Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 10: , Frieza!

And listening to Frieza's words, Shang Bo's face showed a suddenly realized expression.

As a person who just looks at the other party's planet, he will give the other party to all the cruel cosmic people who are exterminated, how could Friesha care about other people!

All Frieza was thinking about was just having a better time.

Thinking of this, Shang Bo also showed a cruel smile on his face.

"Of course, Lord Frieza." Shang Bo said cruelly, looking at the spaceship that drew a mark in the starry sky and galloped away.

Don't look at Shang Wave who is more gentle, but in fact he is a cruel guy.

"So, I just squeezed a large group of ants to death, uh, it's okay to say that they are wild monkeys. Now, who wants to squeeze these ants to death?" Frieza said suddenly.

And just when Shang Bo wanted to speak.

However, at this moment.

Dodoria, who was standing next to Chambau, spoke.

"My lord, otherwise, let me get it down! It's just a few ants with a combat power of no more than a thousand. Even my subordinates must die with one pinch." Standing next to Shangbo, Duduo Leah also spoke with a cruel smile on her face.

"No problem. Just let you send your hands." Frieza said indifferently.

All he wanted was to know that there would be such a process.

For him, killing a large group of Saiyans just now is a bit tired of killing. He feels that killing these little bugs that don't even leave dust on his body is really detrimental to him. Identity.

"Yes, Lord Frieza! I will definitely let my men greet them well. Asa, you will leave this to you." Dodalia assured Frieza, but turned his head towards There was a shout behind him.

And immediately, a cosmic person who was wearing the same battle uniform, with purple skin and a figure that looked a bit like eggplant, stood up. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

"Yes, Lord Dodoria!" said the eggplant universe man, kneeling down.

However, just as the eggplant universe was about to leave, Shang Bo, who was standing next to Frieza, spoke again.

"Wait a minute, you have to be careful. When the moon is full, the monkeys will transform and their fighting power will increase greatly. Don't let them escape!" Shang Bo said suddenly.

But right beside him, Dodalia laughed.

"Mr. Shang Bo, please rest assured. He is my best hand. Take a look at his combat effectiveness." Shang Bo said confidently.

"Oh, isn't it?" Shang Bo showed a dubious expression on his face, and pressed the combat strength detection meter on his right ear.

And as the numbers rolled, the numbers finally stopped above five digits.

"Is it worth 10,000? Not bad..." Shang Bo showed a surprised expression on his face.

However, it was just a hint of surprise.

Because even if he didn't change his body, his combat power would exceed 20,000.

"Yes, Mr. Shangbo. What if some of the wild monkeys will transform? Even if they are all transformed, their combat power will rise from 700 to 7,000 at most, and they will be given to one by one by my men. Squeezed. Don't worry!" A cruel expression appeared on Dodalia's face.

"Okay, then you have to squeeze it out one by one!" Shang Bo showed a cruel smile on his face, and said to the eggplant universe not far away.

"Yes, Master Shangbo!" Eggplant Cosmic Man said categorically.


At this time, Zhang Xiang didn't know that he was already in the predicament of being pursued.

"Isn't it discovered? it let go?" Zhang Xiang looked at the outside of the spaceship, but various thoughts flashed through his mind.

However, even though he had already driven the spacecraft for tens of thousands of kilometers, he did not dare to relax his vigilance at all.

Because he knows it.

Although the speed of the Qigong Cannon was very slow when it was brewing, it was super fast after it was launched, although it did not reach the level of 100,000 kilometers in one second.

However, in space, from tens of kilometers per second to hundreds of kilometers, even thousands or tens of thousands of kilometers can be reached.

Of course, even in space, it is still somewhat difficult to reach thousands of kilometers per second.

Unless it is from this level of Super Saiyan!

So, under his concentrated attention, if it wasn't for Frieza who seriously fired the qigong cannon, or if it was his subordinates who fired the qigong cannon.

Then, Zhang Xiang has great confidence that he can dodge after the opponent fires the qigong cannon.

After all, the distance between the two parties is already at least tens of thousands of kilometers.

Moreover, this distance is still increasing at a speed of tens of kilometers per second.

If the opponent fires the qigong cannon to hit, it will take at least a few seconds.

Subtracting the transmission time of light, the processing time of the brain, the reaction time of the body, and the reaction time of the spacecraft.

He still has about half a second to move the spaceship.

So, if the other party fired a qigong cannon at the moment of relaxation, wouldn't he be wronged?

However, Zhang Xiang's concentration was finally relieved after the spacecraft accelerated to 100 kilometers per second, and the distance between the two parties reached 50,000 kilometers.

Because, above this distance.

Even if it was Frieza's Qigong Cannon, it was impossible to hit the spaceship that Zhang Xiang was riding in.

In terms of the distance between the planets, 50,000 kilometers is already not a short distance.

Using a metaphor to describe how difficult it is for the Qigong Cannon to hit the spacecraft where Zhang Xiang is located.

It is quite difficult for an ordinary person to throw a dart and hit the head of an ant placed on the dart board fifty meters away.

"Have you escaped?" Zhang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the chair and said.

After all, his body has just emerged from the petri dish, and muscles and other things are only used for the first time.

Now that I came back to my senses, it was sore all over!

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know.

The reason why he was able to safely escape the Qigong Cannon's hit range was only because of a whim of Frieza, coupled with the time of the dialogue, made him escape the Qigong Cannon's hit range.

As for the radar's search range, he was far from escaped!

You know, the radar search range of the Friesha spacecraft has reached 5 million kilometers!

Of course, this refers to the search signal of medium and large spacecraft.

It just so happened that the spaceship Zhang Xiang was in was barely a medium-sized spacecraft.

Although the detection range is less than 5 million kilometers, it can still be tracked at a distance of one to two million kilometers.

So, under the circumstances that Zhang Xiang didn't know.

Behind him, an elliptical spacecraft more advanced than him, at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour faster than the spacecraft he took from the planet Vegeta, chased up...

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