Eight months have passed since they returned to Twin Islands.

After handing over the gramophone and fusion ring to Julia and Jason a month ago, the creation of the treasure was successfully completed.

A few days ago, Lucilia also successfully advanced to the fifth stage. At the same time, the strength of the doll girls also improved and stabilized at various places in the fourth stage.

Except for the captain, all the other doll girls are in the lower stages of the fourth stage.

And the captain has only reached the middle level of the fourth stage.

The only one following Lucilia closely was Deputy Captain Zero.

She almost followed Lucilia's strength in improving. When Lucilia's strength increased to the fifth stage, she also improved to the fifth stage.

I originally expected to stay for about a year, but now it's time to leave.

Alka leaned against the side of the boat and looked at the busy port, wondering what he was thinking.

Then they saw a humanoid creature wearing a streamlined tights and a transparent helmet walking towards them, followed by Xia Detti.

This special shape shows that the person wearing a helmet to completely seal himself is the Vastva living in the space.

The Wastva people have now adapted to the environment relatively well. Basically, the degree of adaptation has reached the level of the home sea, or even higher.

Therefore, the Vastva people would wander around the island with fully enclosed devices from time to time to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

Alka had been considering waiting for a while to allow these Vastvas to accept the treasure's inspiration and become Touchers.

After becoming a toucher, you can begin to contact the outside world with your full physical body.

With the idea in mind, Alka walked directly to the captain's room and waved his finger to convey the information about the meeting.

Sitting in the captain's cabin, Alka began to look at some information in his hands, waiting for everyone to arrive.

As the door opened, people walked in one after another.

Not long after, everyone on the boat arrived.

"Everything on the island is pretty much done, it's time to start leaving here and heading to the next destination."

"Go to the world scar?" Xia Dai asked.

Alkar nodded: "Yes, we have to go there and kill the rat who is targeting us in the dark.

Otherwise, all our subsequent actions may cause unpredictable and huge crises. "

This was a question they had decided on in advance.

If you don't go to the World Scar to solve the problem of the Devouring Mouth.

They have to be careful in whatever they do from now on, there is an insidious guy in the dark.

This guy has obviously set his sights on Alka and the others, and must hold their souls in his hands.

Not to mention that they will have to collect the 12 trial towers later, which will cause conflicts with various forces.

The devil knows when the devouring mouth will trick them in the dark.

Once such action is taken at the most critical moment, it is very likely that they will pay an irreparable price.

So Alka decided to kill this rat first and then think of other things.

Although it may take several years or even more than ten years, it is worth it for them.

Moreover, the island where the Devouring Mouth is located, or rather the land, buries a huge empire.

The empire's treasures are countless, which means they are doing something serious.

They can also continue to enhance their strength through various wealth and treasures obtained. It is also a place with enough opponents.

And if the demon can be trapped there for so long, it is obvious that more knowledge and power to deal with the demon can be obtained in that area.

On the contrary, facing the devouring mouth, they were safer than outside.

"Now let's summarize the information about this place in detail."

Hearing Alka's words, Lucilia nodded and waved her hand, and a huge book appeared in front of everyone.

“According to the information we have collected during this period, the distance from the Twin Islands to the ruins of the Saraland Empire, that is, the scars of the world, takes about 4 to 6 months.

The Demon Hunting Judge you are talking about, Greyfar, is the leader of some of the remnants of the Saraland Empire, and he is a person who is more inclined to the Holy Mother Church.

He commands an organization called the Demon Hunting Inquisition, where all members are hate demons or remnants of the Empire. They are also a group of experts and elites in dealing with demons. "

“Because it’s the Scar of the World, it’s full of wars, and the churches of various gods and forces have troops there.

There is a unified Resistance Council, responsible for commanding all who come. "

Lucilia began to slowly tell about their knowledge of this place.

After all, the release of the demons there would not be a good thing for the entire world, so anyone who is not a fool will send their respective resources there.

Perhaps there may be various problems that are holding us back in other places, but you must know that there are still four gods weighing on top of this world.

They knew very well what problems would arise if they held each other back, so no mortal force dared to disobey the joint orders of the four gods.

Of course, this is all pieced together from a variety of information and books.

You have to go and see it on site to know exactly how it is.

After listening to Lucilia's story, Jason thought for a while and asked: "So I want to know how big that place is, and how difficult it would be if we wanted to kill the Devouring Mouth there?"

"How big it is... Let me think about it. By analogy, an island as big as Zehai can actually be called land."

