Ultraman is not a superman

Chapter 38 It’s baseless, I haven’t thought about it, don’t talk nonsense!

Nomura Meng's words were such that Xia Yan didn't know for a moment whether he was praising Fengyuan or scolding Fengyuan.

Looking at Baizi who was still standing by the bed with a worried look on his face, he thought for a while and said, "Let's go out first. Just let Baizi accompany Fengyuan."

Omura Shoji and Nomura were startled when they heard this, and immediately looked at each other and understood Natsuhiko's underlying meaning.

Then Omura Shoji, who had reacted, also said, "Hakuko, Fengyuan will be left to your care."

"Just call us if you need anything." Nomura Takeshi also walked out with the same interest.

Recently, the relationship between Baizi and Fengyuan in the gymnasium has been spread everywhere among the children.

However, the two of them did not refute verbally, so everyone could see that the relationship between them was ambiguous.

The three grown men walked out of the ward together, leaving them alone space.

Come outside.

Xia Yan looked at Nomura and suddenly remembered the plot about him, so he asked casually: "Nomura, do you have a girlfriend you grew up with?"

"Ah?" Nomura Meng looked at him in astonishment, and said with a bit of embarrassment, "Xia Yansang, how do you know? Did Fengyuan tell you?"

"But this is just right. I will be engaged to Saeko in two months, so you can come together then!"

"What?!" Omura Shoji looked at Nomura Takeshi in surprise after hearing this: "Why have I never heard of you mentioning such an important thing?"

"I didn't mean to inform everyone at that time."

"You kid, if you do, we will definitely participate!"

While the two were chatting and laughing, Nomura glanced at Xia Yan fiercely. Fengyuan's friend was his friend, not to mention a member of the Mike team. Of course he wanted to invite him to join in the fun.

When Xia Yan saw Nomura Meng's misunderstanding, he didn't explain it, so there was no need to explain how he knew these things.

After confirming that it was correct, he readily agreed to the other party's expectant eyes: "No problem, I will definitely go and participate when the time comes."

"However, I heard that there is a kind of cosmic being."

Natsuhiko paused in his words and looked at Omura Shoji and Nomura fiercely before continuing:

"It's very similar to the legendary werewolf. He likes to suck the blood of young women at night. He also possesses women and forces them to become brides in their dreams."

When he said these words, his face was full of seriousness, and the more Nomura Meng listened, the more frightened he became.

"Really or not, Xia Yansang, please don't scare me."

Although Nomura is tall and muscular as a coach, he is relatively introverted and timid.

Xia Yan tugged at his clothes with a serious face and said seriously: "Look at what I'm wearing. This is the news I got from the Mike team."

"It's best not to let your girlfriend walk at night. Space people like to sneak attacks at night."

Nomura Takeshi is Fengyuan's friend, and Natsuhiko reminds him to be on guard, causing a butterfly effect to prevent Saeko from being possessed. This can be considered as the enthusiasm still remains.

If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do. After all, he doesn't have the noble character of Ultraman who insists on helping even though he's hot on his face but cold on his butt.

If the monster cannot cause turmoil and the violent mood swings of a large number of people, it will not be able to obtain the power of hope from humans. This would be a loss of 100 million.

Huh! ?

Am I not Ultraman? How could such evil thoughts come to my mind?

It's like I'm still a human being, so it's logical that my bad tendencies will show up, and that's okay.

Perhaps this was the benefit of a flexible moral bottom line. Xia Yan threw away the evil thoughts in the blink of an eye, without even the slightest psychological burden.

If this were any other Ultraman, he would probably have to get up in the middle of the night and slap himself.

Instead, it was Xia Yan.

Don't talk nonsense, you haven't thought about it, how can you accuse someone of innocence without any evidence!

In the ward on the other side.

At this moment, Fengyuan was probably having a nightmare. While sweating profusely, he kept mumbling:

"Damn it. You bastard Zuluk."

Seeing his appearance, Baizi wiped his sweat with a towel, while murmuring with worried eyes:


Maybe Baizi's call had an effect, or maybe the fight with the Zulu nemesis was too fierce in the dream.

Fengyuan suddenly opened her eyes, sat up straight and was about to curse.

However, the face that caught his sight made him stop speaking.

"Hakiko, where am I?"

When speaking, Fengyuan's tone was as gentle as possible and he looked around.

Seeing that he woke up, Baizi looked happy: "Fengjun, you finally woke up. This is the hospital. Xia Yansang sent you here."

"Hospital." Fengyuan was completely awake at this time, and the previous memories came to his mind. He immediately asked nervously:

"What about the Zulu Nemesis? Did Superman show up and defeat it?"

Baizi shook his head and explained:

"Superman didn't show up, but I heard that the captain of the Star Team used a weapon to defeat the Zulu Nemesis."

"Fengjun, don't think about these things now. Your body has not recovered yet and you need to rest more."

However, Fengyuan didn't listen to Baizi's words, and recalled the situation of the star clusters with a blank expression.

Whatever weapons Team Mike had, he almost knew these days that it would be impossible to defeat the Zulu Nemesis.

Xia Yansang didn't know why he didn't take action, but if it was the captain who defeated the Zulu nemesis.

Could it be that you are wasting your lifespan using ultra telekinesis again?

Fengyuan's eyes froze when he thought of this, and his heart was suddenly filled with self-blame.

If this continues, if something cannot be solved, the captain will consume his lifespan and use his ultra-psychic power. On the other hand, he can only watch.

Thinking of this, Fengyuan's face was full of guilt, and he punched the bed hard and said with shame:

"Damn it! Why is this happening again! Why can't I do anything!"

When Baizi saw this, he quickly grabbed his arm and comforted him: "Fengjun, don't be like this, you have actually done a good job."

At this time, a sound of crutches could be heard. Fengyuan suddenly raised his head and listened carefully, subconsciously saying:

"Captain, it's captain!"

The familiar sound of the cane is unmistakable.

Omura Shoji and Nomura Takeshi were also responsible for things at the gymnasium, so they left after a short stay.

As soon as Xia Yan sent the two of them away, he met Zhu Xingtuan coming on crutches.

After all, the reason why Fengyuan became like this was because there was a mistake in the previous arrangement, which caused Fengyuan to be beaten out of transformation.

Zhu Xingtuan was worried about his physical condition and rushed over after finishing the matters at hand.

It's just that he is not good at expressing himself and always has a serious face.

When he reached Xia Yan, he asked, "How is Fengyuan doing now?"

"No problem." Xia Yan used his senses to check the situation in the room and continued:

"I just replenished his body with energy, and it is recovering quickly now. Baizi is staying with him inside."

Hearing this, the stars couldn't help but look at Xia Yan in surprise. This kid was actually willing to give energy to others, but he felt relieved when he heard that Fengyuan was fine.

After thinking about it, he then said to Xia Yan: "Come here and help me in. Don't expose any flaws later, remember."

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