Ultimate Zombies

Chapter 26 Unfair duel

ultimate zombie

Chapter 27 Unfair duel

At this point, Banana was still dissatisfied. He glanced at the other forces watching the excitement and waved back again.

A hole was opened in the encirclement, and several boys immediately pushed in to a mound of more than five meters high. The surface of the mound was dark red, like dried blood, and there were many small eyes the size of soldiers' balls. A boy next to him opened it. With complicated gestures, soon, a group of corpse crows flew out of the small hole.

"Boss, the attack power of each of our group of corpse crows is no lower than the first level, and they also have skills." A skeleton pushing the mound said in a showy voice, deliberately speaking loudly.

"Let's see how you escape today." Banana laughed arrogantly, just to use this to establish his authority and let everyone take a good look to prevent other forces from making moves behind his back.

The businessman entity did not know when it appeared, standing in the crowd not far away. Many of the ambitious leaders of these scattered forces had ugly expressions. The appearance of these treasures once again dampened their enthusiasm. Someone in the fruit pie, They have financial resources, but the alliance has been full of contradictions before they are organized, and now...!

"Your only chance, haha!" The arrogant Banana pointed at himself, but he was obviously not afraid.

He was completely surrounded, and the enemy hadn't made a move yet. Wuming stopped talking and just looked at the banana and made his handprints.

"So what if I give you a chance?" Banana was still arrogant and not in a hurry to attack. He wanted to kill this kid completely in front of so many players.

After finishing the fingerprints and activating the Talisman of Resentment, Wuming breathed a sigh of relief and pointed directly.

Immediately, the last few zombies in the coffin rushed out.

"Boy, you are just looking for death! The same method is useless against me."

Following the voice, without any instructions, the younger brother who was waiting by the bloody mound directly completed the final handprint. Suddenly, a large number of corpse crows rushed straight towards the corpse insects at a very fast speed, and the players surrounding the nameless ones also Back away quickly.

Seeing this, Wuming quickly made his hand seals.

For a moment, the corpse insects were blocked by the corpse crows, and naturally they fought together.

"Damn it!" In just a few seconds, most of the few corpse worms were gone, and only a few corpse crows fell to the ground. Wuming was so anxious that he took out his bone sword and rushed towards Banana.

"Not bad, it seems that he is well prepared." The businessman breathed a sigh of relief.

"What?" The person next to him was stunned, obviously confused.

"When the corpse crow flew out, Wuming changed his strategy." The businessman said. Wuming, who seemed to be angry and rushed forward, had already completed the hand seals when he rushed forward. He was not as impulsive as he appeared.

At this time, the people nearby also discovered that the few remaining corpse worms ignored being attacked, gave up attacking the corpse crows, and rushed towards the players next to them. This caused those players to retreat again, but they still maintained the encirclement perfectly.

"The zombie crow attacks Wuming." The zombie behind Banana directly commanded, and the players next to the bloody mound quickly changed their handprints.

However, without the magic weapon column, it took him the most time to rely on gestures. This is why Wuming understood it when the corpse crow flew out, but it still cost the corpse bug most of the money.

Therefore, at this time, Wuming rushed forward and was not blocked by the corpse crow at all, and quickly approached Banana.

The players next to Banana immediately moved forward, but Banana shook his head and stopped them. Instead, he took a step forward, his hands forming seals quickly.

"Fruit Pie Banana deserves to be the boss, but he is facing the unknown cow corpse alone? That's second level." Some players lamented, which made Banana feel even better.

Wuming roared quickly and rushed in front of him, slashing hard with the bone sword in his hand.

—The bloody number of 90hp appeared.

"Such a high attack power is worthy of the second level, but so what." Banana said calmly, not in a hurry. The blood volume of a first-level and twenty-level white bone is only half of that of a zombie, but it also has nearly a thousand This number is not something that can be hacked to death in just a few hits.

At the same time, Banana's skeletal body turned gray-black and began to lose blood at a rate of 3hp per second.

Long Yan not far away suddenly shouted: "This is the unique skill of the poisonous corpse 1: powerful corpse poison (passive) 10/1 seconds, lasting ten seconds.

"Since even bones with extremely high immunity can be poisoned, it's a good second level." Banana still pretended to be cool, and said proudly and unhurriedly. At this time, he had been stabbed three or four times by Wuming, and he had lost nearly four rounds of blood. Bai, Wuming seemed to have lost his composure at this time, and just attacked Banana with all his strength.

"Is that all you have? It's my turn to attack." Banana finally said. It wasn't that he didn't attack back just now, but he was doing hand seals with all his strength.

Following his voice, the light blue skull next to his head suddenly opened its mouth, and a blue mist spurted out. Wuming was shocked, and his reaction was quick enough, but this blue light covered a wide area and was impossible to avoid. Open, it is obviously a group attack skill.

Suddenly, -50 HP appeared on his head. This amount of blood didn't cost much, not to mention that he actually didn't waste any blood. It was just that the Talisman of Resentment lost fifty points of resentment, but his body took on a slight blue color. It immediately slowed down a lot, and the surrounding ground was covered in frost within several meters.

"Haha! It's my turn." In turn, Banana drew out his weapon and slashed hard, -70hp, -80hp...! The attack power is not low at all, but everyone can see that the weapon is very good.

"If you have equipment, you are awesome. The first level bullies the second level." Many players watching were even more emotional. Invisibly, the intimidating power of the fruit pie was much stronger.

At this time, the hand seal over there also ended, and a large number of corpse crows flew towards Wuming. The corpse insects were basically wiped out, and the remaining individuals were killed by the surrounding players.

"It's too late to seal the hand seal when the corpse crow stopped." Banana said with emotion, otherwise I would have eliminated the first second-level player by myself in front of so many people, letting other forces know how powerful I am, and I will be honest in the future. Somewhat.

At this time, in the eyes of all the players, Wuming was obviously impatient, but his speed was still so slow that it was difficult to counterattack effectively. Without the second level skill, there would be no chance. Sure enough, as everyone thought, with Wuming He opened his mouth and a black bead shot out quickly.

Banana had no time to dodge and was hit directly on the head. He actually sat down on the ground. What was even more frightening was that a blood-red figure of 300hp appeared. He had just recovered, but now he changed color and was poisoned again.

This time, some players outside were excited. It was obvious that the banana was not at level 2 yet, so he might not have much blood left. Some people laughed at him for being arrogant and might kill himself.

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