"Is it that big? Alka said in surprise.

Now there is only the fragrant land of Zehai, which may be comparable.

It was also the largest island they had ever seen, just like a small piece of land.

Under the power of Huaxian's revival, it broke away from Zehai and became a huge island.

The overall area of ​​Zehai can really be described as a continent.

“Of course it’s not that big at the beginning, but because there are more and more demons after the scar in the world.

But as you know, the demons really have no advantage on the sea. They used the power of the abyss to summon a volcano there. Through the eruption of the volcano and the lava, they slowly expanded the area to an exaggeration like Zehai. area. "

Lucilia said.

Although the abyss is chaotic, there are all kinds of demons in strange shapes and shapes.

But generally speaking, these demons can only be called terrestrial creatures, and few can adapt to sea water.

Coupled with the blocking power of various churches and organizations, the demons pouring out of the scars of the world were completely blocked there.

Even if the devil expands its territory more and more, in addition to the blockade on the shore, there is also a blockade on the sea, almost surrounding it.

Maybe the power of the gods is at work there, and Alka even feels that there must be the power of the gods.

Until now the demons had not broken through that place, and as time went on it became increasingly difficult to break through there.

“As for the Devouring Mouth we want to kill, he was originally the vanguard officer of the invaders, and later became one of the leaders because of his merits.

There are three demon leaders in total, and the Devouring Mouth is the third one, and its strength is probably around the eighth stage. "

"I've just entered the eighth stage..." After hearing this, Juanlu leaned back in his chair. It was obvious that this was a long-term battle.

But I have to say that not solving this matter is indeed a problem. After all, it is not easy to be targeted by such a cunning demon.

"This is already the strength after weakening. Although the Infinite Sea is a broken world, it can still be regarded as a world and is protected by powerful gods.

These demons will only become stronger in the abyss. When they come here, they will be more or less suppressed by their strength.

The first time I entered the eighth stage was because the Devouring Mouth had been sealed and killed too many times during the God Wars era until now. "

Lucilia said as she flipped through the huge book in front of her.

They knew this early.

After all, the earliest record of the Devouring Mouth was in the Golden Age, but in that era, the Devouring Mouth was not really a big threat.

There are so many gods and various divine beings that could crush him to death.

At that time, everything he did in this world had to be done with caution.

In the end, he must have angered someone. He was crippled by a certain god during the God War era, and it took tens of thousands of years for him to recover again thousands of years ago.

The retelling brought down a powerful empire.

"So even if we kill him, he will not die. He will revive after many years?" Jason asked next to him.

Lucilia didn't need to answer this sentence. Urulius next to her said directly: "There are two ways. Rush into the abyss and kill him. According to tradition, this demon can be compared to a god in the abyss. exist.

The second method allows him to escape his body and soul from the abyss and come to reality. If you attack him with a targeted attack at this time, it is very likely that he will die completely.

Even if he doesn't die, he will be broken in the abyss and eaten by other hostile demons. "

After hearing these two words, it was obvious that Ululius meant very simply. Don't even think about killing it completely. It was very difficult.

"Although the Devouring Mouth is a demon, as we have seen before, this is a cunning demon who prefers demonic forms. There is no way he would put himself at such a disadvantage.

So our goal is to kill him once, so that he will have at least a few decades to have any impact on the world.

As for decades later, if we are still afraid of him at that time, then these decades may have been in vain," Alka said directly.

This sentence may sound a bit arrogant, but to everyone, it is indeed true.

Decades later, if they are still afraid of the newly resurrected Devouring Mouth, then they really shouldn't be.

"Okay, let's wait until we get to the World Scar before we think about it."

Alka knocked on the table as he spoke. The meeting was over, and then he said to everyone: "Exchange the remaining money we have for various materials we need, and just keep some for spare."

This time, they were obviously going to stay there for a long, long time.

"Also prepare more supplies for Vasteva."

After assigning some tasks, everyone left the captain's room.

Everyone started to get busy.


After a month, their family completed the purchase of various spell materials, ores and medicinal materials.

I have to say that their acquisition this time is indeed somewhat eye-catching.

The more advanced materials in the past month have almost been purchased by them.

Even more striking is their need for common supplies.

This time, they prepared enough supplies for the Vastva people to fully adapt to the magic of the Infinite Sea.

Of course, all the money spent was the wealth that the Vastva people had retained, which was an astonishing amount of wealth.

