As the first ray of light in the morning shone on the tent, Shen Yuan, who was running the cloud breathing method, slowly woke up from his cultivation state.

Ever since he first started using the cloud and mist breathing method, Shen Yuan has become accustomed to using the cloud and mist breathing method instead of sleeping. The effect of the running breathing method to move the circulation of the sky and feel the rhythm of the heaven and earth is far beyond that of simple sleep.

Under normal circumstances, Shen Yuan only needs to meditate on the cloud breathing method for four hours to maintain his mental state for a whole day.

However, yesterday was obviously different from usual. Shen Yuan's practice time was more than doubled, and it was only now that he was able to replenish his mental state. According to Shen Yuan's estimation, it should be related to the previous use of Hutian's magical power to consume a large amount of spiritual energy.

Walking out of the tent, Shen Yuan began to pack things in the camp and prepare to return. Whether it was the remains of the campfire or the traces of the camp, Shen Yuan took care of them one by one.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there is no need for Shen Yuan to stay in the Yunwu Mountains.

The speed of practicing in the Yunwu Mountains is indeed much faster than that in the city, but Shen Yuan is not ready to completely separate from society and become a practicing hermit.

What's more, it would be okay if he quit the tour group and entered the Yunwu Mountains alone for a short period of time. If he chose to call the police if his family couldn't contact him over time, it might cause some unnecessary trouble, so it would be better to go back early.

Before leaving, Shen Yuan specially took a look at the situation in Luoyun Cave.

Shen Yuan used the order to ascend to immortality to open the Luoyun Cave, allowing the cave that had been sealed for ten thousand years to see the light of day again, but at the same time it also broke the balance that the cave had maintained for ten thousand years.

The cave space, which was already on the verge of collapse, became increasingly unstable. The cracks in the broken sky began to spread toward the earth. The Luoyun Cave Sky would completely collapse in at most half a day.

The purpose of Shen Yuan's trip has been achieved. All written records and magical artifacts related to practice in Luoyun Cave have been erased, leaving only empty shells. There is no point in further exploration.

Shen Yuan just used the space power of Hutian's magical power to slightly cover the entrance to the cave, and then directly chose to leave.

Compared with the difficulty when he first entered the mountains to find the Luoyun Sect, Shen Yuan no longer had any restraints at this moment. He relied on several times the physical fitness of ordinary people to reach the outskirts of the Yunwu Mountains in just half a day.

On the periphery, you can already see the roads built in the scenic area and some discarded garbage. Occasionally, you can see some tourists traveling around with the tour guide on the road.

Mixing in the crowd, Shen Yuan easily returned to the scenic spot and got on the return car.

In the car, Shen Yuan turned on his cell phone, which had been turned off for four days. A series of message reminders and missed calls made Shen Yuan's cell phone ring non-stop.

Most of the messages come from a number called Laojie Notes.

Sister: I heard that you traveled recently? Young people should go out more and walk around more. If you feel like staying at home all day, just tell me if you are short of money.

Sister: Why didn’t I reply to the message I sent you yesterday? Could it be that they are in love? Which girl? Pretty or not?

Sister: I heard that there has been a lot of chaos in Myanmar recently, and many people have disappeared. Some people say that they were dragged into selling organs, while others say that they are some kind of evil heretic trying to lower their heads. Don’t be deceived.

Sister: You can’t even go to the beach. I heard that Yingzhou is doing a lot of radiation pollution and has raised a bunch of weird guys. Snakes with eight heads have escaped from the nuclear power plant.

Old lady: You boy, you should reply!

Sister: You’re not really going to Myanmar, are you?

During the four days that I entered the Yunwu Mountains, I was bombarded with unprecedented information, and my phone calls were as frequent as every two or three hours.

Although Shen Yuan was a little bit dumbfounded by the above-mentioned stories about him being taken to Burma as a kidney, the concern and anxiety in those messages still moved Shen Yuan.

After time travel, Shen Yuan has been obsessed with spiritual practice. Due to various reasons, most of his so-called relatives and friends have lost contact, and even the nominal parents don't pay much attention to him.

Only this sister Shen Yu has always cared about Shen Yuan and provided him with a lot of help in life. In half a year, even a stone would be heated up, let alone a living person like Shen Yuan.

With Shen Yuan's undisciplined temperament, the reason why he did not directly find a famous mountain or river to start practicing with concentration was largely because of Shen Yu.

Touching the screen with his finger, Shen Yuan sent Shen Yu his first message in four days.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Less than a minute after the message was sent, Shen Yuan's cell phone rang immediately. Even without looking at Shen Yuan, he knew who was calling.

Pressing the answer button, a violent and angry voice immediately came from the other end of the phone.

"Where have you been these past few days?"

Feeling Shen Yu's anger, he put the phone slightly away from his ears, and Shen Yuan said nonsense seriously:

"I've been playing in the mountains these past few days. Now I'm on my way back to the rental house. You don't have to worry. My phone is almost out of gas, so hang up first."

Before Shen Yu could respond, Shen Yuan immediately hung up the phone and expertly put Shen Yu on the phone blacklist.

He knew very well that if Shen Yu was really allowed to speak, he would not be able to stop for three hours, so he had to wait for the other person to calm down before continuing the conversation.

Looking at the flashing message records on his phone, as well as a series of angry cat emoticons, Shen Yuan's lips curved slightly.

While Shen Yuan was teasing his sister, the changes in the Yunwu Mountains finally began to ferment.

Shortly after Shen Yuan left, the Zhennan Army blocked many entrances to the depths of the Yunwu Mountains.

As for the scenic spots outside Yunwu Mountain, they have been suspended for a long time, and all tourists in the scenic spots have been arranged to evacuate to the next city in an orderly manner after receiving certain compensation.

Near the entrance of the Yunwu Mountains, engineering soldiers and construction machinery began to build a command center.

Half an hour later, a helicopter slowly parked on the newly cleared apron. A middle-aged man in rich clothes and a majestic appearance stepped off the helicopter and came to the command center of the Zhennan Army.

Behind him was an old Taoist wearing a blue Taoist robe and holding a fly whisk, looking like an immortal Taoist.

This majestic middle-aged man is the Marquis of Zhennan who is in charge of the Three States, and the Yunwu Mountains are the territory under his jurisdiction.

As early as yesterday, a stargazer in the Qintian Prison of the imperial capital had an insight into the opening of a cave in Daxia. However, due to the sudden incident, he was unable to locate the exact location even though he used all possible means.

It wasn't until the closure of the cave this morning that another celestial phenomenon occurred, and Qin Tianjian used Ziwei Dou Shu's deduction to finally determine that this cave was located in the Yunwu Mountains.

As soon as he learned about this, Zhennan Hou sealed off the Yunwu Mountains and invited the chief priest of the Hou Mansion to go to the Yunwu Mountains to confirm the specific location of the cave.

Blocking the entrance to the Yunwu Mountains seems to be a huge move, but Zhennan Hou knows very well that this is just the beginning.

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