviving Baltans, but fortunately there is a substitute, the Babars.

Of course, the person it was looking for was not the Babar who tortured Astra, because after the Ultra King rescued Astra, it was impossible for him to let him go.

Compared to the crayfish Baltans, the Babars are much weaker, but after all, they choose the taller ones among the short ones.

The Babar star's advanced camouflage technique may have unexpected effects.

As for the Dada, Zarab, and Kemr planets, these three crooked dates, they are the three cannon fodder purely used to test the true strength of the Salted Egg Superman.

Mephilas and Ultraman have fought against each other before, and they know how powerful the opponent is.

Rumors in the universe should not be easily believed. Back then, there were rumors that Seven was going to betray the Kingdom of Light.

But in the end, the Otto brothers still love each other and are a family.

Those cosmonauts who were watching the fun and thinking of adding insult to injury all became clowns.

So if Superman is really the son of Ultraman, then his strength will definitely not be that weak.

So the Mephilas star deceived and cooperated with the Babar star and reached a beneficial cooperation with it.

Let the Babar star lead its three crooked cannon fodder to the earth.

They agreed to help Babar accomplish that thing after meeting the Salted Egg Superman's Aotou.

However, there is some degree of credibility in Mephilas's words, and only it probably knows this.

The Canedras monster that suddenly appeared on the earth and caused destruction was brought here by the Babar people together with Dada and the others.

It's a pity that the Mephilas people missed an important key point.

That is the cosmic people in the dark forces, and no one obeys the other.

As powerful as Ampera, the only emperor in the entire Dark Star Territory, there are many low-level cosmic beings under its rule, and they will still backstab from time to time.

Not to mention the temporary cannon fodder team that the Mefilas Stars have formed.

At this time, four cosmonauts disguised as humans were gathering together to discuss countermeasures.

The three of them, the Dada Star, the Zarab Star, and the Keml Star, blatantly formed a small circle and excluded the Babar Star.

He said that the monster Canedras was too cowardly and had no courage, and complained that the only ones who escaped were the Kemerians.

After it became gigantic, its whole body became human-like, its skin was dark with some white lines, its brown-black head was like a piece of dried cow dung, and there was a small funnel-shaped tentacle on the top of its head.

He is born to run faster than other cosmic beings and has the ability to move at high speeds. The tentacles on his head can release two kinds of liquids: elimination fluid and dissolving fluid. However, for Ultraman, they can only consume energy and burn the body.

The person who proposed changing the monster to a monster was the Dada Planet. After being enlarged, it was still humanoid. The color of the body was composed of black and white stripes. While the head was black and white, the eyes and mouth were a strange pink.

Abilities include flight, teleportation, possessing humans, eye light, intangibility and transparency.

Although there are many who know it, they are all very low-level and can be easily restrained by Ultraman.

Even the miniaturized beam gun can be cracked by the ability to enlarge.

Only teleportation and eye light can pose some threat to Ultraman, but unfortunately the Dada people are not proficient in this.

As for turning into a salty superman and causing destruction, this is the specialty of the Zarrab people.

This is how the previous generation tried to get the first generation of Ultraman, and then it was blasted to pieces by Specium's beam.

Except for hypnosis and incarnation, there is nothing much to say about other abilities.

The three spacemen murmured and discussed, intentionally or unintentionally excluding the Babar star, and did not bother to ask his opinion.

According to the thinking of the three of them, their previous generation was all related to the Mephilas planet, and they could be regarded as elders, but what was the Babar planet?

Not only do you not respect the three seniors, but you also want to give them orders? But go ahead and dream.

So the three people simply ignored the Babar star and didn't even want to let him get involved in the topic.

Babar sneered when he saw this, and the yellow hair on his head turned into yellow hair even in his human state.

Kemul, Dada, and Zarrab didn't want to see him, and Babar didn't even bother to curry favor with them.

Look at the ideas these three cobblers came up with. They have no overall perspective at all.

The Mephilas planet has a low manpower, so it can only be these cannon fodder.

If it weren't for the Lord of the Dark Star Territory to join the opponent's team and find a backer, Babar, the majestic Dark Star, would not even seek cooperation with the Mephilas Star.

Kemer and the others are just cannon fodder. They only have a short-sighted view of tossing around the earth.

Unlike it, Babar, the Dark Star, has already thought about how to do something big.

With a plan in its mind, it sneered at the three of them, then turned around and left. It was better not to have this kind of team that would only hold it back.

As long as that thing is accomplished, His Majesty the Emperor will definitely be extremely happy and treat Babar with special regard.

By then, after entering the Dark Star Territory, wouldn’t it be possible to achieve success quickly?

The cosmic people of the dark forces all have a common problem, that is, they have a high self-esteem and have no idea what to do.

The Babar Stars looked down on the Mephilas Stars and sent three cannon fodder to him.

Kemer, Dada and Zarrab also looked down upon the yellow-haired Babar.

Even the Mephilas star was just using the Babar star, but Babar was fooled into being kept in the dark and was not aware that he was involved in a conspiracy.

The Mephilas race has a reputation for being resourceful in the universe, and their IQ is certainly not low.

It is extremely easy to plot against a Babar planet, but a wise man must make mistakes in his foresight. He ignores that the cosmic people and the cosmic people do not look at each other in the first place.

Even as powerful as the Ampera planet, the four heavenly kings under his command would disobey orders.

What's more, the three crooked cannon fodder characters in the hands of the Mephilas people now.

After they worked together to push the Babar people away, a gap immediately developed between them.

Alliances were shattered in an instant.

"Zarrab, your disguise ability is pretty good. I don't think it's better for you to turn into Superman, destroy human cities, and attract Superman out. When the time comes, Kemer and I will appear closely and we can group together. Beat each other up!"

The person who said this was a Dada star, but its true thoughts were different.

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