Their acquisitions even caused panic to ordinary civilians and businessmen to a certain extent.

As a result, someone from the church came to ask Alka what they wanted to do?

Because the supplies purchased by Alka and the others were enough to fight a big battle.

After resolving the misunderstanding and purchasing enough things, Alka and the others quickly left the Twin Islands.

Alka looked at the guidance flag placed on the rudder of the ship. The place where this flag guided was the scar of the world.

Gift from the Archbishop.

"Cough...cough..." An unfamiliar cough came from behind.

But Alka was used to it and turned around to look.

Behind him is a Vastva man without any protective gear.

This person is none other than Waku.

Although he is seasick, he is the one with the highest adaptability to magic power, and is often used as an experiment to adapt to magic power.

Of course, the experiment here is just a joke.

He is also the first Vastva to come to the Infinite Sea without wearing protective gear.

After all, his adaptability is already infinitely close to the magical intensity of the Infinite Sea, and he is also the first person to be inspired by the treasure.

However, it looked like he still had some allergies, but these allergies were very minor, just making his throat a little itchy and causing him to cough.

He had been outside for at least ten hours.

"How do you feel now?"

Hearing Alka's words, Waku nodded weakly: "It's much better than when it just came out."

"Come out tomorrow and keep getting used to it. If you're almost used to it, you can start meditating."

Waku nodded, he was quite looking forward to this.

Being able to freely control magic and so on, they have only seen it in history books.

After looking at the situation, let Waku return to the space.

As it got dark, Alka also fell into a dream.

Alka, who appeared in his dream bubble, did not leave his dream bubble. Instead, he leaned against the sky-high crystal pillar in the dream and stayed quietly.

The gold and silver energy in this transparent crystal column has long been filled, and it has almost become the sun of the dream world.

Surrounded by a lush forest, all kinds of plants grow in the forest, and there are all kinds of small animals running here.

Alka's dream shows a different vitality than everyone else's dream.

Only his dreams would have such a thing.

Suddenly I felt the fluctuation of my dream bubble, and someone came in.

The only ones who can enter his dream bubble are Xia Detti and Lucilia.

The movement should be Lucilia.

Sure enough, Lucilia, who had normal body proportions, floated down. Only in dreams can she make her body reach the proportions of a normal person.

In the outside world, it can only be achieved through the soul.

Perhaps due to the changes in the outside world, in the dream, Lucilia's once emerald green hairstyle also turned into a blood-red gradient among the emerald green.

She was wearing an ordinary light green dress, and she just flew down barefoot.

Looking at Lucilia floating down, Alka stood up with a smile, stretched out his hands and picked her up in a princess hug.

"Why do you want to come to my dream today?"

Alka asked with a smile, looking at Lucilia in her arms.

Lucilia looked at him and turned her head away: "Huh, I miss these little animals."


Alka asked with a smile, without letting her answer, just holding her and sitting on the grass.

He waved his hand.

Small animals wandering around gathered around.

The most numerous ones are elk one after another.

The fur of these elk is snow white, and the antlers are like jade.

Obviously not a normal creature.

The animals came around, played around the two men, and even jumped on them.

Under the illumination of the crystal pillars like the sun behind it, it looked so peaceful and peaceful.

Lucilia just leaned in Alka's arms, resting her head on his chin and playing with the little squirrel on her body.

Alka put her hands through Lucilia's abdomen and hugged her. He moved his head slightly and put it next to Lucilia's ear.

Gently smell the fresh and fragrant scent that is unique to Lucilia.

Look at Lucilia's somewhat pointed ears.

Suddenly rubbed.

"Oh, what are you doing? My hair is messed up."

"what is the relationship."

Suddenly something came to mind, and Alka whispered something in Lucilia's ear.

Lucilia's face turned red and she shook her head dissatisfiedly: "No, I don't want to wear that."

"Wear it, I want to see it."

At Alka's request, Lucilia's face turned red and she nodded helplessly.

"Oh well."

As he spoke, he stood up, then thought of something and turned around.

"You're not allowed to look."

"I didn't look, I blocked my vision."

Alka stared at Lucilia without blinking, talking nonsense.


Lucilia said no more and turned around in a circle, her clothes changing.

It turned into the kind of clothes Alka saw when she entered her dream for the first time.

White transparent tulle wraps her hands, and she wears some hollow clothes that perfectly outline her figure.

Wearing this dress is completely different from Lucilia's usual temperament.

Alka just watched it intently.

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